similar to: Mixed model help!

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2018 Jan 09
Dear R users aim Barplot of insect trap catches (y variable trapcatch) at one specific station (variable FiBL_Hecke) from week 1-52 ( x variable week). It works well using the function tapply (sum trapcatch per week, males and females not separated), however, I intend to separate the y variable trapcatch in males and females (variable m_w: m and w) problem I used the function "add" to
2018 Jan 09
Hi, Sibylle, since you write '"mathematically" add', does barplot(rbind(m$trapcatch, w$trapcatch)) do what you want (modulo layout details)? Hth -- Gerrit --------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Gerrit Eichner Mathematical Institute, Room 212 gerrit.eichner at Justus-Liebig-University Giessen Tel:
2018 Jan 09
Dear Gerrit Thanks a lot. "rbind" seems to be the right function. Unfortunately there is a shift in the x-axis (see pdf). There are 52 trapcatch values each, m and w, but m$trapcatch and w$trapcatch are shifted up to x-value 60. The follow-up lines for temp and humidity are fine. Thanks Sibylle setwd("~/Desktop/DatenLogger2017") # am Mac sks trap =
2009 Jun 22
Shapiro.test on data frame
Hi, I need help to perform a Shapiro.test on a data frame, I know that this test works only with vector but I guess there most be a way to permor it on a data frame instead of vactor by vector (i.e. I've got 40 variables to analyze and its kinda annoying to do it one by one) Thanks to anyone that can help me. Gonzalo Quiroga
2006 Jul 02
Calculation of lags
Hi, If I have the follow situation: A dependent variable (i.e. number of insects) that is affected by an independent variable (i.e. rain). The problem is that the measure of rain affect the population in other moment. So there exit a lag between the rain and the number of insects. Exist in R any tool to find what is this lag? Explain better. Suppose that I have a linear relationship
2009 Jul 08
Randomizing a dataframe
Hi R-helpers, I have a dataframe (called data) with trees in rows (n=100) and insect species (n=10) in columns. My tree IDs are in a column called TREE and each species has a column labeled SPEC1, SPEC2, SPEC3, etc... I wish to randomize the values in my dataframe such that row and column totals are held constant, i.e. in my randomized data each tree will have the same number of individual
2006 Aug 09
Improvement: SiteMapper - working ideas as a possible RoR''s routing replacement
Hello, I''ve done potencial replacement for RoR''s routing mechanism. It just works as an independent class so you can try bundled examples withou installing anything else. I didn''t integrated it into Rails (as a plugin?) because I don''t know if anyone would appreciate it etc. SiteMapper features: -------------------- 1. uses regexp mask to get variables from
2011 Feb 15
quick question about binary data
Dear all,This is both an R and a statistics question. I want to test whether males and females of a given species tend to co-occur in a given sampling unit more frequently than expected by chance. I'm thinking about using a binomial distribution with p as the sex ratio of the entire population. So, even though the population sex ratio is close to 50:50, each sampling unit would have
2002 May 02
Surface Graphic
Hello list! I have a problem with the function 'persp'. I have a data set with the variables X -> The X coordenate of the insect Y -> The Y coordenate of the insect deep-> how deep the insect buried into the soil. I would like to have a plot with a surface simulating the way the insect buried. Is it possible? If I type persp(x,y,deep) R gives me this error message Error in
2008 Nov 18
matrix for diversity functions?
Hi, I have a small simple data frame (attached) - to compare diversity of insects encountered in disturbed and unditurbed site. What i have is the count of insects - the total number of times they were encountered over 30 monitoring slots. Can someone please check for me to make sure how the 'community data matrix' for the diversity function needs to be oriented so that i'm
2011 Jan 14
Fwd: helps in data analysis
Dear List, I posted this in R-mixed and did not receive any feedback. I might post it in the wrong place. I re-post in R-help and hope to receive any suggestions and\or thoughts regarding data analysis. The objective of the study is to investigate effects of soil properties on insect outbreaks. There are four study fields (or sites). Data were collected from 1996 through 2009. Below is
2012 Nov 05
Post hoc tests in gam (mgcv)
Hi. I'm analysing some fish biological traits with a gam in mgcv. After several tries, I got this model log(tle) = sexcolor + s(doy, bs = "cc", by = sexcolor) +log(tl) sexcolor is a factor with 4 levels doy is "day of year", which is modeled as a smoother tl is "total length of the fish" The summary of this models is (only parametric coefficientes): Parametric
2004 Jul 20
Precision in R
Greetings. I'm trying to recreate in R some regression models I've done in SAS, but I'm not getting the same results. My advisor suspects this may be due to differences in precision between R and SAS. Does anyone know where I can find specifications for R's type double? (It doesn't seem to be in the R Language Definition.) Thanks in advance for any help anyone can
2008 Feb 06
Nested ANOVA models in R
Hi, I'm trying to work through a Nested ANOVA for the following scenario: 20 males were used to fertilize eggs of 4 females per male, so that female is nested within male (80 females used total). Spine length was measured on 11 offspring per family, resulting in 880 measurements on 80 families. I used the following two commands: summary(aov(Spinelength ~ Male*Female)) and
2011 Mar 10
Fw: random sampling steps in R with replacement
Please note is with replacement From: taby gathoni <> To: R help <> Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2011 11:53 AM Subject: [R] random sampling steps in R Dear all, Could someone assist me in random sampling steps/code in R? I have a main sample of 42 males and 165 females and I want to come up with about 1000 samples of 20 males and 20 females from
2010 Mar 11
as.integer and indexes error
Hello All, I would like to report the following bug or maybe you can explain if I am wrong. I am sampling from two different populations with weights. The two populations have the same age groups and I want to distinguish where I am sampling from. That is why I am using a matrix such as: matrix Male Females Weight.Males Weight.Females 1 1.1
2008 Aug 15
ylab with an exponent
plot(1,2, ylab= paste("insects", expression(m^2), sep=" ")) I get insects m^2 I would like m to the 2 what is the problem? -- Let's not spend our time and resources thinking about things that are so little or so large that all they really do for us is puff us up and make us feel like gods. We are mammals, and have not exhausted the annoying little problems of being
2010 Jul 07
Appropriateness of survdiff {survival} for non-censored data
I read through Harrington and Fleming (1982) but it is beyond my statistical comprehension. I have survival data for insects that have a very finite expiration date. I'm trying to test for differences in survival distributions between different groups. I understand that the medical field is most often dealing with censored data and that survival analysis, at least in the package survival,
2010 Oct 07
first post and bootstarpping problems
Hello to all R users, I use R for a year now and am dealing with geometric morphometrics of deer skulls. Yes, I am a biologist and my math skills are just beginning to brush up. To cut to the chase... I have two groups in my data (males and females) and my data is in a simple vector form. Now I need a bootstrap test for this value szc1 <- ((mean(maleCent)-mean(femaCent))^
2005 Mar 22
List of tables rather than an extra dimension in the table or (l)apply(xtabs)
I'm not sure how to best explain what I am after but here goes. I have a data frame with 2 geographical factors. One is the major region the other is the component regions. I am trying to process all the regions at the same time without using "for". So I need (think, I do) a list of matrices each structured according to the number of subregions within each region. So is there a