Hi, I have a legal requirement to log all connections and I will use ULOG to log all ACCEPTED conenctions. However it is so much easier to look at text log file compared to binary log file. So I would like to log DROPPED/REJECTED packets with SYSLOG for rule testing/debuging purposes. Is it possible to use both ULOG for ACCEPTED packets and SYSLOG for DROPPED packets? Thank you for your help. -- Dovydas Sankauskas ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LIMITED TIME SALE - Full Year of Microsoft Training For Just $49.99! 1,500+ hours of tutorials including VisualStudio 2012, Windows 8, SharePoint 2013, SQL 2012, MVC 4, more. BEST VALUE: New Multi-Library Power Pack includes Mobile, Cloud, Java, and UX Design. Lowest price ever! Ends 9/20/13. http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/clk?id=58041151&iu=/4140/ostg.clktrk