similar to: help sub setting data frame

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 80 matches similar to: "help sub setting data frame"

2013 Jan 31
use name (not values!) of a dataframe inside a funktion
Dear Listers, can anyone help me, please. Since several days i try to figure out, how to assign values, vectors, functions etc to variables with dynamically generated names inside of functions. Sometimes I succeed, but the success is rather arbitrary, it seems. up to now i don't fully understand, why things like get, assign, <<- etc do sometimes work, and sometimes not. here's one
2003 Nov 23
make check reg-tests-3
Should I submit this as a bug report? --- Thu Jul 3 09:55:40 2003 +++ reg-tests-3.Rout Sun Nov 23 13:10:57 2003 @@ -1,17 +1,18 @@ -R : Copyright 2003, The R Development Core Team -Version 1.8.0 Under development (unstable) (2003-07-03) +R : Copyright 2003, The R Foundation for Statistical Computing +Version 1.8.1 (2003-11-21), ISBN 3-900051-00-3 R is free software and
2009 Jun 20
how to apply the dummy coding rule in a dataframe with complete factor levels to another dataframe with incomplete factor levels?
Dear R helpers: Sorry to bother for a basic question about model.matrix. Basically, I want to apply the dummy coding rule in a dataframe with complete factor levels to another dataframe with incomplete factor levels. I used model.matrix, but could not get what I want. The following is an example. #Suppose I have two dataframe A and B
2008 Dec 01
Help with lattice graphics
Hi, I like the formatting and the appearance of lattice plots. But I have not succeeded in gettting the right format in my plots with the lattice package in one of my applications. In?the code shown below, I start by constructing a general data frame and show my attempts with the lattice package commands. After that, I use the graphics package and show the kind of plot that I want to get. I would
2012 Jan 29
Using influence plots and obtaining id numbers
I am a novice R user, and I am having difficulty understanding R's influence plots. I am trying to remove outliers from a particular variable, "sib." I am able to generate influence plots and further outlier information such as below (which is a shortened example). For my analyses, I end up excluding the points R refers to, 7, 18, 26, and 105. However, my question is, how can I
2012 Mar 26
filter and merge 2 big Df's by=t_chr in sec.
Please help to solve that problem: filter and merge 2 big Df's by=t_chr in sec. require(zoo) t1="2012-03-25 17:00:00.0" t2="2012-03-25 17:00:05.0" t1_POSIXlt<-strptime(t1, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS")# t2_POSIXlt<-strptime(t2, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS")# # ts_t1t2_POSIXlt<-seq(t1_POSIXlt,t2_POSIXlt,length.out
2008 Mar 18
problem with merge
I have used merge regularly and thought I understood how it worked, but I must not. I have two dataframes with identical colnames from two different experiments, TL01 and LC01. Each dataframe has a column named "Entrez.Gene", which I have converted to "as.character" just to make sure merge is not looking at factor levels. Because I have done some filtering, the Entrez.Gene
2014 Oct 15
Test K-S con distribuciones LogNormales
Hola Ruben, Sí precisamente es lo que comentas, en matemáticas no se suele llamar bucketización (este término se emplea más en informática) sino datos agrupados. Pero la idea es la que tu mismo dices. Respecto a las gráficas que has puesto, me han aclarado mucho sobre el tema, gracias. Si realizo lo mismo, por ejemplo con nbucket=1000 sigo obteniendo un p-valor de 1. Es decir, que casi le
2007 Dec 17
Swfdec on STLinux
Hey, As some people might know, I've been contacted to make Swfdec run, and preferrably run fast, as a default UI on an STLinux[1] board. (For everyone not aware of it, this is an embedded ARM architecture (266MHz I think?) that uses DirectFB[2] for graphic output.) This mail is intended as a status report, it contains what I've learned and done about this in the last week. I've
2006 Nov 09
Merge: how can I keep discarded values?
Good morning, I am merging two datasets and I would like to save the non-matching rows in a separate file. The problem is how to retrieve the non-matching rows in R. Example: DATASET A code nomi A1 Franco A2 Mario A3 Andrea A4 Sandro A5 Luca DATASET B code book A1 Guerra e Pace A1 Storia di Roma A2 La coscienza di Zeno A4
1999 Jun 23
I am using rw0641 with Windows 98. To list just the influential repetitiones that result from "influence.measures", I am using the input result <- lm(y~x) and the code from the example in the help for "influence.measures" INFLM <- function(result){ inflm <- influence.measures(result) which(apply(inflm$is.inf,1,any)) } It works fine up to now with the
2017 Aug 08
[PATCH libdrm] drm: Remove create_handle() drm_framebuffer "virtual".
Because all drivers currently use gem objects for framebuffer planes, the virtual create_handle() is not required. This change adds a struct drm_gem_object *gems[4] field to drm_framebuffer and removes create_handle() function pointer from drm_framebuffer_funcs. The corresponding *_create_handle() function is removed from each driver. In many cases this change eliminates a struct *_framebuffer
2017 Aug 08
[PATCH libdrm] drm: Remove create_handle() drm_framebuffer "virtual".
Because all drivers currently use gem objects for framebuffer planes, the virtual create_handle() is not required. This change adds a struct drm_gem_object *gems[4] field to drm_framebuffer and removes create_handle() function pointer from drm_framebuffer_funcs. The corresponding *_create_handle() function is removed from each driver. In many cases this change eliminates a struct *_framebuffer
2017 Aug 08
[PATCH libdrm] drm: Remove create_handle() drm_framebuffer "virtual".
Because all drivers currently use gem objects for framebuffer planes, the virtual create_handle() is not required. This change adds a struct drm_gem_object *gems[4] field to drm_framebuffer and removes create_handle() function pointer from drm_framebuffer_funcs. The corresponding *_create_handle() function is removed from each driver. In many cases this change eliminates a struct *_framebuffer
2007 Aug 16
Combine matrix
Hi R user, I am new to R, and I have a very simple question for you. I have two matrix A and B, with internally redundant rownames (but variables are different). Some, but not all the rownames are shared among the two matrix. I want to create a greater matrix that combines the previuos two, and has all the possible combinations of matching rownames lines among matrix A and B. looking for the
1999 Apr 16
Re-rolled JDK1.1.7 for FreeBSD 2.*
Due to problems with 'select' bugs and the demo directory being all screwed up, I just re-rolled the JDK1.1.7 A.OUT release. Hopefully this should allow folks to again run Java programs under FreeBSD 2.*. The FreeBSD port has been upgraded to use the new release, so if you've installed the old (broken) release, please upgrade your port, pkg_delete the old one, and build the new one.
2006 Apr 29
Smbpasswd versus Winbind and tdb backend
For a LAN of 15 clients W9x/2000/XP with Samba 3 PDC level security User, backend default smbpasswd and without winbind, I have problem to view NT domain users groups lists in Windows 9x "Sharing" (I ran "net groupmap modify" to change english language name groups to spanish )... This problem are because I don't use tdb backend and winbind????
2008 Apr 19
What is wrong with yum?
Hello, in my CentOS-Base.repo file there is a line baseurl=$releasever/updates/$basearch and yum update said 'nothing to do'. Then I change this line to baseurl= and yum updates firefox, squid, sos and so on. That happens on two of my computers, reproducible. Does yum sometimes forget it's release
2008 Apr 21
vmware free on Centos5.1 clock sync
Hi, i am running virtual machines on vmware free , both with Windows Server Enterprise 2003. Problem is with clock, they are allways goinng forward faster then should. dmesg informs about : dev/vmmon[21623]: host clock rate change request 83 -> 1043 /dev/vmmon[21623]: host clock rate change request 1043 -> 83 /dev/vmmon[21623]: host clock rate change request 83 -> 1043
2005 Mar 07
Are "builtin" groups supposed to work with ldap?
This is with 3.0.11 and the idealx smbldap-tools 0.8.7 ----------8<------------------------------------------- # /opt/IDEALX/sbin/smbldap-groupshow 'Domain Admins' dn: cn=Domain Admins,ou=Groups,dc=wetron,dc=es objectClass: posixGroup,sambaGroupMapping gidNumber: 512 cn: Domain Admins memberUid: Administrator,luca description: Netbios Domain Administrators sambaSID: