I have a question that maybe has a general interest. Sometimes it happens that a customer has really a fast connection and can saturate the bandwidth to our email server, maybe just 5 seconds, but effectively every bit is allocated to this connection, and it is quite annoying for the other users. Is it possible to make connections share the available bandwidth in a fair way? I mean, the total available bandwith is 10 Mb/s and if we have only 1 connection it can use all the 10 Mb/s ( maybe 90% of them? just to allow new connection to show up ) ; but if we have 2 connections they are limited to 5 Mb/s each, and so on. I studied the various howtos for shorewall bandwidth control, but I couldn't figure out a solution. Thanks in advance to everybody for any suggestion! Paolo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Want excitement? Manually upgrade your production database. When you want reliability, choose Perforce Perforce version control. Predictably reliable. http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/clk?id=157508191&iu=/4140/ostg.clktrk