similar to: Time Series Data

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "Time Series Data"

2012 Apr 02
STL decomposition of time series with multiple seasonalities
Hi all, I have a time series that contains double seasonal components (48 and 336) and I would like to decompose the series into the following time series components (trend, seasonal component 1, seasonal component 2 and irregular component). As far as I know, the STL procedure for decomposing a series in R only allows one seasonal component, so I have tried decomposing the series twice. First,
2011 Dec 14
series temporales. índices de variación estacional
Hola. Estoy empezando a ver temas de series temporales y me gustaría saber como obtener con R los IVES (índices de variación estacionales). Por el momento estoy viendo cosas muy simples, como descomponer una serie en tendencia y componente estacional, usando la función decompose y también la función stl. Por ejemplo # generamos 48 datos de una normal por ejemplo x <- rnorm(48) # creamos el
2019 Jul 01
Generating completely position agnostic code
It is wholly self-contained. It's code that has no references to anything beyond a set of pointers passed in as arguments to the function. This piece of code doesn't do any OS work at all. It is purely calling function pointers, doing math and allocating memory. On Mon, Jul 1, 2019 at 12:57 AM Jorg Brown <jorg.brown at> wrote: > > Qs for you: > > The code that
2017 Jul 19
STL - time series seasonal decomposition sensitive to data points?
Hi all, I am trying to analyse a time series data and want to make trend-season decomposition using STL approach in R. However I found the decomposition result seems to be sensitive to data points even with the robust option. More specifically, suppose I have a few years of monthly data. Using stl, I got a decomposition T1 + S1 + R1. Then I deleted the most recent two or three data points, the
2024 Oct 03
Time series data decomposition from by minute data
Dear all, My data is by minutes and I can see it has seasonal trend by daily and weekly. How do I decompose the minute data into daily and weekly some data: > dput(tail(dt_train,100))structure(c(11L, 11L, 10L, 10L, 10L, 10L, 10L, 10L, 10L, 10L, 10L, 9L, 9L, 9L, 9L, 9L, 9L, 9L, 9L, 9L, 9L, 9L, 9L, 9L, 9L, 10L, 10L, 10L, 10L, 10L, 10L, 10L, 10L, 10L, 10L, 10L, 10L, 10L, 10L, 11L, 11L, 10L,
2024 Oct 04
Time series data decomposition from by minute data
Hallo you can extract POSIX object tv <- as.POSIXct(index(dt_train)) and use cut together with aggregate cut(tv, "hour") aggregate(dt_train, list(cut(tv, "hour")), mean) 2014-10-06 21:00:00 9.807692 2014-10-06 22:00:00 8.666667 Cheers. Petr ?t 3. 10. 2024 v 17:25 odes?latel roslinazairimah zakaria < roslinaump at> napsal: > Dear all, > > My
2011 Mar 04
Time series analysis for a daily series
Hi everyone I am trying to do some time series analysis with daily temperature data (40 years). I have created a zoo object and ts object but can't apply stl function. It says the series is not periodic or has less than two periods. I've searched through google and found a lot of messages about this problem but not a solution/example to look for trend and seasonal component of a
2019 Jul 01
Generating completely position agnostic code
I'm on a mission to generate code that can be loaded from disk without any modifications. This means no relocations can occur. Trying to see if this can be done for C++ code that uses STL but has no global variables, and a single function, but of course Clang will generate more functions for STL code. I want to provide an array of function pointers so that for all interactions STL needs to
2010 Mar 01
help with zoo
Hi, I am interested in decomposing a time series and getting the trend, seasonal and?irregular variations, as one can get with the "stl" command. My time series is fairly regular, but it has some breaks. From the zoo manual, I gather that it should be possible to convert it to a regular time series and then fill the NA entries by interpolation. I am not able to proceed beyond a certain
2003 Jul 30
STL- TimeSeries Decomposition
Dear R Helpers, Currently I'm working with the ts package of R and created a TimeSerie from pixels extracted from satellite imagery(S10 NDVI data, 10 daily composites). I'm trying to decompose this signal in different signals (seasonal and trend). When testing out the STL method is says => Only univariate timeseries are allowed, but the current Timeserie I'm using is univariate!
2010 Feb 07
predicting with stl() decomposition
Hi mailinglist members, I’m actually working on a time series prediction and my current approach is to decompose the series first into a trend, a seasonal component and a remainder. Therefore I’m using the stl() function. But I’m wondering how to get the single components in order to predict the particular fitted series’. This code snippet illustrates my problem: series <-
2004 Jul 18
Greetings: I'm using the time series decomposition routine "stl" from the package "stats". But how do I get the results into a vector to work with them? example: data(AirPassengers) m<-stl(AirPassengers,"per") print(m) This lists the output but can't figure out how to extract the individual series like seasonal, trend, irregular. Thanks, Bob
2003 Oct 22
Help with STL function in R compared to S-Plus
I am trying to understand the nuances of STL (seasonal trend decomposition with loess) based on William Cleveland's (and others?) original development. I do not understand the specification or use of "frequency components" or equivalent "low-pass filter" components in the stl() function. I have run the stl() function on a standard example data (co2) in both S-Plus and
2018 Mar 13
Understanding TS objects
R Help Community I'm trying to understand time series (TS) objects. Thought I understood but recently have run into a series of error messages that I'm not sure how to handle. I have 15 years of quarterly data and I typically create a TS object via something like... data.ts <- ts(mydata, start = 2002, frequency = 4) this create a matric as opposed to a vector object as I receive a
2010 Oct 12
Help with STL function to decompose
Hi everyone. I'm having some troubles with STL function to decompose some data. My issue is that I have monthly data from September 2005 up to August 2010 i. e. 60 observations. I define it in the following way: *u<-read.csv("C:/CELEBREX.csv",header = TRUE) u.ts<-ts(u, start=c(2005,9), frequency=12) * The issue is that when I try to use stl(u.ts, 'per') Then the
2011 May 18
Multiple plots on one device using stl
G'day, I am looking at monthly reports, and have three series of monthly data from 2007 to 2009. I would like to show the season decomposition of these two series side by side on the one device, however using plot doesn't seem to respect any use of layout(matrix(1:3, ncol=3)) or par(mfcol=c(1,3)). I'm guessing that this means that the plot(stl) perhaps uses them, but I can't find
2008 Sep 02
More help with stl?
I don't understand the output of stl. As a simple example: y <- numeric(1:365) y[250] = 1 stl <- stl(ts(y, frequency=7), s.window="periodic") This returns without error but the results are puzzling to me. If you plot the results it is probably easiest to visualize what I mean. plot(stl) This shows the original data (a single spike at 250). A trend (which also shows a bump
2011 Aug 26
Time Series data with data every half hour
I am working with data from the USGS with data every 30 minutes from 4/27/2011 to 8/25/2011. I am having trouble with setting the frequency. My R script is below: > shavers=read.csv("shavers.csv") > names(shavers) [1] "agency_cd" "site_no" "datetime" "tz_cd" "Temp" [6] "X04_00010_cd"
2008 Jul 22
rollmean and stl
I need to investigate how rollmean and the trend returned from stl differ. I am trying to find out exactly what the trend part of stl is (I have just started coding in R and do not know fortran). I need to extract this because it will be used in further calculations, and it needs to be verified to make sure that I am using the right process. I would like to use this to remove the seasonal
2009 Sep 28
Polynomial Fitting
Hello All, This might seem elementary to everyone, but please bear with me. I've just spent some time fitting poly functions to time series data in R using lm() and predict(). I want to analyze the functions once I've fit them to the various data I'm studying. However, after pulling the first function into Octave (just by plotting the polynomial function using fplot() over