similar to: logistic regression by group?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "logistic regression by group?"

2010 Jan 05
Multivariate Poisson GLM??
Dear R Users, I'm working on a problem where I have a multivariate response vector of counts and a continuous predictor. I've thought about doing this the same way you would do a Multvariate regression model with normally distributed data, but since these data are counts, they are probably better modeled with a Poisson distribution. For example y1<-rpois(100,3.5) y2<-rpois(100,1.5)
2010 Mar 10
Strange result in survey package: svyvar
Hi R users, I'm using the survey package to calculate summary statistics for a large health survey (the Demographic and Health Survey for Honduras, 2006), and when I try to calculate the variances for several variables, I get negative numbers. I thought it may be my data, so I ran the example on the help page: data(api) ## one-stage cluster sample dclus1<-svydesign(id=~dnum, weights=~pw,
2011 Jun 24
Fwd: Extract element of a list based on an index value
> Dear list, > > I have some data on a geneaology, here is a subset: > warmerge[1:11,c(1,6,25)] > Warrior SibID birth.year > 1100 3793 2013 1926 > 4 2013 2024 1934 > 1094 3769 2024 1918 > 632 2747 2037 1928 > 176 2083 2039 1944 > 187 2085 2039 1949 > 192 2086 2039 NA > 495
2011 Jan 09
question about the chow test of poolability
Good day R-listers, My question is more a statistical question than an R related question, so please bear with me i'm currently applying the chow test of poolability in fact i'm working with panel N=17 T=5 , and my model looks like this : Yit= a0+B1X1+B2X2+B3X3+B4X4+eit My question is the following when i'm Testing for the equality of the coefficients of the unpooled data (the
2010 Mar 10
Displaying political boundaries
? Dear all,? ? ? I am new in the R environment. How can I enable political boundaries in R? I want plot a variable (e.g., temperature) only for Mozambique. ? ?Sincerely, ? Arlindo ? ? ? Arlindo ____________________________________________________________________________________ Veja quais s?o os assuntos do momento no Yahoo! +Buscados
2010 Jul 18
Neural Network
Hi all, I am working for my master's thesis and I need to do a neural network to forecast stock market price, with also external inputs like technical indicators. I would like to know which function and package of R are more suitable for this study. Thanks a lot for your response, Arnaud TREBAOL. -- Arnaud Trébaol T.I.M.E. Student Ecole Centrale de Lille (09) Politecnico di Milano (10)
2010 Jul 25
R equivalent of SAS proc freq
Dear R-users, I am looking for a R function that would be the equivalent of the SAS proc freq ( The table, ftable, xtabs functions are close but do not quite offer the same capabilities (e.g. they just return counts and no %ages as far as
2011 Jul 08
Visualizing a dissimilarity matrix in Euclidean space
Hi, I have a set of nodes and a dissimilarity matrix for them, as well as a csv file in which the diss matrix has been converted to [node_1, node_2, dissimilarity] format. I would like to visualize this as a graph in Euclidean space (that is, similar nodes clumped together in clusters), rather than the seriation visualization given by dissplot(). I am using Network WorkBench for my
2010 Jul 22
Multilevel survival model
* Please cc me if you reply as I am a digest subscriber * Hi, I am wondering how I can run a multilevel survival model in R? Below is some of my data. > head(bi0.test) childid famid lifedxm sex age delta 1 22.02 22 CONTROL MALES 21.36893 0 2 13.02 13 MAJOR MALES 21.18001 0 3 64.02 64 CONTROL MALES 20.09377 0 4 5.02 5 CONTROL FEMALES
2011 Jan 13
Openbugs and rbugs on mac with wine
Hello list, I?ve been trying to get OpenBUGS running on my mac using the wine emulator. I can run Openbugs just fine by doing: wine ~/OpenBUGS312/OpenBUGS.exe In the terminal, so OpenBUGS works. When I try to run the schools example using rbugs(), the OpenBUGS process starts in wine, but it just sits there, no log, no script, no output of any sort. The rbugs () call makes the init,
2010 Apr 23
Event History Data Recoding
Dear R list, I have an event history data set that is structured like this: Legislative act Discussion Agreement Time Event Act1 2006-05-30 2006-06-19 20 1 Act2 2004-03-01 2004-06-14 105 1 . . . I have information on the meetings in the legislature between adoption periods in a separate variable (the
2010 Jun 26
Calculating Summaries for each level of a Categorical variable
Hi, I have a dataset which has a categorical variable "R",a count variable C (integer) and 4 or more numeric variables (A,T,W,H - integers) containing measures for "R". I would like to summarize each level of the variable R by the average for A,T,W and H. I have written a function to calculate weighted averages using C as the weight and this is given below. The function
2009 Sep 22
Subsetting dataframes based on column names
Dear R users, I am interested in taking the columns from multiple dataframes, the problem is that the different dataframes have different combinations of the same variable names, here's a simple example: a<-rep(1:10) b<-rep(1:10) c<-rep(21:30) d<-rep(31:40) dat.a<-data.frame(a,b,c,d) names(dat.a)<-c("a", "b", "c", "d")
2008 Jul 16
Likelihood ratio test between glm and glmer fits
Dear list, I am fitting a logistic multi-level regression model and need to test the difference between the ordinary logistic regression from a glm() fit and the mixed effects fit from glmer(), basically I want to do a likelihood ratio test between the two fits. The data are like this: My outcome is a (1,0) for health status, I have several (1,0) dummy variables RURAL, SMOKE, DRINK, EMPLOYED,
2008 Oct 29
Help using tapply with multiple variables
Dear list, I have the function (as a simple example, which is actually part of a larger function) pres.test<-function(N0=N0, N1=N1) { dt<-5 r<-log(N1/N0)/dt r } which calculates the annual growth rates in a population Where N0 is the population classified into age intervals, say 5 years, at time=1995, and N1 is the population by 5 year age classes at time=2000.
2013 Jul 02
Optimización MINLP
Muy buenas, Tengo la siguiente duda/problema, He optimizado con éxito un problema de este tipo: \sum f(x_i) donde f es una curva exponencial (función no lineal) sujeto a: a_i < x_i < b_i y \sum f(x_i) < Presupuesto Vamos, es repartir un presupuesto forzando a que inviertas como poco a_i y como mucho b_i para cada i Esto lo hecho correctamente usando el paquete:
2003 Oct 23
Variance-covariance matrix for beta hat and b hat from lme
Dear all, Given a LME model (following the notation of Pinheiro and Bates 2000) y_i = X_i*beta + Z_i*b_i + e_i, is it possible to extract the variance-covariance matrix for the estimated beta_i hat and b_i hat from the lme fitted object? The reason for needing this is because I want to have interval prediction on the predicted values (at level = 0:1). The "predict.lme" seems to
2008 Jul 06
R-SIG-Debian Digest, Vol 35, Issue 1
R won't appear under the applications. Go to the terminal (in the accessories menu) and type R. It will run in command line. You might also want to install r-base-dev if you want to compile libraries. Corey S. Sparks, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Department of Demography and Organization Studies University of Texas San Antonio One UTSA Circle San Antonio, TX 78249 email:corey.sparks at
2009 Nov 07
solution design for a large scale (> 50G) R computing problem
Hi, I am tackling a computing problem in R that involves large data. Both time and memory issues need to be seriously considered. Below is the problem description and my tentative approach. I would appreciate if any one can share thoughts on how to solve this problem more efficiently. I have 1001 multidimensional arrays -- A, B1, ..., B1000. A takes about 500MB in memory and B_i takes 100MB. I
2009 Aug 06
solving system of equations involving non-linearities
Hi, I would appreciate if someone could help me on track with this problem. I want to compute some parameters from a system of equations given a number of sample observations. The system looks like this: sum_i( A+b_i>0 & A+b_i>C+d_i) = x sum_i( C+d_i>0 & C+d_i>A+b_i) = y sum_i( exp(E+f_i) * ( A+b_i>0 & A+b_i>C+d_i) = z A, C, E are free variables while the other