similar to: What happen for Negative binomial link in Lmer fonction?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "What happen for Negative binomial link in Lmer fonction?"

2009 Oct 26
What happen for negative binomail link in lmer() fonction?
Dear R users, I’m performing some GLMMs analysis with a negative binomial link. I already performed such analysis some months ago with the lmer() function but when I tried it today I encountered this problem: *Erreur dans famType(glmFit$family) : unknown GLM family: ‘Negative Binomial’* Does anyone know if the negative binomial family has been removed from this function? I really appreciate any
2009 Nov 04
What happen for Negative binomial link in Lmer
Seems the message below and the thread have reveived no attention/answer. The output presented is quite tricky. Looks like if lmer (lme4 0.9975-10) has accepted a negative binomial link with reasonable estimates, although it was not designed for... What can one think about result validity ? Best Patrick Message: 34 Date: Thu, 29 Oct 2009 06:51:24 -0700 (PDT) From: "E. Robardet"
2009 Aug 26
tweedie and lmer
Hello all, I have count data with about 36% of observations being zeros. I found in some of the examples of the r-help mail archives that a tweedie family of distributions could be used to fit a model with random effects. Upon installing the tweedie package and attempting to fit the following model: lmer(SUS ~ 1 + (1|
2009 Oct 29
lmer and negative binomial family
Dear listers, One of my former students is trying to fit a model of the negative binomial family with lmer. In the past (two years ago), the following call was working well: m1a<-lmer(mapos~ninter+saison+milieu*zone+(1|code),family=neg.bin(0.451),REML=TRUE,data=manu) But now (R version 2.9.2 and lme4 version 0.999375-32), that gives (even with the library MASS loaded):
2006 Feb 20
glmmPQL model selection
Hi, I’m sorry, I know that it is a recurrent question but I have not been able to find the response in the Rhelp archives. I think my data require the use of the glmmPQL function but I do not know how to make the model selection. Since the AIC and log-likelihood are apparently meaningless, how can we select the parameters for a model and compare the models to find which one fits best the data?
2007 Apr 03
Re: asterisk-users Digest, Vol 33, Issue 12
I too was curious about this, so I copied the text into Babel Fish, and this is the result: I miss of the 2/04/2007 to the 11/04/2007. I will answer your message as of my return. For any urgency, to contact Emmanuelle Parache Moga or C?dric Buzay. If this guy is really going to be out until November these messages will get rather tiresome... John Beaman Telecom Specialist Voice
2002 May 03
Regression models for ordinal responses ??
Hello list, Is there any mean to fit models for ordinal response other than multinomial polytomous ("multinom" from nnet ) and cumulative logit ("polr" from MASS)? I am particularly interested in continuation-ratio model and adjacent-category logit model. It is for the sake of epidemiology in wild-living populations! Many thanks, Emmanuelle Fromont
2005 Mar 24
Problem loading library Design
I have used library Design (Frank Harrell) in the past but when I tried this week, I get : > library(Design) Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : Object "formula.default" not found I updated to the latest version of the library (2.0) with the same result. My version of R may not be the latest but it's recent (and I probably changed since using Design for the last time) :
2007 Apr 03
Re: asterisk-users Digest, Vol 33, Issue 12
Je suis absent du 2/04/2007 au 11/04/2007. Je r?pondrai ? votre message d?s mon retour. Pour toute urgence, contacter Emmanuelle Parache Moga ou C?dric Buzay.
2007 Apr 10
Re: asterisk-users Digest, Vol 33, Issue 36
Je suis absent du 2/04/2007 au 11/04/2007. Je r?pondrai ? votre message d?s mon retour. Pour toute urgence, contacter Emmanuelle Parache Moga ou C?dric Buzay.
2005 Jul 25
passing formula arguments cv.glm
I am trying to write a wrapper for the last example in help(cv.glm) that deals with leave-one-out-cross-validation (LOOCV) for a logistic model. This wrapper will be used as part of a bigger program. Here is my wrapper funtion : logistic.LOOCV.err <- function( formu=NULL, data=NULL ){ cost.fn <- function(cl, pred) mean( abs(cl-pred) > 0.5 ) glmfit <- glm(
2007 Apr 03
Re: asterisk-users Digest, Vol 33, Issue 12
Ah, yes. One of the many differences between the US and the rest of the world. >>> 4/3/2007 2:52:16 PM >>> john beaman wrote: > I too was curious about this, so I copied the text into Babel Fish, and this is the result: > > I miss of the 2/04/2007 to the 11/04/2007. I will answer your message as of my return. For any urgency, to contact Emmanuelle
2012 Jun 19
Error when trying to update cpglm model
Dear all, I've been having problems running update() to re-fit a cpglm model inside a function (as in the code below). The solution is probably simple, but I'm stuck. If anyone could help, I'd greatly appreciate it. Regards, Rubem ## R code library(cplm) ## Data simulation period<-factor(1:4)                        herd<-factor(1:50)  
2004 Jul 21
fonction Getvar
Hia .... i try to use the fonction Getvar of asterisk to get a variable myDNIS that i have define. i use it as follow Action: Getvar Channel: SIP... Variable: myDNIS but asterisk don't know it .i have the response as follow Response: Error Message: Invalid/unknown command does everybody meet this problem . i try all possible combination and nothing help please ..!! :-( thanks in advance
2009 Jan 24
fonction PLATEAU???
Hello, I am working on extracting data from sound recording (fee bee song of the black-capped chickadee). I obtained a two column matrix with x=time(s) and y=frequency(khz). The part of the recording that is interesting me is when the frequency is stable. Does somebody ever used a fonction that extract only constant data among a huge list of data (sample= 180000)? Thanks Thibault Grava
2011 May 16
Inverse autocorrelation fonction
I've been looking for an IACF() procedure in R for a long time (it's a very convenient function to check for overdifferencing time series), and eventually decided to write my own function. Here's what I came up with : 3 web-pages helped me estimate it :
2012 Aug 10
error applying user-defined link function to lmer
Dear R users, I'm struggling with applying a user-defined link function in lmer. For analyzing data of a 2AFC psychophysical experiment, I would like to model my binary data with a logistic function with a lower limit at 0.5 instead of 0. In a previous question this has been described as a halflogit function. To do so I wrote my own link function and would like to submit it to lmer, however
2007 Mar 13
compatibility S-plus R: stepwise fonction
Hi, I tried to use S-plus script with R. I thought it was easy because there aren't a lot differences between S-plus and R syntaxe. However, I didn't succeed to use stepwise function in R. I think the best equivalent in R is step, but this function seems not to use same parameters. is there a better equivalent in R ? or package to make stepwise compatible with R ? Thank you for
2012 Feb 01
Probit regression with limited parameter space
Dear R helpers, I need to estimate a probit model with box constraints placed on several of the model parameters. I have the following two questions: 1) How are the standard errors calclulated in glm (family=binomial(link="probit")? I ran a typical probit model using the glm probit link and the nlminb function with my own coding of the loglikehood, separately. As nlminb does not
2007 Feb 23
Bootstrapping stepAIC() with glm.nb()
Dear all, I would like to Boostrap the stepAIC() procedure from package MASS for variety of model objects, i.e., fn <- function(object, data, B = 2){ n <- nrow(data) res <- vector(mode = "list", length = B) index <- sample(n, n * B, replace = TRUE) dim(index) <- c(n, B) for (i in 1:B) { up.obj <- update(object, data = data[index[, i], ])