On 11/01/2012 02:02 AM, Ed W wrote:> Hi all. There is an interesting project that was called opendpi
> (originally by ipoque GmbH) and recently been forked and maintained by
> the ntop guys under the nDPI label. It offers a new and currently
> maintained layer 7 (L7) packet identification library. It could
> definitely benefit from more eyes and development effort, but at present
> it gives much better breakdown of traffic for ntop
> There is a netfilter library, originally by Elian Gidoni, that I have
> updated to use the nDPI fork
> https://github.com/ewildgoose/ndpi-netfilter
> The practical upshot is that you can do stuff like:
> iptables -I FORWARD -m ndpi --WinUpdate -j LOG
> or
> iptables -I FORWARD -m ndpi --skype -j REJECT
> In theory you can also filter Facebook, Twitter, etc, as specific named
> protocols - this ability is likely to be improved in the next iterations
> (ie be more configurable)
> Another of the clever things that nDPI does is to try and classify SSL
> traffic by examining the name on the cert. A technique that seems
> likely to allow crude identification of significant traffic. (If the
> cert says "mail.google.com", have a guess what we are doing?)
> The big picture here is that a lot of protocols are starting to look
> like "http", and increasingly more are just "https".
Any filters are
> going to be reasonably easy for an active attacker to defeat (tunnel it
> some way), but I have a requirement to save users from themselves and so
> we want to be able to do things like limiting Windows Update and
> disallow it over the expensive satellite connection, and only allow over
> the cheaper wifi (or 3G) connections.
> Simple filtering on http & https is quite useful in implementing that
> despite the limitations. Forcing connections through squid has some
> limitations (and some advantages), but at present squid can''t do
some of
> the things we can do with nDPI such as examining SSL certs.
> There is still some way to go on this project, but I started pondering
> how I might express such rules in shorewall (and trying to avoid further
> overloading MARKs).
Should be pretty easy to put together an action where the action. file
does ?BEGIN PERL ... ?END PERL. Have a look at action.TCPFlags for an
example (and ignore the fact that it says DropSmurfs in the heading
Tom Eastep \ When I die, I want to go like my Grandfather who
Shoreline, \ died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like
Washington, USA \ all of the passengers in his car
http://shorewall.net \________________________________________________
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