similar to: R example code of Split-plot Manova

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2012 Jul 21
car::Anova - Can it be used for ANCOVA with repeated-measures factors.
Dear list, I would like to run an ANCOVA using car::Anova with repeated measures factors, but I can't figure out how to do it. My (between-subjects) covariate always interacts with my within-subject factors. As far as I understand ANCOVA, covariates usually do not interact with the effects of interest but are simply additive (or am I wrong here?). More specifically, I can add a covariate as
2011 Mar 20
manova question
Dear friends, Sorry for this somewhat generically titled posting but I had a question with using contrasts in a manova context. So here is my question: Suppose I am interested in doing inference on \beta in the case of the model given by: Y = X %*% \beta + e where Y is a n x p matrix of observations, X is a n x m design matrix, \beta is m x p matrix of parameters, and e is a
2010 Oct 29
Repeated Measures MANOVA
Hello all, Is there an r function that exists that will perform repeated measures MANOVAs? For example, let's say I have 3 DVs, one between-subjects IV, and one within-subjects IV. Based on the documentation for the manova command, a function like that below is not appropriate because it cannot take Error arguments. manova(cbind(DV1,DV2,DV3) ~ BetweenSubjectsIV * WithinSubjectsIV +
2011 Oct 18
contrasts in MANOVA
Dear r-helpers, I have a query regarding use of contrasts in MANOVA. summary(manova(model)) gives me only result of test for overall difference. Would you be so kind and give me a hint how to get the same test statistics (e.g.Pillai's) and P values for the predefined contrasts? Best regards Ondrej Mikula -- Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics Academy of Sciences of the Czech
2011 Apr 27
centroid representation and MANOVA
hi all. I have a matrix of data with 5 different groups and 20 individual response per group, and about 12 variables collected for each. I want to represent the result in a 2D plot. PCA is not so good because the difference between the groups is not obvious. I have seen, in a recent paper, people doing a MANOVA and representing it in a centroid plot (they used Matlab to do it). I would like
2011 Jun 09
Question on Manova
Hi all, Is the Manova in R restricted to a certain amount of variables? I have currently problems building a model with 47 variables. Thanks a lot! Best, Veronika ************************************************************************************** This message is intended only for the use of the address...{{dropped:14}}
2010 Apr 08
general linear hypothesis testing for manova model
Hello, I have a MANOVA model and I want to test the following hypothesis: LBM = 0 where B is the parameter estimates. Is there any function to do this in R? Cheers, Philippe -- Philippe Hup? Institut Curie, CNRS UMR 144, INSERM U900 26 rue d'Ulm 75005 Paris - France Email : Philippe.Hupe at T?l : +33 (0)1 56 24 69 91 Fax: +33 (0)1 56 24 69 11 website :
2012 Feb 08
dropterm in MANOVA for MLM objects
Dear R fans, I have got a difficult sounding problem. For fitting a linear model using continuous response and then for re-fitting the model after excluding every single variable, the following functions can be used. library(MASS) model = lm(perf ~ syct + mmin + mmax + cach + chmin + chmax, data = cpus) dropterm(model, test = "F") But I am not sure whether any similar functions is
2012 Mar 19
car/MANOVA question
Dear colleagues, I had a question wrt the car package. How do I evaluate whether a simpler multivariate regression model is adequate? For instance, I do the following: ami <- read.table(file = "", col.names=c("TCAD", "drug", "gender", "antidepressant","PR",
2012 Mar 13
MANOVA and Extra Sums-of-Squares Tests
I would like to conduct an extra sum-of -squares test that compares a full MANOVA model (with all 1st order interactions) to a reduced model (no interactions) to determine if I can drop all interactions at the same time. This is analagous to an extra sum-of-squares F-test in ANOVA, but instead using MANOVA. Is there a command in R that does this? If not, is there a command that calculates
2007 Apr 05
MANOVA with repeated measurements
Hello, I have a question regarding performing manova. I have an experiment where I want to measure 10 output variables for 3 different measurement methods. Since each of the methods requires some user interaction, I would also like to include repeated measures for each of the output variables to include intraobserver variability in the design. How can I perform such a repeated-measures
2001 Nov 08
Manova in R vs. SAS
While I was helping a SAS-using friend with an analysis I noticed some differences in the multivariate test statistics, approximate F statistics, and p-values in the manova function using R and proc GLM using SAS. The univariate coefficients are identical. Is there a reason to expect R and SAS to give different results? Thanks, Bill Kristan.
2012 May 17
MANOVA with random factor
Dear All I would need to perform a MANOVA with both fixed (group, sex, group*sex) and random (brood) effects. I wonder if this is at all possible and if R does that. At the moment, I only know that I can run a classic MANOVA with R. Thank you David ______________________________________________ David Costantini, PhD NERC Postdoctoral research associate
2012 Feb 14
how to test the random factor effect in lme
Hi I am working on a Nested one-way ANOVA. I don't know how to implement R code to test the significance of the random factor My R code so far can only test the fixed factor : anova(lme(PCB~Area,random=~1|Sites, data = PCBdata)) numDF denDF F-value p-value (Intercept) 1 12 1841.7845 <.0001 Area 1 4 4.9846 0.0894 Here is my data and my hand
2010 Mar 22
a "simple" statistic question
Hi, Please suggest a method to answer below questions: Factory_ID Factory_Location Factory_Size Total_Sample Good_Sample Fair_Sample Bad_Sample ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 City_A
2004 May 24
Manova and specifying the model
Hi, I would like to conduct a MANOVA. I know that there 's the manova() funciton and the summary.manova() function to get the appropriate summary of test statistics. I just don't manage to specify my model in the manova() call. How to specify a model with multiple responses and one explanatory factor? If I type:
2007 Feb 22
MANOVA usage
Hello, I had a couple questions about manova modeling in R. I have calculated a manova model, and generated a summary.manova output using both the Wilks test and Pillai test. The output is essentially the same, except that the Wilks lambda = 1 - Pillai. Is this normal? (The output from both is appended below.) My other question is about the use of MANOVA. If I have one variable which has a
2004 Feb 15
manova() with a data frame
I'm trying to learn to use manova(), and don't understand why none of the following work: > data(iris) > fit <- manova(~ Species, data=iris) Error in, y, offset = offset, singular.ok = singular.ok, ...) : incompatible dimensions > fit <- manova(iris[,1:4] ~ Species, data=iris) Error in model.frame(formula, rownames, variables, varnames, extras,
2006 Nov 09
Repeated Measures MANOVA in R
Can R do a repeated measures MANOVA and tell what dimensionality the statistical variance occupies? I have been using MATLAB and SPSS to do my statistics. MATLAB can do ANOVAs and MANOVAs. When it performs a MANOVA, it returns a parameter d that estimates the dimensionality in which the means lie. It also returns a vector of p-values, where each p_n tests the null hypothesis that the mean
2006 Feb 16
MANOVA: how do I read off within and between Sum-of-Squares info from the manova result?
Hi all, I am experimenting the function "manova" in R. I tried it on a few data sets, but I did not understand the result: I used "summary(manova_result)" and "summary(manova_result, test='Wilks')" and they gave a bunch of numbers... But I need the Sum-of-Squares of BETWEEN and WITHIN matrices... How do I read off from the R's manova results? Any