Shorewall 4.5.19 Beta 1 is now available for testing. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. P R O B L E M S C O R R E C T E D I N T H I S R E L E A S E ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) The shorewall-init.service file previously specified an incorrect path name for the shorewall-init utility 2) Previously, the ''-q'' option did not suppress all output from certain commands such as ''check''. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I. K N O W N P R O B L E M S R E M A I N I N G ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) On systems running Upstart, shorewall-init cannot reliably secure the firewall before interfaces are brought up. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I. N E W F E A T U R E S I N T H I S R E L E A S E ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) The ''Limit'' action now produces a warning message stating that it is deprecated in favor of per-IP limiting using the RATE LIMIT column. 2) Generation of logging rules has been largely re-written to directly creatre rules in the compiler''s internal representation. Previously, such rules were created in iptables format then translated into the internal form. Thank you for testing, -Tom -- Tom Eastep \ When I die, I want to go like my Grandfather who Shoreline, \ died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like Washington, USA \ all of the passengers in his car \________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This email is sponsored by Windows: Build for Windows Store.