similar to: substract start from the end of the vector

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "substract start from the end of the vector"

2010 Apr 29
convert Factor as numeric
Dear group, I know this issue has been already covered, and before you reply I must say I have read the R-FAQ and search the mailing list archive. I still can't manage to change my factor to numeric as I couldn't find any clear answer. Here is my df : Pose1 <- structure(list(DESCRIPTION = structure(c(1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 8L), .Label = c(" SUGAR NO.11 May/10 ", "COTTON
2010 Apr 16
data frame manipulation
2010 Apr 15
sum rows in a data.frame...solution
Found this solution. It is maybe not the most elegant way, but it does the job. >$DESCRIPTION,1,14)) > colnames(a)=c("DESCRIPTION") >,lme[,2:3])) > lme DESCRIPTION CLOSING.PRICE POSITION 1 PRIMARY NICKEL 25,755.7100 0 2 PRIMARY NICKEL 25,760.8600 0 3 PRM HGH GD ALU 2,415.9000 0
2010 Apr 30
read.csv and blank character in object name of my data.frame
Dear group, Here is my data frame: position100415 <- structure(list(DESCRIPTION = structure(1:9, .Label = c(" SUGAR NO.11 Jul/10 ", " SUGAR NO.11 May/10 ", "CORN May/10 ", "COTTON NO.2 Jul/10 ", "CRUDE OIL miNY May/10 ", "ROBUSTA COFFEE (10) Jul/10 ", "SILVER May/10 ", "SOYBEANS Jul/10 ", "WHEAT May/10
2010 May 11
merge two data frames
Dear group, I have these 2 following data frame: allcon <- structure(list(DESCRIPTION = structure(1:17, .Label = c("COFFEE C Jul/10", "COPPER May/10", "CORN Jul/10", "CORN May/10", "COTTON NO.2 Jul/10", "CRUDE OIL miNY May/10", "GOLD Jun/10", "HENRY HUB NATURAL GAS May/10", "ROBUSTA COFFEE (10)
2010 May 12
data frame subscription
Dear group, Here is my df : pose16 <- structure(list(DESCRIPTION = structure(c(1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 7L, 8L, 9L, 12L), .Label = c("COPPER May/10", "COTTON NO.2 Jul/10", "CRUDE OIL miNY May/10", "GOLD Jun/10", "ROBUSTA COFFEE (10) Jul/10", "SOYBEANS Jul/10", "SUGAR NO.11 Jul/10", "SUGAR NO.11 May/10",
2010 Aug 04
merge two data frames
Dear list, here are my two data frames: av <- structure(list(DESCRIPTION = c("COFFEE C Sep/10", "COPPER Sep/10", "CORN Dec/10", "CRUDE OIL miNY Sep/10", "GOLD Aug/10", "HENRY HUB NATURAL GAS Sep/10", "PALLADIUM Sep/10", "SILVER Sep/10", "SOYBEANS Nov/10", "SPCL HIGH GRADE ZINC USD", "SUGAR
2010 May 11
merging data frame
Dear group, I have 3 data frames I would like to merge. Here they are: pose16 <- structure(list(DESCRIPTION = structure(c(1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 7L, 8L, 9L, 12L), .Label = c("COPPER May/10", "COTTON NO.2 Jul/10", "CRUDE OIL miNY May/10", "GOLD Jun/10", "ROBUSTA COFFEE (10) Jul/10", "SOYBEANS Jul/10", "SUGAR NO.11
2010 Jun 01
Dear group, Here is my df (obtained with a read.csv2()): df <- structure(list(DESCRIPTION = c("COTTON NO.2 Jul/10", "COTTON NO.2 Jul/10", "PALLADIUM Jun/10", "PALLADIUM Jun/10", "SUGAR NO.11 Jul/10", "SUGAR NO.11 Jul/10"), CREATED.DATE = c("13/05/2010", "13/05/2010", "14/05/2010",
2010 Apr 15
Does "sink" stand for anything?
Hello Everyone,   Learning about R and its wonderful array of functions. If it's not obvious, I usually try to find out what a function stands for. I think this helps me remember better.   One function that has me stumped is "sink." Can anyone tell me if this stands for something?   Thanks,   Paul         __________________________________________________ [[alternative HTML
2010 Apr 14
sum specific rows in a data frame
I have a data frame called "pose": DESCRIPTION QUANITY CLOSING.PRICE 1 WHEAT May/10 1 467.75 2 WHEAT May/10 2 467.75 3 WHEAT May/10 1 467.75 4 WHEAT May/10 1 467.75 5 COTTON NO.2 May/10 1 78.13 6 COTTON NO.2 May/10 3 78.13 7 COTTON NO.2 May/10 1 78.13
2010 Apr 27
save a data frame in environment
Dear group, Here is my function : position<-function(x) { pose<-read.csv2((paste(c("LSCPos",x,".csv"),collapse="")),dec=".",sep=",",as .is=T,h=T,skip=1)[,c(4,8,14,15)] pose$CREATED.DATE<-as.Date(pose$CREATED.DATE,"%d/%m/%y") futures<-pose[-grep("USD",pose[,1]),]
2007 Apr 18
[Bridge] reverse the aging process now
An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- This mail is probably spam. The original message has been attached along with this report, so you can recognize or block similar unwanted mail in future. See for more details. Content
2004 Aug 06
Medical Breakthrough... aging can be reversed with HGH
There are three different types of HGH products. The confusion is that all three are advertised as if they were the same. The three types are: 1) --- Homeopathic HGH 2) --- Pre-cursor HGH 3) --- Real or synthetic HGH (delivered by injection or, by an oral spray method). Do you know differences? Call us and we'll explain them to you. Our toll free number is
2004 Aug 06
Medical Breakthrough... aging can be reversed with HGH
There are three different types of HGH products. The confusion is that all three are advertised as if they were the same. The three types are: 1) --- Homeopathic HGH 2) --- Pre-cursor HGH 3) --- Real or synthetic HGH (delivered by injection or, by an oral spray method). Do you know differences? Call us and we'll explain them to you. Our toll free number is
2006 Feb 19
possible rails -> postgresql bug
Hi I have a problem accessing an array field in a Postgresql database. Here is the table definition. View "neil.flashing_codes" Column | Type | Modifiers -------------+-----------------------+----------- code | character varying(10) | description | text | folds | integer[] | View definition: SELECT
2007 Apr 18
[Bridge] feeling sluggish?
An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- This mail is probably spam. The original message has been attached along with this report, so you can recognize or block similar unwanted mail in future. See for more details. Content
2004 May 25
conflict between Realtek 8139 (client) and 3c2000T (server) NIC's with Samba?
Hi, Last friday I changed the NIC in two of our Samba servers from a 3com 905b (100mb) to a 3com 2000T (1000mb) to take advantage of our new switch which supports gigabit. One of the workstations (XP SP1, with all subsequent patches and hotfixes and with an onboard Realtek 8139) then started to have problems with the two Samba servers with the new NIC's. It could see the network
2004 Jul 05
general questions about R on debian/powerpc
Hi, I am about to but a laptop, and have narrowed the choices down to a Dell Latitude 600 and an Apple Powerbook G4 Aluminium (Princeton provides these models at a discount for grad students). I am biased towards the Powerbook, and would like to run Debian on it. I have only used debian on i386 platforms so far. I use R quite frequently, so I would be interested in your experience of running R
2006 Jan 10
Issue with c++ .C call
I am still having some difficulties with connecting R to a C++ function. I am able to call the function as expected after compiling the shared library and such. However, the call to the function is via .C; parameters from the .C call are not being passed correctly to the function. As an example, I have attached a GDB run of the code. I set a breakpoint on entry to the function I am calling