Hi Tom et al., I''m James, a long time shorewall user and puppet hacker. FWIW, I just released my puppet-shorewall module. It is available at: https://github.com/purpleidea/puppet-shorewall but I''m happy to mirror it on gitorious or elsewhere if you''re interested. I wrote a quick announcement about it: http://ttboj.wordpress.com/2013/10/21/first-release-of-puppet-shorewall/ and I wanted to mention it here, in case shorewall users/devs are looking for something like this. I''m happy to hear comments and feedback about the module. I''ll write about major changes and updates on my technical blog [1], which posts links to twitter [2] for those who prefer that sort of thing. Thanks again for making shorewall! Happy hacking, James [1] https://ttboj.wordpress.com/ [2] https://twitter.com/#!/purpleidea ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ October Webinars: Code for Performance Free Intel webinars can help you accelerate application performance. Explore tips for MPI, OpenMP, advanced profiling, and more. Get the most from the latest Intel processors and coprocessors. See abstracts and register > http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/clk?id=60135031&iu=/4140/ostg.clktrk