similar to: FYI conflict between statnet, igraph

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "FYI conflict between statnet, igraph"

2009 Nov 23
how to change the class of a group of objects
Dear R users, I would like to change the class of a group of objects in R memory from "numeric" to "dist". I can manipulate the class using class(foo) <- bar but I cannot get the same command to work on groups of variables. When I use for() loops and lists of names, inevitably I have to specify class(get("foo")) <- bar which causes class() to return an
2009 Aug 17
multiple values for a factor using nodematch in ergm()
Greetings, and many thanks for any insight you can offer. I have a network object on which I'd like to simulate an ergm() using {statnet}. Since the network object is large, I have not copied it here. Each vertex has an attribute "language" which can take on integer values greater than or equal to 1. Is there a way to use the nodematch argument of ergm(), such that it searches for
2017 Jun 27
Nash equilibrium and other game theory tools implemented in networks using igraph or similar
Does anyone know of some code, and examples that implement game theory/Nash equilibrium hypothesis testing using existing packages like igraph/statnet or similar? Perhaps along the lines of this article: Zhang, Y., Aziz-Alaoui, M. A., Bertelle, C., & Guan, J. (2014). Local Nash Equilibrium in Social Networks, *4*, 6224. Best, Chris Buddenhagen cbuddenhagen at [[alternative HTML
2017 Jun 28
Nash equilibrium and other game theory tools implemented in networks using igraph or similar
I don't think OP asked an unreasonable question at all. Civility! > On Jun 27, 2017, at 2:00 PM, Suzen, Mehmet <mehmet.suzen at> wrote: > > Why don't you implement and uplad the package to CRAN? > > On 27 Jun 2017 17:45, "Chris Buddenhagen" <cbuddenhagen at> wrote: > > Does anyone know of some code, and examples that
2017 Jun 27
Nash equilibrium and other game theory tools implemented in networks using igraph or similar
Why don't you implement and uplad the package to CRAN? On 27 Jun 2017 17:45, "Chris Buddenhagen" <cbuddenhagen at> wrote: Does anyone know of some code, and examples that implement game theory/Nash equilibrium hypothesis testing using existing packages like igraph/statnet or similar? Perhaps along the lines of this article: Zhang, Y., Aziz-Alaoui, M. A., Bertelle,
2017 Jun 28
Nash equilibrium and other game theory tools implemented in networks using igraph or similar
Hello Chris, I was implying you are capable enough to implement it, while you have already identify a research paper. If there is no package out there, uploading to CRAN would help future user too. I am more than happy to help if you want to implement from scratch. Best, Mehmet On 27 June 2017 at 17:45, Chris Buddenhagen <cbuddenhagen at> wrote: > Does anyone know of some
2017 Jun 28
Nash equilibrium and other game theory tools implemented in networks using igraph or similar
In what way does reminding people that packages exist because others just like them contributed something count as being uncivil? Terse, perhaps, since it bypassed the obvious suggestion to use a search engine, but not rude. -- Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity. On June 28, 2017 5:08:16 AM EDT, Boris Steipe <boris.steipe at> wrote: >I don't think OP asked an
2017 Jun 28
Nash equilibrium and other game theory tools implemented in networks using igraph or similar
I responded to the unhelpful suggestion "Why don't you implement and uplad the package to CRAN?" No mention of a search engine. Is this what you are commenting on Jeff? > On Jun 28, 2017, at 5:41 AM, Jeff Newmiller <jdnewmil at> wrote: > > In what way does reminding people that packages exist because others just like them contributed something
2013 Apr 13
Reshaping Data for bi-partite Network Analysis
Hello I have a dataset of people spending time in places. But most people don't hang out in all the places. it looks like: > Input<-data.frame(people=c("Marc","Marc","Joe","Joe","Joe","Mary"), + place=c("school","home","home","sport","beach","school"), +
2017 Jun 28
Nash equilibrium and other game theory tools implemented in networks using igraph or similar
Thanks I too wondered about the tone. The first suggestion was that I should "google it" and the second, write my own code. I think if I did I'd be reinventing the wheel, (and it'd be a big challenge for me). Also, I have been searching and not found such code, despite evidence that it has been coded (just not sure if it was in R). BTW I did write to authors of the article I
2013 Apr 13
Reshaping Data for bi-partite Network Analysis [SOLVED]
Wow ! so many thanks Arun and Rui works like a charm problem solved 2013/4/13 arun <> > Hi, > Try this; > library(reshape2) > res<-dcast(Input,people~place,value.var="time") > res[]<-0 > res > # people beach home school sport > #1 Joe 5 3 0 1 > #2 Marc 0 4 2 0 > #3 Mary
2006 Nov 09
Single precision data behaviour with readBin()
Hi all, I am running R version 2.4.0 (2006-10-03) on an i686 pc with Mandrake 10.2 Linux. I was given a binary data file containing single precision numbers that I would like to read into R. In a previous posting, someone suggested reading in such data as double(), which is what I've tried: > zz <- file(file, "rb") > h1 <- readBin(con = zz, what = double(), n = 1, size
2009 Aug 16
Mix font families in a single label?
Dear R-help community: I have been searching for an elegant solution to the question posed in my subject. I would like to be able to use any of the R functions like text() or mtext() to display some text with mixed font families. For example, a label like "huge-class background load", where the word "huge" is in Courier and the rest is in the default family (or any other
2011 Jul 19
hold position of vertices constant in network {statnet}?
I am a novice with network fuctions! I have been exploring the network function in the statnet package, but haven't been able to figure out how to hold vertices in position while varying edge features. Can anyone advise on whether this is possible, and if so, how to do it? Thanks! -- Matthew Bakker, Ph.D. Department of Plant Pathology University of Minnesota 495 Borlaug Hall 1991 Upper Buford
2010 Apr 13
Network Analysis
Hi, I am working on a project to understand the linkages between various websites. My data currently looks like the following: Variables: Website referral_site_1 referral_site_2 ... destination_site_1 destination_site_2 ... The values in these fields are just websites. So for every website in the first column, I have the top referral and destination websites. I'd like to do some strength
2017 Jun 28
Nash equilibrium and other game theory tools implemented in networks using igraph or similar
There are many possible responses to the question "Is there a package to do X." Some that I can imagine are: * Yes, see package Y... * No, I am familiar with all 10000 packages and there isn't... * Silence (because no one who is paying attention is familiar with the one that exists) * Use a search engine... * You are a jerk because you did not use a search engine * Packages exist
2009 Jul 20
data frame from list of lists with unequal lengths
Hello, I have a dataset with multiple entries in one field separated by "/" characters. (The true dataset has long names, 20-odd variables, and hundreds of observations.) v1 v2 1 A L 2 A/B M 3 C N 4 D/E/F O 5 A P 6 C L What I would like is to have a dataset that looks like this instead: > my.df v1 v2 1 A L 2 A M 3 B M 4 C N 5 D O 6 E O
2008 Jan 08
loading igraph package on Solaris
Hello, I'm having trouble getting the igraph package to load on Solaris. I can get igraph to compile and install from a local directory without issues using simply "R CMD INSTALL igraph", however "library(igraph)" from within R gives the following errors: Error in dyn.load(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now)) : unable to load shared library
2017 Aug 03
error in installing igraph
Hi R users, I got warning messages when installing the package, and I pasted the messages below. I checked updates that my R-studio is already the newest version. I don't know how to solve the problem. Thanks for your help. > library(igraph) Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) : unable to load shared object
2010 Jun 23
Trouble compiling igraph. . .
Been and R-user for about 5 years now in an industrial setting, and always find the mailing list most helpful. I have run into problem compiling igraph on R. I have contacted the maintainer of igraph, and he has determined that it is not an igraph problem. System is FreeBSD 7.2, R-2.10.1 [also have a sandbox machine running FreeBSD 7.3, R-2.11]. Both machines fail the installation of igraph.