similar to: Creating my own analyzer

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "Creating my own analyzer"

2006 Aug 18
Portuguese Stemming
Today while compiling ferret I noticed there was a Portuguese stemmer being compiled. How do I enable it''s use for my index? Pedro.
2006 Jul 31
Sorting performance
I''m using acts_as_ferret to index one of my rails models. Right after I start the app the first request that orders by some ferret field will take very long. Subsequent ones seem to be fast. I guess some caching is going on. Any tips on solving this? Pedro.
2006 Aug 01
Problem importing lots of records
I run a script that imports a few thousand records into the database. The script runs once for each of several XML files. What it does is parse the XML and for each element of a certain type creates a record in a rails database that gets indexed with acts_as_ferret. This worked fine before but today after a few files (70000 records) this started to happen for any file I tried:
2006 May 05
Sorting by score
I''m trying to sort by score but it seems like SortField::SortType::SCORE is 0 instead of a SortType. A test case is attached. Without the C extensions the test passes, so I guess it''s a bug in them. Should I be using it without the extensions? Because if that''s the case I have some other bugs to report. Greetings, Pedro C?rte-Real -------------- next part
2006 Apr 21
Sorting Search results
I tried sorting the search results in Ferret::Index::Index#search and what I found was that the sort is applied not to the whole search but to the returned results. Suppose I have these results: Text - Num foo - 2 bar - 3 far - 4 boo - 1 If I limit the search to the first two and sort by num I get: foo - 2 bar - 3 while I think the natural behaviour would be: boo - 1 foo - 2 Is this
2006 Oct 23
Trouble with custom Analyzer
Hi! I wanted to build my own custom Analyzer like so: class Analyzer < Ferret::Analysis::Analyzer include Ferret::Analysis def initialize(stop_words = ENGLISH_STOP_WORDS) @stop_words = stop_words end def token_stream(field, string), true), @stop_words) end end As one can easily spot, I essentially want
2007 Mar 28
trouble with PerFieldAnalyzer
I''m having trouble with PerFieldAnalyzer (ferret version 0.10.14). Script: require ''rubygems'' require ''ferret'' require ''pp'' include Ferret::Analysis include Ferret::Index class TestAnalyzer def token_stream field, input pp field pp input end end pfa =
2009 Apr 09
Weird analyzer issue with the word ''fly''
Hi all I''m using a_a_f in rails with a StemmingAnalyzer, in the index and in my search. I got the idea from this topic: I''m having a problem with some search terms - i narrowed one of them down to the inclusion of the word ''fly''. Can anyone give me any clues at to what might be happening, or even how i can investigate?
2007 Nov 13
acts_as_ferret : cannot use a customized Analyzer (as indicated in the AdvancedUsageNotes)
Hi all, I cannot make aaf (rev. 220) use my custom analyzer, despite following the indications @ To pinpoint the problem, I created a model + a simple analyzer with 2 stop words : "fax" and "gsm". test 1 : model.rebuild_index + model.find_by_contents("fax") # fax is a stop word. => I get a
2006 May 09
Reverse sorts by score
The docs for say: reverse: pass true if you want the sort order to be reversed. Only works if you pass the field names. Does this mean it''s not possible to do a reverse sort by score? If it is it seems to be broken as I don''t seem to be able to reverse the order of the sort. I''ll write a test case if this is not a known problem. Greetings, Pedro.
2007 Mar 06
case-sensitivity of analyzer
Is there anything about this analyzer that says "case-sensitive" to you? module Ferret::Analysis class StemmingAnalyzer def token_stream(field, text) end end end Just wondering how I can force my index to be case-insensitive. Thanks, -Adam -- Posted via
2007 Jan 11
stop words in query
Hello all, Quick question, I''m using AAF and the following custom analyzer: class StemmedAnalyzer < Ferret::Analysis::Analyzer include Ferret::Analysis def initialize(stop_words = ENGLISH_STOP_WORDS) @stop_words = stop_words end def token_stream(field, str), @stop_words)) end However when
2006 Sep 15
Custom analyzer not invoked?
Hello, I''m trying to define my own analyzer by doing something like: #----------------------------------------------------- require ''ferret'' include Ferret class MyAnalyzer < Analysis::Analyzer def token_stream(field, str) # Display results of analysis puts ''Analyzing: field:%s str:%s'' % [field, str] t =
2007 May 03
Custom analyzer weirdness with 0.11.3
Hi- I was previously using 0.11.4, and I wrote my own analyzer. Everything worked fine. When I took the system to production, 0.11.4 starting failing updating the index, complaining that files were missing. The failure always happened on the same model document, and was completely reproducible. This failure looked a lot like the one described at I
2007 Sep 07
Custom Analyser .. where to put it ??
Hi, I m trying to use a custom analyser to add my french stop words... i m reading the tutorial at : My problem is that i ve no idea where to put my custom Analyser class like : class GermanStemmingAnalyzer < Ferret::Analysis::Analyzer include Ferret::Analysis def initialize(stop_words = FULL_GERMAN_STOP_WORDS)
2006 Dec 08
Using custom stem analyzer giving mongrel errors
I''m using the custom stem analyzer: require ''rubygems'' require ''ferret'' include Ferret module Ferret::Analysis class FerretAnalyzer def initialize(stop_words = FULL_ENGLISH_STOP_WORDS) @stop_words = stop_words end def token_stream(field, text),
2007 Nov 09
Problem with stemming and AAF
I''m sure I''m missing something completely obvious here, so I hope someone can point me in the right direction! I''ve implemented a basic search with AAF, which works as expected; I''m running a ferret drb server, and using will_paginate to page results. The code in my search_controller.rb: search_text = params[:query] || " " @products =
2006 Nov 13
Stemming, stop words, acts_as_ferret
I''d like to get the following behavior: 1. Stemming. The search is on a database of summaries of California legal cases. Things like a search for "thermal image" needs to hit "thermal imaging." 2. Stop words. Searches for "failing to instruct the jury" should come up with hits on a search for "fail to instruct." 3. Case-insensitive. What I
2006 Dec 06
Stem Analyzer
Hi all, I am trying to implement a search that will use the Stem Analyzer. I added the Stem Anaylzer from the examples shown in another post module Ferret::Analysis class StemmingAnalyzer def token_stream(field, text) end end end The problem with the Stem analyzer is that when I search for a
2006 Apr 27
Ferret crashing Ruby
I''ve gotten several problems with C ferret crashing ruby. Here''s the stack trace of my latest case: #0 0x00000050 in ?? () #1 0xb74028ab in iw_close (iw=0x8685a40) at index_rw.c:947 #2 0xb7414359 in index_destroy (self=0x829ebc0) at ind.c:89 #3 0xb73f00bc in frt_ind_free (p=0x829ebc0) at r_search.c:1564 #4 0xb7f04dca in rb_gc_call_finalizer_at_exit () from