similar to: Capturing Packets -- Ethereal

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Capturing Packets -- Ethereal"

2008 Jan 31
Help with authenticating against Active Directory.
Hello all, I'm trying to authenticate shell login's against an MS-ADS. I don't have admin access to the ADS, but I can talk to the admins. I have gotten as far as getting authentication working, but the uid's depend on the order of login. ie: the first guy to login gets 10000, the next gets 10001, etc. The problem I have with this is that I want to share the home
2008 Apr 16
No Network = slow ??
I lost my internet connection earlier today. My home network was still up - it's just the router couldn't get an IP from the cable modem. During that period, my CentOS 5.1 install was extremely slow (2.6 GHz Athlon w/ 2GB ram) at starting non network applications - such as solitare and gnome terminal. It would pause for several seconds before finally starting them. The machine does
2008 Mar 03
rpm - spec - on remove
Hi Is there an option in the spec that i can say on remove do X - eg move a backup file back into place etc? eg %onremove mv foo bar thanks
2008 Mar 04
I have one box, a 3.x box, that has a problem finding procmailrc files. For instance, if I have a .procmailrc file in /var/www/user/homes/username it finds it and it works. If I have a .procmailrc file under /var/www/user it doesn't. Where the heck is the setting for where procmail looks for user procmailrc files? Thanks, John Hinton
2008 Feb 06
sendmail: fatal message, sudo bash
Centos 5 Hello I successfully converted my mta from sendmail to postfix. no problem. mail is ok. A by-product of that, as bizarre as it may seem is this: As regular user, when I do 'su -' to become root, all is well. As regular user, when I do 'sudo bash' I become root alright but I also get: sendmail: fatal: Recipient addresses must be specified on the command line or
2008 Apr 11
kickstart ks.cfg file on USB devices
Is there an easy way to specify the proper device location for the kickstart configuration file if it is on a USB flash or USB floppy drive? Depending on the hard disk configuration they might by /dev/sda, /dev/sdb, etc. On SuSE'autoyast instalattions, the system searches all available devices for an ``info'' configuration file. Does CentOS 5.x do something similar to find a
2008 Jul 29
syslog question
I have a 64bit centos 5.2 system. My router supports sending logs to a syslog server, so I was hoping to send them to my centos box so they are easier to keep an eye on. I've been googling for howto's etc, but I didn't think syslog would be that difficult. Do I need to use syslog-ng or can I use the syslog that's installed with centos 5.2? Any suggestions or guidance? Thanks,
2008 Feb 19
named dead but subsys locked
Hi I recently compliled Bind 9.4.2 on CentOS release 5 (Final) 2.6.18-53.1.13.el5 #1 SMP I compiled named chroot, I have done this on several other centos 4 server with no issues however on this centos 5 server im seeing [root at testip1 named]# service named status named dead but subsys locked [root at testip1 named]# service named stop Shutting down named:
2008 Feb 05
Kickstart stops with dialog about which networking device - how to avoid
Using a kickstart file that stops with a curses dialog "You have multiple network devices on this system. Which one do you want to install through?" The machine being configured with PXEboot has two ethernet interfaces. What's missing from the network entries below? I'd like this install to proceed without asking which ethernet interface. PXE begins the install with DHCP, so
2008 Jul 24
How to detect whether running on VMware?
Does anyone know how a program, script or shell user can best determine whether the machine is running on bare metal or is a VMware guest? Cheers Tony -- Tony Mountifield Work: tony at - Play: tony at -
2008 Apr 11
MS Exchange to CentOs (multiuser)
Is there a way to get mail from a MS Exchange server that is addressed as user at rather than the user at so that users on can read their mail on that host (CentOS). (I'm assuming that Exchange needs to know about, somehow.) Frank M. Ramaekers Jr. Systems Programmer MCP, MCP+I, MCSE & RHCE American Income Life
2007 Dec 14
Ethernet over USB
Hi, Is it true you can run Ethernet over USB between 2 machines? I have 2 machines running CentOS 5.0 and a simple type A male to A male cable. I don't see in the network setup gui how to set it up. Is there a particular device I should select? What I see relating to USB is: KL4USB101 USB Ethernet driver Pegasus/Pegasus II USB Ethernet driver USB CDC Ethernet driver
2008 Mar 28
questions on kickstart
I have 2 questions dealing with 2 different kickstart files. 1) my kickstart sections for RAID disk setup and kickstart reports it cannot find sda. Why is that. sda is there and works. clearpart --all --initlabel part raid.01 --asprimary --bytes-per-inode=4096 --fstype="raid" --onpart=sda1 --size=20000 part swap --asprimary --bytes-per-inode=4096 --fstype="swap"
2005 Feb 12
Cannot reset an IAXy box!!!
Hi everyone, I was working yesterday and after I provide my IAXy box it loose any network comunication, the link light (green) is on and the activity light (orange) when the power is turned on it does nothing, but when I pickup the phone connected to the box, this light start blinking once per second. I've use ethereal to sniff a bit and I found that the box keeps asking to broadcast the MAC
2009 Jun 29
how to sniff RTP and SIP traffic only
Hi, do somebody knows how to sniff RTP and SIP traffic only for a faster debugging ? Thanks. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2004 Feb 21
Key exchange
Hi, I would like to know the order used by OpenSSH to choose the key exchange algorithm. I've used Ethereal to sniff a complete connection between my FreeBSD workstation and my OpenBSD laptop. I found that ssh used Diffie-Hellman. Why ? How can I use RSA or DSA keys created during the first boot by /etc/rc ? Please note that I'm not asking how to use keys to access a box, but how to
2003 Nov 27
IAX2 Ethereal plugin v0.3 is out
Hi people. The latest version of my Ethereal plugin for IAX2 is now available here: - A screenshot showing what you're missing is here: - The new version adds the following features/bugfixes: - Decomposes the CODEC fields for supported CODECs, complete with nice English descriptions. This gives you a
2004 Jun 21
Getting Ethereal to work?
I'd like to get Ethereal to run on CentOS 3x. Now, yum says everything is in place for ethereal, but I can't find any executable and am feeling real dumb. I've checked numerous forums (and the Red Hat site), but I can't find anything specific. I've used locate and find, but while there is a lot of ethereal material spread around on my CentOS 3 server, I'm missing the big
2005 Jan 08
Where is ethereal?
YUM says I already have ethereal installed, but I have no /usr/sbin/ethereal. I have 3 directories about but no executable. -- <<JAV>>
2006 Aug 26
Problems after performing yum update
I performed the update yesterday that included installing kernel 2.6.9-42.0.2.EL and replacing ethereal with wireshark. First, the trivial... Wireshark would not run from the KDE menu without editing the menu to change the command from "wireshark" to "kdesu wireshark" because dumpcap is at usr/sbin/dumpcap instead of /usr/bin/dumpcap . Making the change causes wireshark to