Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "R error- "more columns than column names""
2010 Feb 23
GenABEL - problems with load.gwaa.data
Hi all! I am using GenABEL on R for GWAS analysis. I am having a couple of
First, I am having a problem reading files (.map, & .ped, size 900Mb, using
windows 32-bit) onto R in the "convert.snp.ped" statement. I am thinking
this problem is likely due to the large size of the files & my version of R
is not able to handle them, since I can read in smaller files.
2011 Jul 14
R package: pbatR
Dear All,
Does anybody have experience with R package pbatR
(http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/pbatR/index.html)? I am trying to
use it to analyze the family-based case-control data, but the package
totally doesn?t work on my computer. I contacted the authors of the package,
but I haven?t heard anything from them.
Following the package manual, I tried the simple example as below:
2012 Aug 24
A question about GRAMMAR calculations in the FAM_MDR algorithm
Dear R developers:
I am a PHD candidate student in the school of public health of Peking
University and my major is genetic epidemiology. I am learning the FAM-MDR
algorithm, which is used to detect the gene-gene and gene-environment
interactions in the data of pedigree. The codes were written by Tom
Cattaert of the University of Liege. The algorithms and the sample datasets
are available at
2006 Apr 28
Emphasis or Italic?
What's the difference between:
<em>emphasis</em> and <i>italicized</i>
<strong>strong</strong> and <b>bold</b>
It seems to subtle for my browsers.
The only "difference" I've been able to find is that according to the
O'Reilly book <strong> and <emphasis> are semantic tags, while <b> and <i>
2011 May 04
merging multiple columns from two dataframes
I have data in a dataframe with 139104 rows which is multiple of 96x1449. i
have a phenotype file which contains the phenotype information for the 96
samples. the snp name is repeated 1449X96 samples. I haveto merge the two
dataframes based on sid and sen. this is how my two dataframes look like
2009 Nov 09
Using something like the "by" command, but on rows instead of columns
Hello R Forum users,
I was hoping someone could help me with the following problem. Consider the following "toy" dataset:
Accession SNP_CRY2 SNP_FLC Phenotype
1 NA A 0.783143079
2 BQ A 0.881714811
3 BQ A 0.886619488
4 AQ B 0.416893034
5 AQ B 0.621392903
6 AS B 0.031719125
7 AS NA 0.652375037
2010 May 13
install.packages Error
Hi all!
I am trying to install package - GenABEL in a Linux (RedHat) environment
using R 2.6.2.
The CRAN Mirror starts up, I select the site, but I end up with the
following error:
Warning: unable to access index for repository
Warning messages:
1: In open.connection(con, "r") :
2010 May 13
R cannot access the web?
I had originally posted regarding an error when trying to install package -
GenABEL - it has now become clear that R is not able to connect to the net.
Below are a couple of things I've tried with the resulting errors
I am running R 2.6.2 on Linux e15 X86
How can I fix this? Thank you!
1) download.file("http://www.nytimes.com", destfile<-tempfile())
trying URL
2013 Jan 08
problems when loading package GenABEL
Dear all,
since yesterday, I have been experiencing problems with the package
GenABEL. When I try to load the package (library(GenABEL)) I get the
following error message:
Loading required package: MASS
Error : .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'GenABEL', details:
call: stringSplit[[1]]
error: subscript out of bounds
Error: package/namespace load failed for ?GenABEL?
The funny
2010 Nov 03
how to handle 'gwaa@gtdata' ?
I have a few questions about GenABEL, gwaa data.
1) is there a universal way that most GenABEL people use to add more
individuals into a 'gwaa' data? For example, I have a 'gwaa' data, but I
need to add some dummy parents, for 'gwaa at phdata', it's easy to add these
rows, but for 'gwaa at gtdata', I think I need to create SNP data as '0 0 0 0
2008 Dec 24
command Polygenic gives error message concerning dimensions of data
Dear Sir/Madam,
Since a few day now I try to use the command "polygenic" from the GenAbel
package. However, I keep bumping up against an error message: "Error in
polygenic(Testo, kin = kinship, data = data1) : dimension of outcome and
kinship.matrix do not match".
My data exists of 1240 individuals with 74 markers. It mainly consists of
small families (2 or more brothers,
2009 Sep 22
glm analysis repeated for 900 variables
Dear R users,
Could you help my with the following problem?
I want to repeat a glm analysis with 2 independent variables for all 900
variables (snps) in my data set. So, I want to check whether snp1 has a
different effect on my outcome variable in patients and
controls(phenotype). And repeat that for snp2 to snp900.
Is there an easy way to get a summary of the data, e.g. a list of P
values of all
2018 May 09
Seasonal weekly average
I am fairly new to 'R' and would like advice on the following. I want to calculate a weekly average number of reports (e.g. of flu, norovirus) based on the same weeks for the last five years. I will then use this to plot a chart with 52 points for the average based on the last five years; another line will then plot the current year, enabling a comparison of current weekly counts
2011 Dec 15
lme with nested factor and random effect
Hello all,
I'm having difficulty with setting up a mixed model using lme in the
nlme package. To summarize my study, I am testing for effects of
ornamentation on foraging behavior of wolf spiders. I tested spiders
at two different ages (penultimate vs. mature) and of two different
phenotypes (one species tested lacks ornamentation throughout life
[non-ornamented males] while the other
2003 May 12
plot.ranef.lme (PR#2986)
na.include <- function(x)x
phe1 <- nlme(conc~phenoModel(Subject, time, dose, lCl, lV),
data = Phenobarb,
fixed = lCl+lV~1,
random= pdDiag(lCl+lV~1),
start = c(-5,0),
na.action = na.include,
naPattern = ~!is.na(conc))
phe.ranef <- ranef(phe1,augFrame=TRUE)
plot(phe.ranef, form=lCl~Wt+ApgarInd)
[Error in max(length(x0),
2008 Jan 21
reordering huge data file
Dear R-experts,
My problem is how to handle a 10GB data file containing genotype data. The file is in a particular format (Illumina final report) and needs to be altered and merged with phenotype data for further analysis.
PERL seems to be an frequently used solution for this type of work, however I am inclined to think it should be doable with R.
How do I open a text-file, line by line,
2012 Dec 17
Formatting a path for unix with gsub
I have a path:
path = "/nfs/users/nfs_n/ns9/
Phenotype Analysis/Results/Run_AmplRatio_neg
BinaryAll trained without akapn+tnik.csv"
I wish to replace the spaces with "\ " so that it can be read by a system
call to unix.
Using gsub I try:
> gsub(" ","\\ ",path)
[1] "/nfs/users/nfs_n/ns9/Phenotype Analysis/Results/Run_AmplRatio_neg
2013 Feb 28
data grouping and fitting mixed model with lme function
Dear all,
I have data from the following experimental design and trying to fit a mixed model with lme function according to following steps but struggling. Any help is deeply appreciated.
1) Experimental design: I have 40 plants each of which has 4 clones. Each clone planted to one of 4 blocks. Phenotypes were collected from each clone for 3 consecutive years. I have genotypes of plants. I
2007 Nov 05
Help with Error Message
Hoping someone can offer me some assistance. I'm trying to execute a script
and I keep getting this error message about "Error: element 12 is empty".
I'm wondering if my syntax is incorrect within legend.list. If anyone has
any suggestions to sees something obvious that I am missing, I would greatly
appreciate any help.
Many Thanks,
> # These are the symbols and
2006 Dec 25
Problem to generate training data set and test data set
I have a full data set like this:
aa bas aas bms ams bcu acu omega y
1 ALA 0 127.71 0 69.99 0 -0.2498560 79.91470 outward
2 PRO 0 68.55 0 55.44 0 -0.0949008 76.60380 outward
3 ALA 0 52.72 0 47.82 0 -0.0396550 52.19970 outward
4 PHE 0 22.62 0 31.21 0 0.1270330 169.52500 inward
5 SER 0 71.32 0 52.84 0 -0.1312380 7.47528 outward