similar to: Find solution for an error in the condition of if

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "Find solution for an error in the condition of if"

2008 Nov 27
lmer refuses nested random factors
I am trying to run the following model in R > lmer(leaves.eaten~Geocytotype+(1|TEST/ PLANT),data=cyphoplantfeeding,family=poisson) My experimental setup is 41 replicates (TEST) of an experiment in which there are three Geocytotypes of a plant species in each TEST, and two plant pseudoreplicates per Geocytotype in each test (i.e. 3*2=6 plants per test). So my random factors are trying
2020 Jan 09
Hello, Is there a reason for the following behaviour? > mean(c("1","2","3")) [1] NA Warning message: In mean.default(c("1", "2", "3")) : l'argument n'est ni num?rique, ni logique : renvoi de NA But: > var(c("1","2","3")) [1] 1 And also: >
2020 Jan 09
I think median() behaves as designed: As long as the argument can be ordered, the "middle observation" makes sense, except when the middle falls between two categories, and you can't define and average of the two candidates for a median. The "sick man" would seem to be var(). Notice that it is also inconsistent with cov(): >
2006 Nov 15
trellis.par.set and grid : how to set by default that I want a grid on my graphes ?
Hello all, I want to draw a grid behind my graphes, using lattice package. I manage to do it with instructions like this one : xyplot(Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width ~ Petal.Length , data = iris, allow.multiple = TRUE, scales = "same",type="l", panel = function(...) { panel.grid(h=-1, v= -1) ; panel.superpose(...) } ) I was wondering if there were a way to do it
2007 May 15
hello, I don't understand what's happen just before the textConnection function runs good but now it doesn't run > Line[1] [1] "if C325=. then C743=(C152/C103)*100| else C743=(C152/C325)*100" > textConnection(Line[1]) Erreur dans textConnection(Line[1]) : toutes les connexions sont utilisées why R display that?
2004 Dec 26
Un peu d'aide
Bonjour, Je voudrais faire un petit programme sous R dans lequel je ferais intervenir des parametres que j'initialiserais dans R directement ou dans un fichier txt(des naturels, reels et caracteres). N'auriez vous pas des programmes deja fait qui reprennent ces techniques? De plus, je voudrais pouvoir travailler avec la distribution exp (rexp) de parametres: moyenne=1 et variance=1.
2009 Feb 13
téléchargement et affichage d'image avec HtmlWindow
2005 Feb 07
questions sur R
bonjour, Je suis actuellement en derniere annee d'ecole d'ingenieur en informatique et statistiques et je dois réaliser mon projet de fin d'études sur le logiciel R. En fait, je dois réaliser un scoring sous R puis le meme sous SAS et comparer les resultats. Mon fichier se prete à une regression logistique. J'ai donc utilisé la fonction glm sous R et Catmod sous SAS seumement, je
2013 Mar 15
reviewer comment
Un texte encapsul? et encod? dans un jeu de caract?res inconnu a ?t? nettoy?... Nom : non disponible URL : <>
2010 Jul 30
creation package
Dear r-help, I create a package. When I installed this package (I use this command : R CMD check namepackage),I find an error: * checking whether package 'namepackage' can be installed ... ERROR Installation failed. Could you help me to find solution for this error. Best Regards [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 May 10
empty matrix
Dear r-help, Could you help me to find the function which create an empty matrix. I use matrix(), but it gives *a single value that is NA and length of this matrix is 1.* ** *Best Regards* [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 May 05
t.test per line
Dear All, I apologize for this trivial question, I can not find the solution I try to use t.test function per line in the data.frame, But i dont'understand the error message my program is as follows group1<-gl(2,20) fun<-function(x){ m<-data.frame(group1,x) #anova(aov(x ~ group1, m)) t.est(x ~ group1,m) } ttest<- apply(data, 1, fun) Error in t.test.default(x = c(1, 1,
2010 Jan 25
Hi all Assume I have a data set xx; Group: 1=group1 ?, 2=group2 IQ: ?1= High, 0 =low fit <- glm(IQ ~group, data = xx, family = binomial()) summary(fit) Results ?????? ????????????Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|) (Intercept) -2.55456??? 0.210 -12.273? < 5e-16 *** group????????? 0.36180 ?????0.076?? 3.952 ????5.24e-05 *** the odd ratio = exp(0.36180 )= 1.435912 My question
2011 May 25
Fwd: transpose ?
Un texte encapsul? et encod? dans un jeu de caract?res inconnu a ?t? nettoy?... Nom : non disponible URL : <>
2011 May 25
transpose ?
Un texte encapsul? et encod? dans un jeu de caract?res inconnu a ?t? nettoy?... Nom : non disponible URL : <>
2011 Jun 20
Unreasonable syntax error PSC.r Hi all, I just wrote a program in R by editing it in Microsoft Word and then pasting into the text editor of R. The above is the file. And below is what the console complains.... Why doesn't it recognise 'r'?? I have to mention that at least when I typed this first several lines into the console, the first error didn't
2011 May 24
Hello evryone, Thank you for helping me to choose a CRAN MIRROR. When Icome to choose a mirror an error message comes: >Message d'avis : In open.connection(con, "r") : connexion ? '' impossible sur le port 80. Again, I managed to download th package but an error message during the installation comes to me: >Erreur dans gzfile(file,
2007 May 04
hello, > subset(swiss, Agriculture > 60 & Examination != c(14,16), select = c(Agriculture,Examination,Catholic)) Agriculture Examination Catholic Broye 70.2 16 3.30 Glane 67.8 14 4.20 Aigle 62.0 21 5.16 Avenches 60.7 19 5.23 Cossonay 69.3 22 5.62
2012 Oct 24
R CMD BATCH: set locale?
Hi I would like to change the locale when using R CMD BATCH. Usually, if I want to run it in english, for R in console/GUIs, I edit the .Rprofile file, adding: Sys.setlocale("LC_ALL","en_US.UTF8") Sys.setlocale("LC_MESSAGES","en_US.UTF8") But while this works for interactive R, it does not for R CMD BATCH. The problem is that running tests for a package,
2020 Jan 09
Jean-Luc, Please keep the communications on the list, for the benefit of others, now and in the future, via the list archive. I am adding r-devel back here. I can't speak to the rationale in some of these cases. As I noted, it may be (is likely) due to differing authors over time, and there may have been relevant use cases at the time that the code was written, resulting in the various