similar to: printing a dataframe summary to disk

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "printing a dataframe summary to disk"

2009 Oct 04
convenience question
On: R 2.8.1 / Ms Windows / R-Gui-R-console I have a long-ish function, and to re-assure myself that it's actually making progress I've arranged a set of messages to the console (using cat). But what happens is that the messages don't actually display until the function has finished, which sort of negates the purpose. However, if I hit Return after starting the function, then all
2008 Dec 15
R2winbugs : vectorization
I'm new to bugs, so please bear with me. Can someone tell me if the following two models are doing the same thing? The reason I ask is that with the same data, the first (based on 4 separate coeffs a1--a4) takes about 50 secs, while the second (based on a vectorized form, a[]) takes about 300. The means are about the same, though R-hat's in the second version are quite a bit better.
2010 Jun 09
makign help files by hand
Can someone tell me how to make up (eg) a library's html help files by hand? I think I ought to be able to use RCMD Rdconv for this but (R-2.10.0, MS-win) when I type (in a dos session) "rdcmd rdconv --help" I get a message to the effect that a perl script rdconv can't be opened. Can I do this from within R itself? And if so, how (in particular, what is the target file to
2011 May 07
spdep::poly2nb problem
I downloaded a US states+territories shapefile from and unzipped it into my working directory. Then in R (version 12.2.0 for ms-win32): library(rgdal) # Version: 0.6-28 library(spdep) # Version: 0.5-24 (loads sp: Version: 0.9-72) # read in the data states<-readOGR(".","s_01de10") summary(states) # now
2009 Aug 23
customizing RGui/Rconsole
Is it possible to change the behavior of RGui/RConsole under MS Windows so that, if you submit a bunch of commands from a script window, when they've finished, focus is given to the Console, and not (as now) to the script? ------------------------ Philip A. Viton City Planning, Ohio State University 275 West Woodruff Avenue, Columbus OH 43210 viton.1 at
2010 Jul 07
How do I test against a simple null that two regressions coefficients are equal?
Hi there, I run two regressions: y = a1 + b1 * x + e1 y = a2 + b2 * z + e2 I want to test against the null hypothesis: b1 = b2. How do I design the test? I think I can add two equations together and divide both sides by 2: y = 0.5*(a1+a2) + 0.5*b1 * x + 0.5*b2 * z + e3, where e3 = 0.5*(e1 + e2). or just y = a3 + 0.5*b1 * x + 0.5*b2 * z + e3 If I run this new regression, I can test against
2010 May 11
Pairwise combination
Hi there, I am looking for a function that takes a vector as input and generates all pair wise combination of the elements of the input vector. For example, the input vector is c(1,2,3,4). The output vector is c(1 and 2, 1 and 3, 1 and 4, 2 and 3, 2 and 4, 3 and 4). The representation here is generic. I can use a for loop to do it, but it gets slow when the number of elements of the input
2002 Feb 25
another basic ?
i am sure that there is a simple solution that i am just overlooking, but there is no logical test for = there is one for != and >,<, >=, <=... what do i do if i need to check if something IS EQUAL or is there an easy way, in working with a matrix of size n x 3, to sort the matrix by one of the columns? specifically what i am trying to do is i have a matrix with individual and
2007 Jul 23
(no subject)
Dear Sir/Madam, I am running a R program for my SNP data. There are some errors when I run glm model in Hapassoc software, sometimes it is over the memory and sometimes the matrix is singular. I want to ingore these errors and excute the next statement. Otherwise, I have a big big trouble. Do you have some idea about this problem of ingore errors. Wish to get your help assp. thanks. -- Wei
2010 May 11
Regressions with fixed-effect in R
Hi there, Maybe people who know both R and econometrics will be able to answer my questions. I want to run panel regressions in R with fixed-effect. I know two ways to do it. First, I can include factor(grouping_variable) in my regression equation. Second, I plan to subtract group mean from my variables and run OLS panel regression with function lm(). I plan to do it with the second way because
2001 Dec 15
subset error message
Hello everybody, I'm trying to subset a data frame "foo", which looks like this: sent cond raw V1 10 2 A 614 7 11 2 A 724 6 12 2 A 641 5 13 2 A 665 9 33 5 B 510 7 34 5 B 659 7 35 5 B 607 6 37 5 B 467 8 38 5 B 586 9 39 5 B 523 10 57 8 C 858 8 58 8 C 513 9 59 8 C
2001 Nov 29
Is there a method for creating "animations" using R. Or is there another piece of software (unix perferrably) that can generate a "movie" from many ps/eps/gif/jpg files? Thanks, Jeff. Jeff D. Hamann Hamann, Donald and Associates PO Box 1421 Corvallis, Oregon USA 97339-1421 Bus. 541-753-7333 Cell. 541-740-5988 jeff_hamann at
2001 Nov 29
plotting (a) confidence intervals (b) standard error
Hi all, I'm building a plot of the values in tmeant (below) against positions 1 to 5, using matplot. tmeant looks like this: case1 case2 pos1 861.8466 818.5909 pos2 961.2841 976.3466 pos3 878.6080 1262.8523 pos4 950.8011 1129.6080 pos5 968.1080 1063.3920 I also have lower (object tl) and upper (object tu) bounds on the confidence intervals as follows: tl: pos1
2001 Nov 30
Script editor for R on Linux
Hi all, Could you point me to a script editor in Linux that will allow me to a somewhat easy pasting of section(s) of an R script or function into R for execution? Something like WinEdt+RWinEdt macro in R for Windows? (My time is a bit pressed. I haven't succeeded in my attempts to install ESS for XEmacs. No doubt due to my confusion and lack of competence. I am abandoning it for the
2002 Nov 12
Samba with Win2K client -- dual network cards -- same segment
Interesting note: I have a laptop with an integrated 802.11b interface, and a 10/100 interface. Normally, I use the 10/100 for the sake of speed, but occasionally I like to go for a walk with the unit. Basic services such as mail, web, etc. are basically unaffected (except in the area of throughput), but SMB goes into a FUNK! Trying to access my Samba server (2.2.6) over the wireless causes
2002 Mar 20
check without loop
i am probably just missing this one, but how can i check to see if a number is a part of a vector? i know i could do a loop checking for equivalence for each element, but i am thinking that there must be a simpler way to do it than that ( i think that i have even done it in the past, but can't remember how!) thanks what i am working with: (hope this makes sense) arclist [1] 2 2 6
2006 Jan 12
Multilevel models with mixed effects in R?
Group, I am new to R. In my work as a program evaluator, I am regularly asked to estimate effect sizes of prevention/intervention and educational programs on various student outcomes (e.g. academic achievement). In many cases, I have access to data over three or more time periods (e.g. growth in proficiency test scores). I usually have multiple independent and dependent variables in each
2003 Oct 28
'levelplot' with an option 'at'
Hi all, I encountered a difference between versions 1.6.1 and 1.7.0 when using levelplot with an option 'at'. Here are the specs of the two platforms used: > R.version _ platform sparc-sun-solaris2.8 arch sparc os solaris2.8 system sparc, solaris2.8 status major 1 minor 6.1 year 2002 month 11 day 01 language R > R.version _ platform
2011 Feb 28
Data type problem when extract data from SQLite to R by using RSQLite
Hi there, When I extract data from SQLite to R, the data types (or modes) of the extracted data seems to be determined by the value of the first row. Please see the following example. When I put the missing values first, the column extracted is of the mode character. > str(dbGetQuery(sql.industry, + "select pya_var from annual_data3 + order by
2002 Feb 18
i think i asked the wrong ?
me again, new to R, haven't programmed in a long time at all sorry to ask what is probably basic a while ago i asked how to remove an element from a list apparently what i am using is not a list but a vector, didn't realize there was a list data type could also use a matrix for what i am doing, is there a way to remove single elements from either of those? thanks for any help, if i was