similar to: Cluster analysis: dissimilar results between R and SPSS

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Cluster analysis: dissimilar results between R and SPSS"

2009 Feb 20
cluster analysis: mean values for each variable and cluster
Hi all! I'm new to R and don't know many about it. Because it is free, I managed to learn it a little bit. Here is my problem: I did a cluster analysis on 30 observations and 16 variables (monde, figaro, liberation, etc.). Here is the .txt data file:
2001 Apr 25
problems with a large data set
Hello, I have trouble with a data set that comprises 2136 lines of 20 columns. I would like to do a hierarchical clustering and I tried the following: ages.hclust <- hclust(dist(ages, method="euclidean"), "ward") but I get the following error message: Error: cannot allocate vector of size 17797 Kb When I try to do the dist() alone first without the hclust(), I get the
2013 Mar 28
hierarchical clustering with pearson's coefficient
Hello, I want to use pearson's correlation as distance between observations and then use any centroid based linkage distance (ex. Ward's distance) When linkage distances are formed as the Lance-Williams recursive formulation, they just require the initial distance between observations. See here: It is said that you have to use euclidean
2009 Oct 21
squared euclidean distance
Dear R-Help-Team, I would like to cluster my data using the ward-method. In several papers I read (e.g. Bahrenberg) that it is neccesary to use the "squared euclidean distance" with the ward-method. Unfortunatelly I cannot find this term in r as a method for measuring the distance. Does anybody have an idea? Thanks in advance, Carolin [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Dec 07
pvclust warning message
Hi all I am trying to perform the follwing: fit<-pvclust(wq, method.hclust="ward", method.dist="euclidean") but get a strange error message that I just cant figure out. Has anyone come across this? Any help would be most appricieated Error in hclust(distance, method = method.hclust) : NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 11) In addition: Warning message: NAs
2011 Dec 12
Is there a way to print branch distances for hclust function?
The R function hclust is used to do cluster analysis, but based on R help I see no way to print the actual fusion distances (that is, the vertical distances for each connected branch pairs seen in the cluster dendrogram). Any ideas? I'd like to use them test for significant differences from the mean fusion distance (i.e. The Best Cut Test). To perform a cluster analysis I'm using: x
2004 Oct 11
hclust title and paste - messed up
I use the following code to scan a (limited) parameter space of clustering strategies ... data <- read.table(... dataTranspose <- t(data) distMeth <- c("euclidean", "maximum", "manhattan", "canberra", "binary" ) clustMeth <- c("ward",
2001 Jun 12
cophenetic matrix
Hello, I analyse some free-sorting data so I use hierarchical clustering. I want to compare my proximity matrix with the tree representation to evalute the fitting. (stress, cophenetic correlation (pearson's correlation)...) "The cophenetic similarity of two objects a and b is defined as the similarity level at wich objects a and b become members of the same cluster during the course of
2004 Jan 04
Analyzing dendograms??
I have used heatmap to visualize my microarray data. I have a matrix of M-values. I do the following. #The distance between the columns. sampdist <- dist(t(matrix[,]), method="euclidean") sclus <- hclust(sampdist, method="average") #The distance between the rows. genedist <- dist(matrix[,], method="euclidean") gclus <- hclust(genedist,
2010 May 05
custom metric for dist for use with hclust/kmeans
Hi guys, I've been using the kmeans and hclust functions for some time now and was wondering if I could specify a custom metric when passing my data frame into hclust as a distance matrix. Actually, kmeans doesn't even take a distance matrix; it takes the data frame directly. I was wondering if there's a way or if there's a package that lets you create distance matrices from
2013 Jan 18
Hclust tree to Figtree w/ branch lengths
Hi, I'm doing hierarchical clustering, and want to export my dendrogram to a tree-viewing/editing software. I can do this by converting the data to Newick format (hc2Newick in ctc package), but I can't get branch lengths to show in the resulting phylogram. I figured it might help to convert my hclust object into a phylo object (as.phylo in ape package), but the following lines give me
2012 Jul 04
Error in hclust?
Dear R users, I have noted a difference in the merge distances given by hclust using centroid method. For the following data: x<-c(1009.9,1012.5,1011.1,1011.8,1009.3,1010.6) and using Euclidean distance, hclust using centroid method gives the following results: > x.dist<-dist(x) > x.aah<-hclust(x.dist,method="centroid") > x.aah$merge [,1] [,2] [1,] -3 -6
2003 May 06
S's plclust and R's hclust
Hello everyone, Does anyone know how to implement the argument "unit" in R's plclust function ? I used to use Splus where this argument exists but it has not been implemented in R's plclust. The reason why I switched from Splus to R is that Ward's method is not implemented for S's hclust whereas it is implemented for R's hclust. What I would need is S's plclust
2003 Nov 04
hclust doesn't return merge details [Solved]
Thanks to Andy and Thomas, Reading help(hclust) more carefully would have done it but sometimes you do not see the wood for the trees... So hc$merge does exactly what I want. I have never been aware of the command str to get the structure of an R-object. It seems pretty useful to me. Thanks, Arne > -----Original Message----- > From: Liaw, Andy [mailto:andy_liaw at] >
2010 Feb 11
cluster/distance large matrix
Hi all, I've stumbled upon some memory limitations for the analysis that I want to run. I've a matrix of distances between 38000 objects. These distances were calculated outside of R. I want to cluster these objects. For smaller sets (egn=100) this is how I proceed: A<-matrix(scan(file, n=100*100),100,100, byrow=TRUE) ad<-as.dist(A)
2017 Jun 21
getting error while trying to make dendogram based on gene expression
I am trying to make dendogram based on gene expression matrix , but getting some error: I countMatrix = read.table("count.row.txt",header=T,sep='\t',check.names=F) colnames(countMatrix) count_matrix <- countMatrix[,-1] # remove first column (gene names) rownames(count_matrix) <- countMatrix[,1] #added first column gene names as rownames) >
2013 Apr 21
cluster gene list
Hi, I have created a heatmap using heatmap.2 having 7 clusters. I would like to extract the list of genes that are in these 7 clusters. Is there any function that can be used to extract genes for each cluster? Cheers, Sudhir -- __________________________________________________________ SAVE PAPER - Please do not print this e-mail unless absolutely necessary Being happy doesn't mean
2010 May 25
Hierarchical clustering using own distance matrices
Hey Everyone! I wanted to carry out Hierarchical clustering using distance matrices i have calculated ( instead of euclidean distance etc.) I understand as.dist is the function for this, but the distances in the dendrogram i got by using the following script(1) were not the distances defined in my distance matrices. script: var<-read.table("the distance matrix i calculated",
2007 Oct 18
cluster analysis
Hi Sir How to perform cluster analysis using Ward's method and K- means clustering? Regards -- AMINA SHAHZADI Department of Statistics GC University Lahore, Pakistan. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 May 17
simprof test using jaccard distance
Dear All, I would like to use the simprof function (clustsig package) but the available distances do not include Jaccard distance, which is the most appropriate for pres/abs community data. Here is the core of the function: > simprof function (data, num.expected = 1000, num.simulated = 999, method.cluster = "average", method.distance = "euclidean", method.transform =