Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "bar chart with means - using ggplot"
2009 Apr 26
Bumps chart in R
Hi there,
I would like to make a 'bumps chart' like the ones described e.g.
here: http://junkcharts.typepad.com/junk_charts/bumps_chart/
Purpose: I'd like to plot the proportion of people in select countries
living for less then one USD pr day in 1994 and 2004 respectively. I
have already constructed a barplot - but I think a bumps chart would
be better
# The barplot and data
2009 May 24
help with replacing factors
In the example dataset below - how can I cahnge "gray20", to "blue"
# data
black <- rep(c("black","red"),10)
gray <- rep(c("gray10","gray20"),10)
black_gray <- data.frame(black,gray)
# none of this desperate things works
# replace(black_gray$gray, gray=="gray20","red")
2018 May 26
Grouping by 3 variable and renaming groups
I'm trying to figure out how to rename groups in a data frame after groups
by selected variabels. I am using the dplyr library to group my data by 3
variables as follows
# group by lat (StoreX)/long (StoreY)
priceStore <- LapTopSales[,c(4,5,15,16)]
priceStore <- priceStore[complete.cases(priceStore), ] # keep only non NA
priceStore_Grps <- priceStore %>%
2018 May 26
Grouping by 3 variable and renaming groups
See if this is it:
priceStore_Grps$StoreID <- paste("Store",
seq_len(nrow(priceStore_Grps)), sep = "_")
Hope this helps,
Rui Barradas
On 5/26/2018 2:03 PM, Jeff Reichman wrote:
> I'm trying to figure out how to rename groups in a data frame after groups
> by selected variabels. I am using the dplyr library to group my
2018 May 26
Grouping by 3 variable and renaming groups
Sorry, but I think my first answer is wrong.
You probably want something along the lines of
sp <- split(priceStore_Grps, priceStore_Grps$StorePC)
res <- lapply(seq_along(sp), function(i){
sp[[i]]$StoreID <- paste("Store", i, sep = "_")
res <- do.call(rbind, res)
row.names(res) <- NULL
Hope this helps,
Rui Barradas
On 5/26/2018
2007 Jun 14
back-transform predictors for x-axis in plot -- mgcv package
My question is related to plot( ) in the mgcv package. Before modelling
the data, a few predictors were transformed to normalize them.
Therefore, the x-axes in the plots show transformed predictor values.
How do I back-transform the predictors so that the plots are easier to
Thanks in advance,
Suzan Pool
Oregon State University
Cooperative Institute for Marine
2012 Jan 16
ggplot2 stacked bar - sum of values rather than count
I'm trying to create a stacked bar plot using ggplot2. Rather than
plotting the count of each of the 13 "Bar" factors on the Y axis, I
would like to represent the sum of the Values associated with each of
the 13 "Bar" factors. Is there a way to do that? Given the following
data, that would obviously mean that there would be some negative sums
represented. Here's
2011 Sep 15
Colour code y-axis labels on a dot plot
Dear R helpers
I would like to be able to colour code the y-axis labels on a complex dot
plot by a variable known as company (of which there are only two). The code
is below and data attached.
library(latticeExtra) # for mergedTrellisLegendGrob()
# set size of the window
windows(height=10, width=7,rescale=c("fixed"))
##read the data to a
2009 Feb 04
ggplot: problem with fill option in stat_smooth()
Hi all,
I am using ggplot2 and continuing to find it very useful and pretty.
However, I am trying to create some graphics for publication that would be
included in an MS Word document (not my choice!) in Windows Vista.
The problem is that I want to use stat_smooth() to add an fitted linear
model line along with its 95% confidence band, but I cannot seem to get the
confidence band in a format
2007 Oct 24
Graphics - plotting two graphs
I wanted to plot 2 lines on a single graph. Each graph has one axis that can be common. The code that I'm using is:
par(mfrow=c(1, 1))
x1 <- c(2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12)
x2 <- c(10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60)
y1 <- c(10,12,15,22,34,21)
y2 <- c(40, 130, 150, 145, 40, 30)
par(las=1, mar=c(4, 4, 2, 4))
2016 Aug 12
loosing audio from one end after 5 min.
Is the keep alive activated on the phone?
On Thu, Aug 11, 2016, 5:36 PM Dovid Bender <dovid at telecurve.com> wrote:
> 1) Does it happen every time at the 5 minute work?
> 2) Have you done a dump on the client side to see if the NAT device is
> dropping the packets?
> 3) Is the phone behind a load balance internet connection and is the RTP
> port changing?
2011 Sep 06
r-help volcano plot
Can't installe packag maDB or limma.
Error is shown as
Using R version 2.13.1, biocinstall version 2.8.4.
Installing Bioconductor version 2.8 packages:
Is there any other way to draw volcano plot ?
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2018 Feb 08
sparse.model.matrix Generates Non-Existent Factor Levels if Ord.factor Columns Present
Good day,
Sometimes, sparse.model.matrix outputs a dgCMatrix which has column names consisting of factor levels that were not in the original dataset. The first factor appears to be correctly transformed, but the following factors don't. For example:
diamonds <- as.data.frame(ggplot2::diamonds)
> colnames(sparse.model.matrix(~ . -1, diamonds))
[1] "carat"
2011 Sep 01
Background fill and border for a legend in dotplot
Dear R help group
I've been working on this plot for a while now and now getting around to the
minor adjusments. I would like to be able to put a border and background
fill around the legend in this plot.
I understand the legend 'bty' should do this have this capablity but not
sure how the syntax works in this case
###### initalise
2011 Jun 01
Plotting from functions
I can plot to png's fine when i run this directly from the top-level
But for some reason it's not working when that's in a function:
I suspect this is because the qplot's return value must be
2008 Mar 04
ggplot2 - Problem with grid plot
Hi R-help
I'm trying to create a grid plot in which each plot in the grid contains two
density plots (colored by factor) and two vertical lines at the respective
medians (also colored by the factor).
Using the diamonds dataset as an example, the following commands give me
price density plots by factor cut in a single, ungridded plot.
p <- ggplot(data=diamonds, aes(x=price)) +
2009 May 07
I updated/reinstalled ggplot2 and the trouble started...
Hi Ian,
Per your suggestion, I reinstalled R 2.9.0, then
I reinstalled ggplot2 on top. The problem persists.
Here's the what happens after the installation:
> qplot (carat, price, data = diamonds, alpha = I(1/10))
Warning message:
In grid.Call.graphics("L_points", x$x, x$y, x$pch, x$size) :
semi-transparency is not supported on this device: reported only once per
2016 Aug 11
loosing audio from one end after 5 min.
Hi all,
Just installed Asterisk 13 on CentOS 7 and have run into a problem.
The Scenario is this:
Asterisk is on the internet
the Phone, a D40, is behind NAT
So someone calls the number and Asterisk routes the call to the D40
Everything works fine and the call is established, but then after 5 min.
the caller stops getting audio from the D40 but there is still audio to
the D40.
using both
2008 Oct 28
does qplot works with Sweave?
Hi Hadley:
I'm practicing writing a document using MikTex but can't make qplot to execute. It works when using 'plot' though. Is this a normal behaviour?
\title{ggplot2 example}
\section*{Examples of using ggplot2}
The goal is to be able to import ggplot2 graphics into the annual report.
Hadley Wickham has done a great
2011 Oct 26
Using abline in lattice
Dear all,
being a relative beginner in R, I apologize for posting the second question
within two days.
So I want a stacked barchart, which should look like the one produced by
this code:
Tuvalu <- c(9,3,4,0,3,0,0)
Singapor <- c(38,0,0,0,12,19,0)
Samoa <- c(26,16,2,0,5,2,0)
PNG <- c(56,4,0,5,2,0,56)
Micronesia <- c(6,0,0,0,0,0,0)
graph4 <-