Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Superstring in text()"
2017 Dec 10
Confidence intervals around the MIC (Maximal information coefficient)
Hi Rui,
Many thanks. The R code works BUT the results I get are quite weird I guess !
MIC = 0.2650
Normal 95% CI = (0.9614, 1.0398)
The MIC is not inside the confidence intervals !
Is there something wrong in the R code ?
Here is the reproducible example :
2017 Dec 10
Confidence intervals around the MIC (Maximal information coefficient)
You need:
myCor <- function(data, index){
mine(data[index, ])$MIC[1, 2]
results=boot(data = cbind(C,D), statistic = myCor, R = 2000)
Look at the differences between:
mine(C, D)
mine(cbind(C, D))
The first returns a value, the second returns a symmetric matrix. Just like cor()
David L. Carlson
Department of Anthropology
Texas A&M
2017 Dec 10
Confidence intervals around the MIC (Maximal information coefficient)
First of all, when I tried to use function mic I got an error.
mic(cbind(C, D))
Error in mic(cbind(C, D)) : could not find function "mic"
So I've changed your function myCor and all went well, with a warning
relative to BCa intervals.
myCor <- function(data, index){
mine(data[index, ])$MIC
results=boot(data = cbind(C,D), statistic = myCor, R = 2000)
2006 Oct 26
Are there ways to load a csv file without row.names by read.csv? Thanks.
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Sep 07
graphics - joining repeated measures with a line
I would like to join repeated measures for patients across two visits using
a line. The program below uses symbols to represent each patient. Basically,
I would like to join each pair of symbols.
patient <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
var <-
visit <- c(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2)
2017 Dec 10
Confidence intervals around the MIC (Maximal information coefficient)
Dear R-Experts,
Here below is my R code (reproducible example) to calculate the confidence intervals around the spearman coefficient.
cor(C,D,method= "spearman")
cor(data[index, ])[1,2]
results=boot(data=cbind(C,D),statistic=myCor, R=2000)
2006 Sep 11
graphics: y limit on xyplot
I would like to set the y axis limit of an xyplot using the object 'ylimit',
but receive this error:
[1] 990
Error in extend.limits(limitlist[[i]], axs = axs) :
improper length of lim
I get the same error if I use ylim.
trellis.device(col = FALSE, theme = lattice.getOption("col.whitebg"))
name <- "Variable name"
symbols <-
2007 May 30
control axis
I have an outlier that I would still like to display, but would prefer to
shorten the axis. For example, display 0% - 40%, and 90% - 100%. Is this
possible? I am using an xyplot.
Murray Pung
Statistician, Datapharm Australia Pty Ltd
0404 273 283
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Oct 25
density plot text
Is there any way of adding text to a density plot? I have had a go using the
text() function but I think the error is because this function doesn't work
with densityplot().
Alternatively, I understand I can achieve pretty much the same result if I
plot a density kernel estimate using plot() (which allows text()), but I do
prefer densityplot().
Also, is it possible to specify the dimensions
2006 Mar 20
type in daisy
I'm a PhD student and I want to use the function 'daisy' from the
package 'cluster' to compute dissimilarities.
My variables are of mixed types so I use the argument 'stand' in daisy
to define the type of my variables.
I have the following error message :
Warning message:
binary variable(s) 13, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31,
32, 33, 34, 35,
2006 Nov 17
s.e. on interaction plots
Is it possible to add standard error bars to the means on interaction plots?
Murray Pung
Statistician, Datapharm Australia Pty Ltd
0404 273 283
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2007 Jul 23
maths characters in labels & ylab padding
I have checked out the help files, but cannot find details on how to use
maths characters in ylab. Instead of m^2, I would like the 2 in superscript,
if possible. I would also like to place more padding on the label so that
the label is not obscured by the horizontal numbers.
y <- 1:10
x <- rnorm(10,50000,2000)
plot(x ~ y,
ylab = 'Y Label (m^2)',
las = 1,
type =
2005 Nov 23
getting started, reading listing and saving data
Dear List
I am new to R and to the list and will try best as I can be clear and
concise. My apologies if anything I write contravenes the posting code
on this list. I would also like to say I have run through most of the
material on the R website before writing this email however, I am
Here is what I want to do and what I have done
1. Read a comma seperated text file into R
I have used
2013 Mar 21
values for the scree plot (package psych)
I am using function princomp from the package psych.
I have my principle component object mypc:
mypc <- princomp(covmat=mycor)
plot(mypc) # shows me a screeplot
Question: how could I actually see the values displayed in the screeplot. I
don't mean on the graph - I just want to know the actual value for each
component (e.g., 10, 3.2, 1.8, etc.)
I need to know how much variance,
2007 Oct 10
global object in user defined function
I need an object created in a user defined function to be accessible to
another user defined function. I am fairly certain the object is correctly
created as it prints when I use the return() function, however the 2nd
function seems unable to use it.
I am guessing objects created in functions are not globally accessible, is
this correct?
What is an appropriate way to pass the object to the
2007 May 30
sizing and saving graphics in R
Dear R wizards,
I am seeking advice on graphics in R. Specifically, how to manipulate
the size and save a plot I have produced using the LDheatmap library.
I confess I am relatively new to graphics in R, but I would greatly
appreciate any suggestions you may have.
LDheatmap produces a coloured triangular matrix of pairwise
associations between 600 genetic markers in my dataset.
2005 Jul 13
help: how to plot a circle on the scatter plot
I have a data set with 15 variables, and use "pairs" to plot the
scatterplot of this data set. Then I want to plot some circles on the
small pictures with high correlation(e.g. > 0.9).
First, I use "cor" to obtain the corresponding correlation matrix (x)
for this scatterplot.
Second, use "seq(along = x)[x > 0.9]" to find the positions of the
2007 May 31
cox goodness of fit
Is there an implementation of the Cox-Snell residuals / Nelson-Aalen plot
for goodness of fit?
Or otherwise is there an appropriate Goodness of Fit diagnostic?
Murray Pung
Statistician, Datapharm Australia Pty Ltd
0404 273 283
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Jun 17
error bars on survival curve
I am using plot(survfit(Surv(time,status) ~...) and would like to add
error bars rather than the confidence intervals. Am I able to do this
at specified times? e.g. when time = 20 & 40.
leukemia.surv <- survfit(Surv(time, status) ~ x, data = aml)
plot(leukemia.surv, lty = 2:3,xlim = c(0,50))
#can i add error bars at times 20 & 40?
legend(100, .9, c("Maintenance", "No
2007 May 15
differentiate groups on barplot
To differentiate between groups on the barplot, I guessed that col =
colr[test$group] would have worked. How can I do this?
Many Thanks
test <-
structure(list(patient = 1:20, score = c(100, 95, 80, 75,
64, 43, 42, 40, 37, 35, 30, 29, 27, 26, 23, 22, 19,
18, 17, 16), group = c(1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1,
0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)), .Names = c("patient",