Just wanted to report a bug in Shorewall. I've looked for a Shorewall bugzilla but couldn't find one. I just discovered that using an ADD rule with logging, Shorewall uses a '- g' instead of a '-j' for the target in iptables. This makes a new connection hit my 'all all REJECT notice' instead of my 'inet all DROP info'. Also, no other rule following the ADD with logging will be used. [0:root@apinetstore shorewall]$ rpm -qa | grep -i shorewall shorewall-core-4.5.15-1.fc19.noarch shorewall-4.5.15-1.fc19.noarch /etc/shorewall/rules: ?COMMENT timeout port scanners ADD(+IpOneDay:src) inet fw tcp 22 # uses -j ADD(+IpOneDay:src):notice inet fw udp 80,443 # no such udp service: uses -g ADD(+IpOneDay:src):notice inet fw tcp 8443 /etc/shorewall/policy: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #inet all REJECT info inet all DROP info #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # THE FOLLOWING POLICY MUST BE LAST # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- all all REJECT notice #all all DROP notice /var/lib/shorewall/.restart: -A inet-fw -p 6 --dport 22 -j SET --add-set IpOneDay src -m comment --comment "timeout port scanners" -A inet-fw -p 17 -m multiport --dports 80,443 -g ~log4 -m comment --comment "timeout port scanners" -A inet-fw -p 6 --dport 8443 -g ~log4 -m comment --comment "timeout port scanners" -A inet-fw -p 17 --dport 1063:1067 -g ~log3 -m comment --comment "timeout port scanners" -A inet-fw -j Drop iptables -nvL: Chain ~log4 (2 references) pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination 0 0 LOG all -- * * limit: up to 3/min burst 2 mode srcip /* timeout port scanners */ LOG flags 0 level 5 prefix "Shorewall:inet-fw:ADD(+IpOne " 0 0 SET all -- * * /* timeout port scanners */ add-set IpOneDay src Thanks, Bill ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WatchGuard Dimension instantly turns raw network data into actionable security intelligence. It gives you real-time visual feedback on key security issues and trends. Skip the complicated setup - simply import a virtual appliance and go from zero to informed in seconds. http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/clk?id=123612991&iu=/4140/ostg.clktrk