Displaying 20 results from an estimated 11000 matches similar to: "install.packages Error"
2010 May 13
R cannot access the web?
I had originally posted regarding an error when trying to install package -
GenABEL - it has now become clear that R is not able to connect to the net.
Below are a couple of things I've tried with the resulting errors
I am running R 2.6.2 on Linux e15 X86
How can I fix this? Thank you!
1) download.file("http://www.nytimes.com", destfile<-tempfile())
trying URL
2013 Jan 08
problems when loading package GenABEL
Dear all,
since yesterday, I have been experiencing problems with the package
GenABEL. When I try to load the package (library(GenABEL)) I get the
following error message:
Loading required package: MASS
Error : .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'GenABEL', details:
call: stringSplit[[1]]
error: subscript out of bounds
Error: package/namespace load failed for ?GenABEL?
The funny
2010 Feb 23
GenABEL - problems with load.gwaa.data
Hi all! I am using GenABEL on R for GWAS analysis. I am having a couple of
First, I am having a problem reading files (.map, & .ped, size 900Mb, using
windows 32-bit) onto R in the "convert.snp.ped" statement. I am thinking
this problem is likely due to the large size of the files & my version of R
is not able to handle them, since I can read in smaller files.
2010 Feb 24
R error- "more columns than column names"
Hi all! I am desperately trying to figure out the solution to this error, but
nothing as of yet is working.
As noted in an earlier post I am using GenABEL. In an attempt to read in
the phenotype file, in the format .dat, R keeps giving me the error "more
columns than column names"
I have tried to read in the data without the headers; I have also tried to
trim the data to remove any
2010 May 20
ERROR: cannot allocate vector of size?
I've looked through all of the posts about this issue (and there are
plenty!) but I am still unable to solve the error. ERROR: cannot allocate
vector of size 455 Mb
I am using R 2.6.2 - x86_64 on a Linux x86_64 Redhat cluster system. When I
log in, based on the specs I provide [qsub -I -X -l arch=x86_64] I am
randomly assigned to a x86_64 node.
I am using package GenABEL. My data (~ 650,000
2010 Aug 05
an issue about missing data
I am using a function 'polygenic' in the package called 'GenABEL'.
> h2.gs <- polygenic(b.dbp~age+age2+age3+sex+b.bmi, kin=gs.gkin, data=gs)
## and I got the following error message:
Error in svd(X): infinite or
2010 May 28
how to use GenABEL genetic information??
Does anyone use the R library GenABEL? I am using it to calculate SNP
I have a list of 100 SNPs, I need to look at the interaction between each of
two SNPs among the list. my question is how to perform this in GenABEL. I
want to use the "lm" function, but don't know how to use the SNP
for example:
result <- (lm(y~SNP1+SNP2+SNP1*SNP2))
the problem here
2012 Aug 24
A question about GRAMMAR calculations in the FAM_MDR algorithm
Dear R developers:
I am a PHD candidate student in the school of public health of Peking
University and my major is genetic epidemiology. I am learning the FAM-MDR
algorithm, which is used to detect the gene-gene and gene-environment
interactions in the data of pedigree. The codes were written by Tom
Cattaert of the University of Liege. The algorithms and the sample datasets
are available at
2012 Nov 09
Kinship2 and GenABEL
I'm using kinship2 to calculate heritabilty, but I would like calculate in
GenABEL too.
I trying the code:
> require(kinship2)
> require(GenABEL)
> pedig = with(Dados, pedigree(id=IID, dadid=PAT, momid=MAT, sex=SEX,
famid=FID, missid=0))
> kmat = kinship(pedig)
> (mod1 = polygenic(altura ~ SEX + idade, data=Dados, kin=kmat))
Erro em intI(i, n = d[1],
2005 Feb 28
Unable to install packages
> Dear Sirs ,
> Today I've downloaded the last release of the R-Program (I an a novel user). I am interested on performing time series analysys (regression,ARIMA,ARCH) to some data-sets, therefore I would like to use some of the packages of R-Contributors (like the tseries one).When I try to install or update packages from CRAN the following text always appear:
> local({a <-
2010 Jul 15
impute2mach GenABEL conversion problem
I've been trying to use the impute2mach function in the GenABEL library. I
unfortunately cannot make a working example as when I scale down the files I
no longer get an error message.
The error message that I get on the full file is:
Error in checkSlotAssignment(object, name, value) :
assignment of an object of class "NULL" is not valid for slot "data" in an
2002 Dec 30
Writing packages with `methods' package
I'm trying to write a package which uses classes/methods as defined in the
`methods' package. I have a single .R file which defines the class and
various methods for that class. At the top of the file I have
and then
setClass("myclass", ...)
setMethod("intersect", "myclass", function(x,y) ...)
I noticed
2009 Feb 23
[S] ASA Southern California Chapter Applied Statistics Workshop
The workshop organizing committee of the Southern California Chapter
of the American Statistical Association announces the 28th Annual
Workshop in Applied Statistics.
Professor Colin Cameron from the department of Economics at UC Davis
will give a one-day workshop titled "Advances in Count Data Regression."
The event will take place on Saturday, March 28, 2009 at UCLA.
Details on
2002 Apr 06
packages in OS X
Simple CRAN packages which do not compile without modifications (all
others do)
-- akima
/usr/bin/ld: multiple definitions of symbol _idlc_
-- fracdiff
/usr/bin/ld: multiple definitions of symbol _gammfd_
(and others)
-- odesolve
2004 Jan 17
a trojan is on your computer!
hi, I am from Norway and you'll don't believe me,
but a trojan horse in on your pc.
I've scanned the network-ports on the internet. (I know, that's illegal)
And I have found your pc. Your pc is open on the internet for everybody!
Because the smss.exe trojan is running on your system.
Check this, open the task manager and try to stop that!
You'll see, you can't stop this
2002 Oct 24
packages in non-system directories
Quick question about installing packages on a system where you do not have
root access. Suppose a person is using R on a shared system where he
cannot write to the installation directory (i.e. /usr/local/lib/R). What
general advice would you give regarding where to install packages from
CRAN. Should he use the R_LIBS environment variable or maybe .libPaths()
in R or .Renviron?
2008 Jan 26
Read stata file from internet?
Dear R-helpers,
I would like to have my students read into R an online Stata dataset: 'http://www.stat.ucla.edu/projects/datasets/risk_project.dta'
I was able to read it into R after downloading it and converting it
with StatTransfer (http://www.stattransfer.com/).
Here is what happens when I use read.dta() as I would use read.table():
> require(foreign)
> risk2 <-
2010 Nov 03
how to handle 'gwaa@gtdata' ?
I have a few questions about GenABEL, gwaa data.
1) is there a universal way that most GenABEL people use to add more
individuals into a 'gwaa' data? For example, I have a 'gwaa' data, but I
need to add some dummy parents, for 'gwaa at phdata', it's easy to add these
rows, but for 'gwaa at gtdata', I think I need to create SNP data as '0 0 0 0
2011 Jan 28
trojan at current development version?
is it possible, that the current development version for Windows (
http://cran.at.r-project.org/bin/windows/base/R-2.13.0dev-win.exe) is
infected by a trojan/virus. My antivir-program (www.avira.com) seems to find
a trojan in open.exe at bin\i386.
Best regards,
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2002 Oct 06
I have build R-1.6.0 on Jaguar (actually on 10.2.2), using gcc 3.1
from Apple, g77 3.1 from fink, ATLAS from fink. It passes all
checks OK.
I also re-compiled the 233 packages listed below
with the same setup. I have NOT tested all these
packages in any detail. A tar.gz file with the whole /usr/local/lib/R
will be on ftp://gifi.stat.ucla.edu on Tuesday. It will NOT include
anything from fink