Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "2 way ANOVA with possible pseudoreplication"
2004 Aug 02
Standard errors from glm
Kia ora list members:
I'm having a little difficulty getting the correct standard errors from a glm.object (R 1.9.0 under Windows XP 5.1). predict() will gives standard errors of the predicted values, but I am wanting the standard errors of the mean.
To clarify:
Assume I have a 4x3x2 factorial with 2 complete replications (i.e. 48 observations, I've appended a dummy set of data at the
2010 May 07
glm contrasts
I have some data on the effect of cycle shape (categorical) and
frequency (continuous) on the efficiency of muscle contraction. My
minimum adequate model is:
m15<-glm(efficiency~cycle.shape*freq, family=quasipoisson)
However, I wish to know where significant differences lie between
specific combinations of treatments. I guess I want an equivalent of a
post hoc test following an
2010 Aug 31
pasting together 2 character arrays
If possible I would like to combine two different character arrays in combinations
Array1 <- c("height","weight","age","sex")
Array2 <- c("trt0","trt1","trt2")
I would like to combine these two character vectors to end up with such ...
2005 Nov 03
nlme questions
Dear R users;
Ive got two questions concerning nlme library 3.1-65 (running on R 2.2.0 /
Win XP Pro). The first one is related to augPred function. Ive been working
with a nonlinear mixed model with no problems so far. However, when the
parameters of the model are specified in terms of some other covariates,
say treatment (i.e. phi1~trt1+trt2, etc) the augPred function give me the
2011 Feb 25
ANOVA and Pseudoreplication in R
Hi, As part of my dissertation, I'm going to be doing an Anova,
comparing the "dead zone" diameters on plates of microbial growth with
little paper disks "loaded" with antimicrobial, a clear zone appears
where death occurs, the size depending on the strength and
succeptibility. So it's basically 4 different treatments, and I'm
comparing the diameters (in mm) of
2011 Feb 26
[R-sig-ME] Fwd: Re: ANOVA and Pseudoreplication in R
On 25/02/2011 21:22, Ben Ward wrote:
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: [R] ANOVA and Pseudoreplication in R
> Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2011 12:10:14 -0800
> From: Bert Gunter<gunter.berton at gene.com>
> To: Ben Ward<benjamin.ward at bathspa.org>
> CC: r-help<r-help at r-project.org>
> I can hopefully save bandwidth here by
2010 Jun 03
gam error
Hi all,
I'm trying to use a gam (mgcv package) to analyse some data with a roughly U
shaped curve. My model is very simple with just one explanatory variable:
However I just keep getting the error message
"Error in smooth.construct.tp.smooth.spec(object, dk$data, dk$knots) :
A term has fewer unique covariate combinations than specified maximum
degrees of
2012 Sep 07
metafor package: study level variation
Hello. A quick question about incorporating variation due to study in the metafor package. I'm working with a particular data set for meta-analysis where some studies have multiple measurements. Others do not. So, let's say the effect I'm looking at is response to two different kinds of drug treatment - let's call their effect sizes T1 and T2. Some studies have multiple
2012 Jan 13
plotting regression line in with lattice
#Dear All,
#I'm having a bit of a trouble here, please help me...
#I have this data
mydata <- data.frame(var = rnorm(100),
temp = rnorm(100),
subj = as.factor(rep(c(1:10),5)),
trt = rep(c("A","B"), 50))
#and this model that fits them
lm <- lm(var ~ temp * subj, data = mydata)
#i want to
2007 Sep 15
Cannot get contrasts to work with aov.
I have been trying for hours now to perform an orthogonal contrast through an
I have done a two-factor factorial experiment, each factor having three
levels. I converted this dataset to a dataframe with one factor with nine
treatments, as I couldn't work out what else to do.
I have set up a matrix with the eight orthogonal contrasts that I wish to
perform, but despite
2005 Dec 08
Operations on a list
Hello, Everyone,
I am sorry that my message got truncated.
I resend it again as below:
Hello, R Users,
I have a list (say listexp) of 10,000 elements, each of which consists of a
matrix (5X6). It likes:
trt1rep1 trt1rep2 trt2rep1 trt2rep2 ctlrep1 ctlrep2
[1,] 50 54 98 89 40 45
[2,] 60 65 76 79
2011 Nov 18
cca with repeated measures
Dear all,
How can I run a constrained correspondence analysis with
the following data:
15 animals were measured repeatedly month-wise (over to 2 years)
according to ther diet composition (8 food categories).
our data.frame looks like this:
food 1 2 ... 8 sex season year animal
freq 12 8 ... 1 0 summer 2011 1
freq 0 7 ... 0 1 winter 2011 1
freq 0 7 ... 0 1 spring 2011 15
2009 Nov 09
Incomplete, unbalanced design, and pseudoreplication?
I am trying to help someone who has carried out an experiment and I'm
finding it quite difficult to understand the appropriate model to use
& code it.
The response is a measurement - the amount of DNA extracted during the
experiment. There were 2 factors to be tested - one is the condition
under which the experiment took place and the other is the type of DNA
to be
2009 Apr 01
Help with mixed-effects model with temporal pseudoreplication!
Sorry if this is the wrong ml for this question, I am new to R. I am
trying to use R to analyze the data from my thesis experiment and I am
having troubles accounting for the pseudoreplication properly from
having each participant repeat each treatment combination (combination
of fixed factors) 5 times. The design of the experiment is as
2004 Dec 01
unbalanced design
Hi all,
I'm new to R and have the following problem:
I have a 2 factor design (a has 2 levels, b has 3 levels). I have an
object kidney.aov which is an aov(y ~ a*b), and when I ask for
model.tables(kidney.avo, se=T) I get the following message along with
the table of effects:
Design is unbalanced - use se.contrast() for se's
but the design is NOT unbalanced... each fator level
2009 Jan 28
stack data sets
Hi All,
I'm generating 10 different data sets with 1 and 0 in a matrix form and writing the output in separate files. Now I need to stack all these data sets in one vector and I know that stack only operates on list or data frame however I got these data sets by converting list to a matrix so can't go backwards now. Is there a way i can still use Stack?
Please see the program:
2007 Mar 14
How to transform matrices to ANOVA input datasets?
Hello, R experts,
I have a list called dataHP which has 30 elements (m1, m2, ..., m30).
Each element is a 7x6 matrix holding yield data from two factors
experimental design, with treatment in column, position in row. For
instance, the element 20 is:
col1 col2 col3 trt1 trt2 trt3
[1,] 22.0 20.3 29.7 63.3 78.5 76.4
2001 Dec 03
beginner's questions about lme, fixed and random effects
I'm trying to understand better the differences between fixed and
random effects by running very simple examples in the nlme
package. My first attempt was to try doing a t-test in lme.
This is very similar to the Rail example that comes with nlme,
but it has two groups instead of five.
So I try
a1 <- 1:10
a2 <- 7:16
getting t(18)=4.43, p=.0003224. Then I try to do it
2009 Dec 04
pseudoreplication - LME
Need some help please
I am trying to use this model because I have temporal replication in my data
2007 Jun 01
Interaction term in lmer
Dear R users,
I'm pretty new on using lmer package. My response is binary and I have fixed
treatment effect (2 treatments) and random center effect (7 centers). I want
to test the effect of treatment by fitting 2 models:
Model 1: center effect (random) only
Model 2: trt (fixed) + center (random) + trt*center interaction.
Then, I want to compare these 2 models with Likelihood Ratio Test.