Hi all, I have a firewall with openvpn roadwarrior clients and strongswan ipsec connetion to another network and I want to allow roadwarriors to connect to the ipsec vpn network. Is it possible? strongswan ipsec ip address: eth1: openvpn roadwarrior: tun+: firewall lan network: eth0: I try to masq the openvpn connection to the strongswan''s one, but without any good result! /etc/shorewall/masq ############################################################################### #INTERFACE SOURCE ADDRESS PROTO PORT(S) IPSEC MARK eth1: Naturally now all roadwarrior clients access corretcly to lan network and firewall/lan correctly connect to ipsec network. Thanks for any help! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Introducing Performance Central, a new site from SourceForge and AppDynamics. Performance Central is your source for news, insights, analysis and resources for efficient Application Performance Management. Visit us today! http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/clk?id=48897511&iu=/4140/ostg.clktrk