Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "lattice: how to add points to the plot generated by levelplot()?"
2010 Feb 16
Triangular filled contour plot
Hi all,
I am working on a filled contour plot which shows a triangular matrix data
set (as shown below). Is there a possibilty to draw a triangular filled
contour in a equilateral triangle (like a ternary plot)?
Thanks in advance
View this message in context: http://n4.nabble.com/Triangular-filled-contour-plot-tp1557386p1557386.html
2010 Mar 01
help with lattice boxplots...
Hi All,
I need a small help with following code: I'm trying to convert "dashed
lines" to regular ones; and changing default "blue" border color to say
"black"... but I'm doing it wrong and its not working. Can anyone help
please. Thanks,
ex <- data.frame(x=1:10, y=rep(c("A","B"), 5))
bwplot(y~x, data=ex,
2010 Mar 03
Correct nested design for GLM
I am currently running the following negative binomial GLM:
glm89.nb <- glm.nb(AvGUD ~ Year*Trt*Micro + (0 + Micro/Trt/Year))
where Year has 3 levels, Trt has 2 levels, and Micro has 3 levels.
>From what I have read the above model has a 3 way interaction
(Year*Trt*Micro), and Micro is nest within Trt and Trt is nested with Year
(0 + Micro/Trt/Year).
I was hoping someone could
2010 Mar 14
confidence intervals for non-linear regression
Dear all,
I am interested to calculate confidence interval for fitted values in general for non-linear regressions. Lets say we have y=f(x1,x2,..xN) where f() is a non-linear regression. I would like to calculate a confidence interval for new prediction f(a1,..,aN). I am aware of techniques for calculating confidence intervals for coeffiecients in specific non-linear regressions and with them
2010 Apr 15
predict.lm with NAs
I wanted to use the predict.lm() function to compare the empirical data with the predicted values.
The problem is that I have NAs in my data.
I wanted to cbind my data.frame with the empirical values with the vector I get from predict.lm.
But they don't have the same length because predict.lm just skip NA-predictions.
Is there a way to get a vector with predicted values of the same
2010 Mar 25
Expected pairwise.student.t and TukeyHSD behavior?
pairwise.t.test is returning NAs when one of the samples only has one entry, while TukeyHSD returns results (maybe not trustworthy or believable, but results).
I stumbled on this because I did not realize one of my samples only had one entry while most of the others had several hundred, so I realize this is not a desirable situation. I'm really just curious about the difference between how
2010 May 11
nls() and nls2() behavior?
first, apologies for so many posts yesterday and today. I am
wrestling with nls() and nls2(). I have tried to whittle it down to a
simple example that still has my problem, yet can be cut-and-pasted
into R. here it is:
y= c(0.4334,0.3200,0.5848,0.6214,0.3890,0.5233,0.4753,0.2104,0.3240,0.2827,0.3847,0.5571,0.5432,0.1326,0.3481)
2010 Jan 19
splitting a factor in an analysis of deviance table (negative binomial model)
Dears useRs,
I have 2 factors, (for the sake of explanation - A and B), with 4 levels each. I've already fitted a negative binomial generalized linear model to my data, and now I need to split the factors in two distinct analysis of deviance table:
- A within B1, A within B2, A within B3 and A within B4
- B within A1, B within A2, B within A3 and B within A4
Here is a code that illustrates
2010 Apr 15
using nls for gamma distribution (a,b,d)
Dear all
i want to estimated the parameter of the gamma density(a,b,d)
f(x) = (1/gamma(b)*(a^b)) * ((x-d)^(b-1)) * exp{-(x-d)/a)} for x>d
f(x) = Age specific fertility rate
x = age
when i run this in R by usling nls()
gamma.asfr <- formula(asfr ~ (((age-d)^(b-1))/((gamma(b))*(a^b)))*
gamma.asfr1 <- nls(gamma.asfr, data= asfr.aus, start = list(b = 28, a = 1,
d= 0.5),
2004 Aug 31
add single contour line to levelplot
I want to add a single contour line to a levelplot but can't figure out
how to do it 'on-the-fly'. When I include the last line in the code below,
I get the following error:
Error in NextMethod("[") : Argument "subscripts" is missing, with no default
Any tips on how to fix this are greatly appreciated!
Ian Jonsen
2010 Jan 14
Barchart bar lengths not proportionate
When I use barchart (with default formatting options), I get bars whose
lengths/heights are not proportional to their value. For example:
Many of the values in this chart are 1; however, because the blue bars
extend to the left of the "0" tick mark, those bars appear to represent
higher numeric values. Is there a way to make the length of the
2010 Apr 23
basic table statistics
I have a very simple question, but I'm obviously not able to solve the
problem on my own.
I have a data.frame like
sample(c("A","B","C"),size=20,replace = T)->type
There must be some built in functions, that will do some descriptive
statistics with tabular output, in the end I like to have
2007 Mar 22
unexpected behavior of trellis calls inside a user-defined function
I am making a battery of levelplots and wireframes for several fitted
models. I wrote a function that takes the fitted model object as the
sole argument and produces these plots. Various strange behavior
ensued, but I have identified one very concrete issue (illustrated
below): when my figure-drawing function includes the addition of
points/lines to trellis plots, some of the
2011 Feb 15
ternary contour plot
If your propose is to create a ternary plot with points and vectors, I think easier do this with graphics based plots instead of trellis based plots. Although, with little work you can do with trellis too. I gave you a reproducible code to put an arrow in a ternary plot. I use the function locator() to extract coordinates. The code is the following
2010 Jan 16
Hierarchical Linear Model using lme4's lmer
I was wondering: I've got a dataset where I've got student 'project's
nested within 'school's, and 'division' (elementary, junior, or
senior) at the student project level. (Division is at the student
level and not nested within schools because some students are
registered as juniors & others as seniors within the same school.)
So schools are random,
2010 Jan 22
confidence intervals for mean (GLM)
Dear useRs,
How could I obtain the confidence intervals for the means of my treatments, when my data was fitted to a GLM?
I need the CI's for the Poisson and Negative Binomial distributions.
Here's what I have:
mydata1 <- data.frame('treatments'=gl(4,20), 'value'=rpois(80, 1))
model1 <- glm(value ~ treatments, data=mydata1, family=poisson)
means1 <-
2010 Jan 23
About LU decomposition in R
How can I find and download a function in R to do the LU decompostion for finding the upper and lower triangular matrix. Thank you so much.
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2010 Feb 16
HELP on Non-Linera Mixed-Effect model
I'm trying to fit nonlinear mixed effects model using nlme function but getting an error message. Here is what I have:
fitted_model = nlme(scores~spline(b1,b2,b3,kt,time),
fixed = list(b1~1, b2~1, b3~1, kt~1),
random = b1+b2+b3~1,
groups= ~id,
data = sdat,
start = c(b1=3.5,b2=2,b3=.60,kt=3.5),verbose=T)
Error in
2010 Jan 04
Piecewise regression in lmer
Dear all,
I'm attempting to use a piecewise regression to model the trajectory
of reproductive traits with age in a longitudinal data set using a
mixed model framework. The aim is to find three slopes and two points-
the slope from low performance in early age to a point of high
performance in middle age, the slope (may be 0) of the plateau from
the start of high performance to the
2009 Dec 30
multivariate group means
I look for a simple command computing multivariate group means and
returning an object of class "matrix" rather than "list". Does any
such function exist in standard packages?
I'm beginning with R, so I'm sorry if the solution is trivial.
Ondra Mikula