similar to: How to specify an ARMA(1, [1,4]) model?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1100 matches similar to: "How to specify an ARMA(1, [1,4]) model?"

2009 Oct 13
How to specify an ARMA(1, [1,4]) model? Solved
On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 5:06 PM, Rolf Turner <>wrote: > > Not clear to me what the OP really wants. Perhaps the seasonal > model is what's required; perhaps an arima(1,0,4) model with > theta_2 and theta_3 constrained to be 0. The latter can be > achieved with > > arima(x,order=c(1,0,4),fixed=c(NA,NA,0,0,NA,NA)) > > Or perhaps
2008 Mar 21
tseries(arma) vs. stats(arima)
Hello, The "arma" function in the "tseries" package allows estimation of models with specific "ar" and "ma" lags with its "lag" argument. For example: y[t] = a[0] + a[1]y[t-3] +b[1]e[t-2] + e[t] can be estimated with the following specification : arma(y, lag=list(ar=3,ma=2)). Is this possible with the "arima" function in the
2010 Mar 18
Regression of a time series on its Quarters
# Dear List, # I want to characterize a time series according to its Quarter components. # My data ("a.ts": look like: #???????????????? Qtr1????????? Qtr2????????? Qtr3????????? Qtr4 #?? 1948 -0.0714961837? 0.0101747827? 0.0654816569 -0.0227830729 #?? 1949 -0.1175517556? 0.1151378692? 0.1015777858 -0.1971535900 #?? 1950?
2013 Mar 05
Zelig package: Coxph model problems
Hi, I'm having problems with the Zelig package - when using the below R displays the follwing message (I'm running R i386 2.15.3 for Windows and have updated all the Zelig packages): z.out<-zelig(Surv(psurv2, pcens2) ~ ren_sup3 + age, data=data_urgent, model="coxph") ** The model "coxph" is not available with the currently loaded packages, ** and is not an
2004 Jun 25
R 1.9.1 package installation problems
Hello, I am writing as an administrator, not as an R user, so forgive me if I am not completely knowledgeable about R. I have a user who is creating an R package for windows from a Linux environment using the crossbuild environment by Jun Yan and A.J. Rossini. The packages she generated worked fine until she tried to install in R 1.9.1 for Windows. Now when she installs with
2008 Jul 23
Time series reliability questions
Hello all, I have been using R's time series capabilities to perform analysis for quite some time now and I am having some questions regarding its reliability. In several cases I have had substantial disagreement between R and other packages (such as gretl and the commercial EViews package). I have just encountered another problem and thought I'd post it to the list. In this case,
2010 Feb 15
argh .. if/else .. why?
Hello, would someone please help explain the following inconsistency in the if/else statement to me? The format of the if/else #3 below is ok, but if/else #1 is not? (I get an "unexpected else" type error.) In order for it to work I have to use if/else #2 Thanks .. maybe there is some reason for this, but this looks very inconsistent to me. R version 2.10.1 (2009-12-14) Ubuntu 9.04
2009 Oct 30
Package zelig
hello all I am using the R package Zelig for some tobit regression with robust standard errors. I have got R version 2.9.2 (2009-08-24) and Zelig Version: 3.4-5 when i do demo(robust) It ends like this way data(coalition) > # Fit the model with robust standard error > user.prompt() Press <return> to continue: > z.out3 <- zelig(Surv(duration, ciep12) ~ polar + numst2 +
2007 Nov 01
Zelig and the "blogit" model
Hi Folks, According to the PDF file blogit.pdf in the Zelig documentation: "Use the bivariate logistic regression model ["blogit"] if you have two binary dependent variables (Y1,Y2), and and wish to model them jointly as a function of some explanatory variables. Each pair of dependent variables (Yi1,Yi2) has four potential outcomes, (Yi1=1,Yi2=1), (Yi1=1,Yi2=0),
2009 Apr 13
joint estimation of two poisson equations
Dear list members, Is there a package somewhere for jointly estimating two poisson processes? I think the closest I've come is using the "SUR" option in the Zelig package (see below), but when I try the "poisson" option instead of the "SUR" optioin I get an error (error given below, and indeed, reading the documentation of the Zelig package, I get the impression
2010 Mar 29
Question about 'logit' and 'mlogit' in Zelig
I'm running a multinomial logit in R using the Zelig packages. According to str(trade962a), my dependent variable is a factor with three levels. When I run the multinomial logit I get an error message. However, when I run 'model=logit' it works fine. any ideas on whats wrong? ## MULTINOMIAL LOGIT anes96two <- zelig(trade962a ~ age962 + education962 + personal962 + economy962 +
2007 May 26
How to get the "Naive SE" of coefficients from the zelig output
Dear R-user: After the fitting the Tobit model using zelig, if I use the following command then I can get the regression coefficents: beta=coefficients(il6.out) > beta (Intercept) apache 4.7826 0.9655 How may I extract the "Naive SE" from the following output please? > summary(il6w.out) Call: zelig(formula =$il6 ~$apache, model =
2008 Apr 11
Multinomial Logit Regression
Hi all, I have a dataset with a response variable with three categories (1, 2, 3) and a lot of continuous variables. I'd like to make a MLR with these variables. I've been watching the libraries nnet and zelig for this purpose but I don't understand them well. I use a training sample data to make the MLR. train.set <- sample(1:1000,1000*0.7) I have done this: library(nnet) net
2011 Apr 26
Wish R Core had a standard format (or generic function) for "newdata" objects
Is anybody working on a way to standardize the creation of "newdata" objects for predict methods? When using predict, I find it difficult/tedious to create newdata data frames when there are many variables. It is necessary to set all variables at the mean/mode/median, and then for some variables of interest, one has to insert values for which predictions are desired. I was at a
2010 Jan 10
lme4 and function 'cholmod_start' not provided by package 'Matrix' / Ubuntu
Hello all, Using Ubuntu 9.04 and R 2.8.1. For a project I need to use the Zelig package, which in turn wants to use the lme4 package. When trying to use Zelig and it tries to its required packages I get the following error message. Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) : function 'cholmod_start' not provided by package 'Matrix' Error in loadModelDeps(model) :
2011 Oct 18
getting basic descriptive stats off multiple imputation data
Hi, all, I'm running multiple imputation to handle missing data and I'm running into a problem. I can generate the MI data sets in both amelia and the mi package (they look fine), but I can't figure out how to get pooled results. The examples from the mi package, zelig, etc., all seem to go right to something like a regression, though all I want are the mean and SE for all the
2007 Jun 05
logit model interpretation
Hello everyone I appologize for my lack of experience in statistical methods. I am an R user begginer and I am running a logit model using "zelig" and "pcse" packages. I will go to the point and is that Im having problems with interpreting the results of my models.. It is really simple (I guess for the most advanced scholars) however I really dont understand how to interpret
2007 Jul 27
Package manual examples - 'unexpected$undefined' errors
Trying out an unfamiliar package, the natural thing is to use the examples given in the package's manual - hopefully, the writers of the package wouldn't include examples which didn't work! Recently, though, I've been getting 'unexpected$undefined' error messages when doing this, despite having copy/pasted the text from the manual (taking out hard breaks on the way).
2009 May 09
(no subject)
Could you help me with a problem? I should put non-linear variables into zelig-model, how can that be done? I'm dealing with air pollution data, trying to find out daily associations between mortality and air pollutants. Weather variables used as confounders are in some cases non-linear. Since smoothing is not an option I don't know how to proceed. Thanks, Jaana
2020 Oct 05
Simultaneous Equation Model with Dichotomous Dependent Variables
Hello everyone! I am currently working with a time series panel data set measuring six dependent variables: 4 of which are binary and 2 of which are count data. I am interested in constructing a model to measure if the dependent variables influence one another. For example: DV1~ DV2 + IV1+IV2+ Controls and DV2~ DV1 + IV1+ IV2+ Controls (where IV stands for independent variable, not