Hello all, I was wondering if anyone on the list has experience running Shorewall on Amazon''s EC2, specifically in their VPC offering. We''ve been using Shorewall successfully in our colo, and I''d like to use Shorewall on the Public subnet and have it handle the NAT to the Internal subnets. What I seem to keep tripping up on is how to handle the Elastic IP that Amazon uses to route traffic to and from the Internet. If someone has been using Shorewall in this way, any tips or gotchas to look out for would be much appreciated. Greg Gowins ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Get your SQL database under version control now! Version control is standard for application code, but databases havent caught up. So what steps can you take to put your SQL databases under version control? Why should you start doing it? Read more to find out. http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/clk?id=49501711&iu=/4140/ostg.clktrk