similar to: Histograms on a log scale

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "Histograms on a log scale"

2006 Nov 22
problems with garchFit
Hi all, I post it on both r-help and r-finance since I don't know where is most appropriate for this topic. Sorry if it bothers you. I did garch fitting on S&P500 monthly returns with garchFit from fSeries. I got same coefficients from all cond.dist except normal. I thought that is probabaly usual for the data. But when I play with it, I got another question. I plot skew normal with
1998 Sep 16
R-beta: (0+0i)^2
The following behaviour (in R 0.62.3) is disturbing: > (0+0i)^2 [1] NaN+NaNi Is it deliberate?? Laimonis Kavalieris -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the "body", not the subject !) To:
1998 Sep 16
R-beta: (0+0i)^2
The following behaviour (in R 0.62.3) is disturbing: > (0+0i)^2 [1] NaN+NaNi Is it deliberate?? Laimonis Kavalieris -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the "body", not the subject !) To:
2007 Jan 17
Row limit for read.table
I have been trying to read in a large data set using read.table, but I've only been able to grab the first 50,871 rows of the total 122,269 rows. > f <- read.table("", header=TRUE, nrows=123000, comment.char="", sep="\t") > length(f$change_rate) [1] 50871 From searching the email archives,
2006 Aug 20
how to the p-values or t-values from the lm's results
Dear friends, After running the lm() model, we can get summary resluts like the following: Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) x1 0.11562 0.10994 1.052 0.2957 x2 -0.13879 0.09674 -1.435 0.1548 x3 0.01051 0.09862 0.107 0.9153 x4 0.14183 0.08471 1.674 0.0975 . x5 0.18995 0.10482 1.812 0.0732 . x6 0.24832 0.10059 2.469 0.0154 * x7
2006 Apr 13
Guidance on step() with large dataset (750K) solicited...
Hi. Background - I am working with a dataset involving around 750K observations, where many of the variables (8/11) are unordered factors. The typical model used to model this relationship in the literature has been a simple linear additive model, but this is rejected out of hand by the data. I was asked to model this via kernel methods, but first wanted to play with the parametric
2010 Mar 07
barplot with factors problem I am tring to get a barchat by factors, following the example in that link above. =========================== x=c(145,40,40,120,180, 140,155,90,160,95, 195,150,205,110,160, 45,40,195,65,145, 195,230,115,235,225, 120,55,50,80,45 ) y2=c( rep(as.character(1),5), rep(as.character(2),5),
2006 Oct 30
nlme Error: Subscript out of bounds
Hello, I am new to non-linear growth modelling in R and I am trying to reproduce an analysis that was done (successfully) in S-Plus. I have a simple non-linear growth model, with no nesting. I have attempted to simplify the call as much as possible (by creating another grouped object, instead of using subset= and compacting the fixed and random expressions.) This is a what the grouped
2012 Nov 27
error of runing R in R 2.15.2 w/o graphes generated
Hi, I have installed R 2.15.2 on windows 7. I tried to run some simple graph code: But, no graphs are presented or poped up. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Oct 06
vector is not assigned correctly in for loop
Hi there, Here is a minimum working example: ---------------------------------------------------------------- lower = 0 upper = 1 n_bins = 50 interval = (upper - lower) / n_bins bins = vector(mode="numeric", length=n_bins) breaks = seq(from=lower + interval, to=upper, by=interval) for(idx in breaks) { bins[idx / interval] = idx } print(bins)
2012 Apr 02
Error: (subscript) logical subscript too long
Hello, I am trying to perform a logistic regression using counts. For example: cedegren <- read.table(" /", header=T) attach(cedegren) ced.del <- cbind(sDel, sNoDel) ced.logr <- glm(ced.del ~ cat + follows + factor(class), family=binomial("logit")) This works. However, if I change the family to
2010 Aug 30
Putting legend *outside* plotting area
Is there a simple way to put a legend outside the plot area for a simple plot? I found... (at # Expand right side of clipping rect to make room for the legend *par(xpd=T, mar=par()$mar+c(0,0,0,4))* # Graph autos (transposing the matrix) using heat colors, # put 10% of the space between each bar, and make labels # smaller with horizontal y-axis labels
2019 Jul 09
[R] Curl4, Quantmod, tseries and forecast
Hi Ralf, I tried the following > install.packages("RCurl") which went OK, but then same story when I tried to install tseries. > sessionInfo() R version 3.6.1 (2019-07-05) Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit) Running under: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) Matrix products: default BLAS: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/blas/ LAPACK:
2013 Mar 24
Parallelizing GBM
Dear All, I am far from being a guru about parallel programming. Most of the time, I rely or randomForest for data mining large datasets. I would like to give a try also to the gradient boosted methods in GBM, but I have a need for parallelization. I normally rely on for speed reasons, and I usually call it this way gbm_model <-,prices_train, offset = NULL, misc =
2013 Feb 09
Addressing Columns in a Data Frame
Dear All, Probably a one liner, but I am banging my head against the floor. Consider the following DF <- data.frame( x=1:10, y=10:1, z=rep(5,10), a=11:20 ) mn<-names(DF) but then I cannot retrieve a column by doing e.g, DF$mn[2] I tried to play with the quotes and so on, but so far with no avail. Any suggestion is welcome. Cheers Lorenzo
2010 May 18
scaling with relative units in plots or retrieving axes limits in plots
Dears, a way to define x and y positions in plots in relative numbers (e.g in fractions between 0 and 1 referring to relative positions inside the plot region) would really help me. One example I would need this to would be to add text via text() to a plot always at a defined spot, e.g the upper left corner. Until now I always determined maximum x and y values and used those, but defining
2011 Dec 15
From Distance Matrix to 2D coordinates
Dear All, I am struggling with the following problem: I am given a NxN symmetric matrix P ( P[i,i]=0, i=1...N and P[i,j]>0 for i!=j) which stands for the relative distances of N points. I would like use it to get the coordinates of the N points in a 2D plane. Of course, the solution is not unique (given one solution, I can translate or rotate all the points by the same amount and generate
2007 Aug 08
Relocating Axis Label/Title --2
Apologies for the previous mail (I sent it off too early by mistake). This is the correct example: rm(list=ls()) D_mean<-seq(-5,5,length=100) y<-exp(-D_mean^2/5) pdf("my.pdf") plot(D_mean,y,type="l",yaxt="n",lty=2,lwd=2,col="black", ylab = list(expression(paste(dN/dlogD[agg]," ["*cm^-3*"]"))), xlab = expression(paste(D[agg],"
2012 Oct 26
Stata Database & R
Dear All, I am given some data to analyze. The data is in the form of a Stata database (.dta file). What is the best way to import it into an R dataframe? Is there any particular caveat I should be aware of? Many thanks Lorenzo
2007 Apr 05
Reasons to Use R
Dear All, The institute I work for is organizing an internal workshop for High Performance Computing (HPC). I am planning to attend it and talk a bit about fluid dynamics, but there is also quite a lot of interest devoted to data post-processing and management of huge data sets. A lot of people are interested in image processing/pattern recognition and statistic applied to geography/ecology, but I