similar to: dichromat, regexp, and grid objects

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "dichromat, regexp, and grid objects"

2013 Jan 25
MacOSX-Leopard/ Dichromat not found?
Dear All, During the last few days I've been trying to get ggplot2 installed in my Mac but when installing dependencies I cannot access dichromat. Error in download.file(url, destfile, method, mode = "wb", ...) : cannot open URL '' Any suggestions? Accept my apologies if this is not the right
2011 Nov 02
palettes for the color-blind
Everyone, I'm working with scatter plots with different colored symbols (via lattice). I'm currently using these colors for points and lines: col1 <- c(rgb(1, 0, 0), rgb(0, 0, 1), rgb(0, 1, 0), rgb(0.55482458, 0.40350876, 0.04166666), rgb(0, 0, 0)) plot(seq(along = col1), pch = 16, col = col1, cex = 1.5) I'm also using these with transparency (alpha
2004 Nov 05
dichromat package
This is an update (version 1.2), not a new package, but given recent postings on the R lists an announcement may be helpful. The 'dichromat' package has color schemes designed for people with red-green deficient or anomalous vision, tools for simulating the effect of color blindness, and tools for creating color ramps and palettes (these last will be in R 2.1.0). I would welcome
2004 Nov 05
dichromat package
This is an update (version 1.2), not a new package, but given recent postings on the R lists an announcement may be helpful. The 'dichromat' package has color schemes designed for people with red-green deficient or anomalous vision, tools for simulating the effect of color blindness, and tools for creating color ramps and palettes (these last will be in R 2.1.0). I would welcome
2011 Jul 15
plot a vertical column of colored rectangles
Hi, I've been really struggling with this. If I have a vector like dat <- c(0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0) I want to plot each element as a colored rectangle (red=1, blue=1) in the right order, so they all stack up forming a vertical column on the graph. Sort of like a building, with each floor in the appropriate color. Any ideas? I've tried using ggplot and geom_tile, but my
2011 Oct 19
Simple color strip
Hi, I was trying to get an image/pdf of a sequence of colors in the order given. For example: myCols <- c('#0000BF','#0000BF','#0000FF','#0000FF','#0000BF','#0000FF') I'd like to make a strip of colors as they appear in the order above and save it as a pdf file. Is there a function in the base package (or some other package) to do this?
2013 Jan 25
could not find function "qplot" after install.packages("ggplot2")
On OS X 10.8.2, after I installed ggplot2, and picked mirror of Singapore. it could not find qplot function. Could anyone pls help me ? Thank you. Pls see: > install.packages("ggplot2")--- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session ---also installing the dependencies ¡®colorspace¡¯, ¡®stringr¡¯, ¡®RColorBrewer¡¯, ¡®dichromat¡¯, ¡®munsell¡¯, ¡®labeling¡¯, ¡®plyr¡¯,
2020 May 13
Sometimes commands do not terminate after upgrading to R 4.0 and Ubuntu 20.04
I have upgraded R (from 3.6 to 4.0) and RStudio (from 1.1 to 1.2.5) a few days ago, and Ubuntu from 18.04 to 20.04 yesterday. Since then, R sometimes never terminates when executing certain commands: ivreg (from package AER), summary (of a logit regression) and logitmfx (from package mfx). Sometimes these commands run fine, but most of the time I have to kill the process because R won't
2005 Mar 30
2d plotting and colours
Hi! I am new to R just 3 days in it and i apologize if my questions seem very trivial and consumed your valuable time. I am coding in perl and i stumbled upon R regarding plotting good statistical graphs. I tried the kmean clustering for a large matrix ,say > 150 * 150 . I tried the example code given in the tutorial to perform 2d plot # i ranges from 2 to 10 cl <- kmeans(x, i, 20)
2012 Oct 26
colorspace: interactive HCL palette chooser
Dear useRs, we have just released a new version (1.2-0) of the "colorspace" package: In addition to the infrastructure for transforming colors between different color spaces (RGB, HSV, HCL, and various others) and support for different types of color palettes (qualitative, sequential, diverging), there is now a new graphical user
2012 Oct 26
colorspace: interactive HCL palette chooser
Dear useRs, we have just released a new version (1.2-0) of the "colorspace" package: In addition to the infrastructure for transforming colors between different color spaces (RGB, HSV, HCL, and various others) and support for different types of color palettes (qualitative, sequential, diverging), there is now a new graphical user
2005 Aug 03
red-black-green color palette?
I'm working on some heatmaps, and the person I'm working with would prefer a red-black-green color palette (red denoting gene induction and green denoting gene repression). Does such a palette exist already? If not, is there an easy way to create one? Thanks, Jake
2017 Nov 14
Possible bug(s) causing ggplot2 and XLConnect to crash recent builds of r-devel
The following R code causes R to crashes under recent r-devel builds of R: library(ggplot2) RCBD.lay <- data.frame(Blocks = factor(rep(1:5, each = 6)), Units = factor(rep(1:6, times = 5)), Treatments = factor(rep(1:6, times = 5))) ggplot(data = RCBD.lay, aes(x = Units, y = Blocks, label = Treatments)) + geom_text(aes(colour = Treatments)) I
2013 Mar 05
Color spalettes for black/white printing
Ein eingebundener Text mit undefiniertem Zeichensatz wurde abgetrennt. Name: nicht verf?gbar URL: <>
2020 May 13
Sometimes commands do not terminate after upgrading to R 4.0 and Ubuntu 20.04
Salut Adrien, On 13 May 2020 at 14:19, Adrien FABRE wrote: | I have upgraded R (from 3.6 to 4.0) and RStudio (from 1.1 to 1.2.5) a few | days ago, and Ubuntu from 18.04 to 20.04 yesterday. | | Since then, R sometimes never terminates when executing certain commands: | ivreg (from package AER), summary (of a logit regression) and logitmfx | (from package mfx). Sometimes these commands run fine,
2005 Oct 15
grid.edit problem
I am having a problem in editing a grob. It works ok if I try to shift the grob using npc coordinates but if I do the same thing using native coordinates the grob disappears. What is wrong? library(grid) grid.newpage() # create viewport pushViewport(viewport(xscale = c(100,200), name = "X")) # draw vertical line grid.lines(150, 0:1, default.units = "native", name =
2008 Jul 28
1 after grid.remove() fails
Dr Murrell and others, It seems fails after any use of grid.remove(). It gives an infinite recursion error even in the simplest cases, and no matter what arguments are passed to > library(grid) > grid.newpage() > grid.lines(name="foo") > foo > grid.remove("foo") > Error: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion
2011 Feb 15
gList and gTree methods of grid::grobX
Dear all, In an attempt to draw fill patterns in grid graphics, I have encountered a behavior of grobX that I cannot understand from the documentation. Consider this, library(grid) ## gTree g1 <- gTree(children=gList( rectGrob(0.5,0.5, width=unit(0.8,"npc"), height=unit(2,"cm")), circleGrob(r=0.3)), vp=viewport(0.5,0.5)) ##
2009 Jun 26
gradient fill of a grid.polygon
Dear list, Following a recent enquiry, I've been playing with the idea of creating a colour gradient for a polygon, using the Grid package. The idea is to draw a number of stripes of different colours, using the grid.clip function. Below is my current attempt at this, library(grid) rotate.polygon <- function(g, angle=0){ # utility function, works fine matR <- matrix(c(cos(angle),
2004 Nov 02
Color schemes that work for people with color-deficient vision
A recent article in the earth science literature cited below and available at points out that rainbow color schemes and mixtures of green and yellow can be troublesome for people with color-deficient vision. The authors propose alternative schemes that can be viewed and downloaded in RGB, HSV, CMYK, and RGB256 formats from