similar to: RE xtable, sweave and resizebox

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "RE xtable, sweave and resizebox"

2007 Dec 06
alternatives to latex() or xtable()
An alternative solution that allows you to break it down by categories is in the functions below. Comments/suggestions welcome and encouraged. Note that much thanks is due to those who responded to an earlier post of mine on a similar topic. To use (assuming you have a data.frame falled pathDist with columns distances (your numeric data of interest), Capacity, Surface, and SITE (vectors of
2012 Feb 01
Problem with xtable- rescaling a table
Dear R users, I am new to Latex and I am using the R package xtable to generate tables. I want to produce a table that is very long. in the landscape format, but I would need to rescale the table so that it fits in the page. xtable enables me to have the landscape format, but I cannot rescale it, and there seems to be a problem, if I use scalebox in Latex on my output produced with stable and the
2009 Aug 07
xtable, sweave and resizebox
does anyone know to rezize a table produzed by xtable? The size of my table is too big and I would like to resize it like using resizebox but it gives an erros when I try using it using it its fine \SweaveOpts{echo=false} <<results=tex>>= xtable(stats0,caption='Número de transacções dos artigos frequentes e infrequentes',label='tab:INEStats') @ but the size is too
2009 Jan 10
Hmisc-xtable label
Dear all: Does anybody know about label conflicts between xtable and Hmisc? I found a couple of e-mails similar to this problem but is not clear to me how to get around the label problem. The first table(longtable below) is generated with the latex function from Hmisc but for some reason when I try to hyperlink to it,it takes me to the top of the document. The second table created with the xtable
2016 Sep 09
¿Cómo generar tabla apaisada salida PDF con RMarkdown?
Muchas gracias, Jos Antonio y Carlos. Estaba por escribir sandeces varias. Comento, por si hay algn lector, que como yo, se guarda los correos con respuestas a problemas posibles. No estaba usando|header.tex|, que es necesario para una como para otra solucin. El encabezado queda as: |---|| ||title: "Tablas que no entran"|| ||author: "Sandia Urlia"|| ||date: ""||
2004 Jan 18
xtable feature addition suggestion
Hi, attached follows a patch to add a feature that I think it would be useful having in the print.xtable function of the xtable package. It adds the option 'tabular.environment' to that function, which could be used to set an alternative tabular environment, as the name already suggests. This is particulary useful when dealing with long tables, which do not fit in a single page. In the
2010 Jul 22
pagebreak in xtable and columns'width
Dear list, I'm using the Sweave function in order to get some report. Here one chunk: <<echo=F,results=tex>>= report<-lapply(repor, function(x) { (print(xtable(data.frame(x[1:2,]), align="|l|rrr|"),floating=FALSE,tabular. environment="longtable",include.colnames=FALSE,size="\\small"))
2002 Feb 22
modifying xtable output
I have been using the xtable package to export great latex tables and am very pleased with the package. Is there a way to modify the format of the tables: (1) some of my tables are to long to fit on a single page. I would like to modify the xtable to produce a longtable compatible with the longtable.sty in latex. Are these modifications possible and if so where are they documented? (2) Is it
2009 Jan 15
Interface to open source Reporting tools
Hi, I am a new user of R 2.8.1. I use Tinn-R for code editing. I use a windows 2003 system with 1 GB RAM. I am interested to generate dashboard and reports based on data from MS Access. These reports need to be posted on a weekly basis to the web. The reporting interface should provide facilities for "what if" scenarios. Is it possible to interface R analysis results to good open
2009 Jan 12
merge table rows (\multirow)
Hi: I need help merging rows. I am trying to merge the 'Month' column using \multirow. For example for the column 'Week' I want July to be merged into one row(weeks 27,28,29,30) and so on for the following weeks. Below, I am creating a PDF using Sweave, MikTex,R-2.8.1 and windows XP to show an example. \documentclass[11pt]{article} \usepackage{longtable,verbatim} \title{How to
2010 Jul 13
latex table question
Hi: My head is spinning with this latex doc so hopefully after I align my tables to the left of the page my headache are going to be over. I always use: \hspace*{-0.1in} to move my figures horizontally to the left margin of the page but the table below doesn't move at all, but instead it gets sideways. Not sure if \begin{landscape} has something to do with it or is just me. I? hope someone
2009 Mar 13
How to combine xtable and minipage with Sweave ?
Hello, I'm trying to put a dynamic table and a dynamic graph side by side in a pdf document using Sweave. The data.frame used to generate the table is called rg (rg.txt): "Date"; "Code"; "Data1"; "Data2" "2009-03-10";"1";1958;147 "2009-03-10";"2";302;144 "2009-03-10";"3";4;141
2010 Jun 29
Sweave, xtable plus/minus sign
Dear R-users, please consider the following minimal example: \documentclass[a4paper,titlepage,onecolumn,12pt]{article} \usepackage[italian]{babel} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc} \usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx} \begin{document} <<label=test, echo=FALSE, results=tex>>= df.data1 <- = rnorm(18), B =factor(rep(LETTERS[1:6],
2008 Mar 17
Table of basic descriptive statistics like SPSS
Dear list readers, I want to: 1. Get a table of basic descriptive statistics for my variables with the variable names one below the other like SPSS descriptive statistics: Varname N Min Max Mean SD xxxx x x x x x xxx x x x x x .... 2. Delete some variables from a data frame or exclude variables from beeing analyzed. 3. Create a text file / redirect the terminal output to a
2009 Jan 08
Hi: I am going through some of the xtable examples and I can't make the one below work. I need to create a longtable on the fly keeping the column headers for all the pages and I thought this example could give some ideas on how to do it. I am using Sweave and xtable to create my tables and graphics. I wonder if someone could tell me what's wrong. Thanks ## Not run: \begin{small}
2012 Apr 14
Sweave UFT8 problem
Hi, I work on MacOS, trying to Sweave an UFT8 document. AFAI remember R 2.14 used to render a warning when the encoding was not declared when using Sweave. With R 2.15 it seems to render an error. Sweave("sim_pi.Rnw") Error: 'sim_pi.Rnw' is not ASCII and does not declare an encoding Declaring an encoding by adding a line like \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} in the preamble does
2016 Sep 08
¿Cómo generar tabla apaisada salida PDF con RMarkdown?
Buenas a todos. No me queda del todo claro si éste es el foro en el que preguntar o debería ser otro, ya que incluye cosas que van más allá de R. Sepan disculpar si me estoy excediendo. Estoy trabajando con RStudio y quiero generar un documento de salida en PDF; en ese documento tengo bastantes tablas anchas que no entran usando knitr::kable(la.tabla.ancha) Sí salen perfectamente en HTML
2009 Sep 03
Sweavelistingutil: Encoding problems
Hello, I am not sure whether this is a bug or lack of R experience. However, I am using your Sweavelistingutil package, which is very nice. Obviously I use it to create LaTeX files. These are encoded in utf8. However, when I use the Sweavelistingutil is uses some funky character for "`" and "'" that is not recognized. Here is an example from my tex-file: ,---- |
2008 Nov 08
Sweave:How to load available colors from pkg 'color'--(Resolved)
Hello: I found a solution to my problem here, I just downloaded mystyle.sty to the same directory where my latex file resides. Then I included \usepackage{mystyle} in my preamble and that took care of coloring any section of the document. Felipe Is there a shorter way to color the abstract,sections subsections and page headings of a
2010 Jun 10
Latex: Date Format conversion
Hi: Can't find?a way to convert?from shortDate to LongDate format. I?got: 3/10/10 that I want to convert to March 10, 2010. I am using: \documentclass[11pt]{article} \usepackage{longtable,verbatim} \usepackage{ctable} \usepackage{datetime} \title{my title} \begin{document} ? % Convert date \mmmmddyyyydate\3/10/10 end{document}? My report is changing every two weeks so I?will eventually use