Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "Non linear fitting of 2 distributions with shared parameters"
2009 Apr 22
Rép : How to compare parameters of non linear fitting curves - COMPLETE REPLY -
Oups, I sent the email by error, as I was still writing my reply…
Le 22-avr.-09 à 03:33, spencerg a écrit :
> Is your first model a special case of the second with eta1 = 0?
> If yes, what about using 2*log(likelihood ratio) being approximately
> chi-square?
Yes, the first model is a special case of the second with eta1=0â¦
Could you give me more explanation about
2009 Apr 21
How to compare parameters of non linear fitting curves
I'm using a non linear model to fit experimental survival curves.
This model describes the fraction of "still active" experiments as a
function of time t as follows:
f(t)=(1+exp(-etaD*cD)) / (1+exp(etaD(t-cD)))
Moreover, when experiments are still active, they may change of state
(from 0 to 1). But they may fall inactive before changing their state
(their state still
2009 Oct 20
2x2 Contingency table with much sampling zeroes
I'm analyzing experimental results where two different events ("T1"
and "T2") can occur or not during an experiment. I made my experiments
with one factor ("Substrate") with two levels ("Sand" and "Clay").
I would like to know wether or not "Substrate" affects the occurrence
probability of the two events. Moreover, for each
2009 Jan 27
How to compare two regression line slopes
I've made a research about how to compare two regression line slopes
(of y versus x for 2 groups, "group" being a factor ) using R.
I knew the method based on the following statement :
t = (b1 - b2) / sb1,b2
where b1 and b2 are the two slope coefficients and sb1,b2 the pooled
standard error of the slope (b)
which can be calculated in R this way:
> df1 <-
2007 Oct 18
R-squared value for linear regression passing through origin using lm()
A have small technical question about the calculation of R-squared
using lm().
In a study case with experimental values, it seems more logical to
force the regression line to pass through origin with lm(y ~ x +0).
However, R-squared values are higher in this case than when I
compute the linear regression with lm(y ~ x).
It seems to be surprising to me: is this result normal ? Is there
2010 Dec 26
Fitting mixtures with non-linear parameters constraints
Dear R users
Does anyone happen to know a function to fit a Gaussian mixture using
*non-linear* constraints?between the parameters? (An EM the allows
that will do the job obviously).
Thank you in advance
Jonathan Rosenblatt
2012 Jan 18
Non-linear Least Square Optimization -- Function of two variables.
Dear All,
In the past I have often used minpack (http://bit.ly/zXVls3) relying
on the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm to perform non-linear fittings.
However, I have always dealt with a function of a single variable.
Is there any difference if the function depends on two variables?
To fix the ideas, please consider the function
where a,b,c,d are fit parameters.
2001 Apr 25
problems with a large data set
I have trouble with a data set that comprises 2136 lines of 20 columns.
I would like to do a hierarchical clustering and I tried the following:
ages.hclust <- hclust(dist(ages, method="euclidean"), "ward")
but I get the following error message:
Error: cannot allocate vector of size 17797 Kb
When I try to do the dist() alone first without the hclust(), I get the
2001 Apr 27
weithed clustering (was: Re: problems with a large data set)
kmeans and clara work great. Thank you for the tip.
I have another question:
Is it possible to weight the observations in a cluster analysis ? I haven't
found any mention of this in the kmeans of clara help texts.
Moritz Lennert
Charg? de recherche
t?l: 32-2-650.65.16
fax: 32-2-650.50.92
email: mlennert at ulb.ac.be
> On Wed, 25 Apr 2001, Moritz Lennert wrote:
2011 Nov 25
fitting some form of linear model with bimodal distribution of dependent variable
Hi All,
I have a parameter that is bimodal, and I want to get some sort of linear model done with it
results = some.linear.function(bimodal.param ~ factor1 + some other stuff, mydata)
I want to see if factor 1 matters (it has 3 levels, of of which can be taken as baseline), i.e:
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) -2.108522
2004 Jan 22
problem fitting linear mixed models
I'm fitting linear mixed models to gene-expression data from
microarrays, in a data set where 4608 genes are studied.
For a sample of 5 subjects and for each gene we observe the expression
level (Intensity) in four different tissues: N, Tp, Tx and M.
I want to test whether the expression level is different accross
tissues. Between-subject variability is modeled with a random
2005 May 19
Fitting Data with errors to non-polynomial Linear Model
Dear R-help,
After two days of search on the archive of your web-site, I found partial
answers to the problem that I want to solve, but this is not concluent to me
and I am thinking that perhaps someone could answer exactly my problem:
I have a theoretical Model (for the prediction of some physical quantity) which
can be seen as a linear Model with 2 parameters. On the other side the measured
2005 Oct 27
Fitting of Non-Linear Diff Equations and Parameter Estimation
Hello Everybody,
I am running R 2.2.0 with Windows XP
i am trying to fit nonlinear differential equation to data sets which looks
like this:
Week N C
0 1 1
1 5 6
2 6.2 12.2
3 59 71.2
4 39 110.2
5 38 148.2
6 44 192.2
7 20.4 212.6
8 19.4 232
9 34.2 266.2
10 35.4 301.6
and i need to fit these data to the following diff equation:
dNdt=a*N-b*N*C, dCdt=N^2,
Where a=birth rate, b=death rate and N=
2006 Sep 28
starting point for non linear fitting
Hi all!
i'm trying to use nls for fitting my data. I wrote this code to find
some minimum, but it fails, returning 0 every time..... and i can't
figure out the problem... any advice?
grid <- expand.grid(A0 = seq(1000,10000,1000), A1 = seq(0,2,0.1))
exp.approx <- function(x,A0,A1) {
A0 * exp(- x*A1)
ss <- function(p) {
sum((durata.h.freq -
2007 Mar 22
non-linear curve fitting
Hi list,
I have a little curve fitting problem.
I would like to fit a sigmoid curve to my data using the following equation:
f(x) = 1/(1 + exp(-(x-c)*b)) (or any other form for that matter)
Where x is the distance/location within the dataframe, c is the shift of the curve across the dataframe and b is the steepness of the curve.
I've been playing with glm() and glm.fit() but without
2001 Sep 14
Supply linear constrain to optimizer
Dear R and S users,
I've been working on fitting finite mixture of negative exponential
distributions using maximum likelihood based on the example given in MASS.
So far I had much success in fitting two components. The problem started
when I tried to extend the procedure to fit three components.
More specifically,
likelihood = sum( ln(c1*exp(-x/lambda1)/lambda1 +
2011 Apr 24
Multi-dimensional non-linear fitting - advice on best method?
I have a set of data of the form (x, y1, y2) where x is the
independent variable and (y1, y2) is the response pair. The model is
some messy non-linear function:
(y1, y2) = f(x; param1, param2, ..., paramk) + (y1error, y2error)
where the parameters param1, ..., paramk are to be estimated, and I'll
assume the errors to be normal for sake of simplicity.
If there were only one
2005 Nov 03
Fitting heteroscedastic linear models/ problems with varIdent of nlme
I would like to fit a model for a factorial design that allows for
unequal variances in all groups. If I am not mistaken, this can be done
in lm by specifying weights.
A function intended to specify weights for unequal variance structures
is provided in the nlme library with the varIdent function. Is it
apropriate to use these weights with lm? If not, is there another
possibility to do
2002 Sep 11
fitting a linear mixed effects model
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2007 Aug 31
non-linear fitting (nls) and confidence limits
dear list members,
I apologize in advance for posting a second time, but probably after one
week chances are, the first try went down the sink..
my question concerns computation of confidence intervals in nonlinear fits
with `nls' when weigthing the fit. the seemingly correct procedure does not
work as expected, as is detailed in my original post below.
any remarks appreciated.