On 05/27/2011 08:41 AM, peasthope@shaw.ca wrote:> A Debian Squeeze system with Shorewall and Shorewall-Init, > both, is running here. No failures have been > observed in the small network, described in > http://carnot.yi.org/NetworksPage.html. > The PPP connections through serial cross-over cable and > through modems work with both values for IFUPDOWN in > /etc/default/shorewall-init. I''ve made no tests beyond > ordinary use. Anyone interested in a specific test or > output is welcome to email. > > My only complaint is a trivial one. The notes in > /usr/share/doc/shorewall/README.Debian are helpful. > The analogue /usr/share/doc/shorewall-init/README.Debian > is non-existent. With current technology, Web based documentation > is preferable to local documentation for most requirements > but I accept that *nix systems have a deeply established > tradition. So a README.Debian might be helpful.I''m sure that Roberto will note your complaint.> > Thanks for the very professional work,Thank you for testing, Peter. -Tom -- Tom Eastep \ When I die, I want to go like my Grandfather who Shoreline, \ died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like Washington, USA \ all of the passengers in his car http://shorewall.net \________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ vRanger cuts backup time in half-while increasing security. With the market-leading solution for virtual backup and recovery, you get blazing-fast, flexible, and affordable data protection. Download your free trial now. http://p.sf.net/sfu/quest-d2dcopy1
A Debian Squeeze system with Shorewall and Shorewall-Init, both, is running here. No failures have been observed in the small network, described in http://carnot.yi.org/NetworksPage.html. The PPP connections through serial cross-over cable and through modems work with both values for IFUPDOWN in /etc/default/shorewall-init. I''ve made no tests beyond ordinary use. Anyone interested in a specific test or output is welcome to email. My only complaint is a trivial one. The notes in /usr/share/doc/shorewall/README.Debian are helpful. The analogue /usr/share/doc/shorewall-init/README.Debian is non-existent. With current technology, Web based documentation is preferable to local documentation for most requirements but I accept that *nix systems have a deeply established tradition. So a README.Debian might be helpful. Thanks for the very professional work, ... Peter E. peasthope at shaw.ca -- Telephone 1 360 450 2132. bcc: peasthope at shaw.ca Shop pages http://carnot.yi.org/ accessible as long as the old drives survive. Personal pages http://members.shaw.ca/peasthope/ . --- start of oberon mail --- ^G@h7@Z`0>dgFGiVfb:GLjbY>FgjBSjFjl1mN0DP?E\UE^_e]a4V^LZS1`0207h@OKMU3S9<M10^ ;Dc2`VVG@nFgbfl2banff2Gf6fdjFj2bd>G@6F@BGiVFkVf`bF@nFgFFG2B@BEdFF@jfgBgb>G@V Fg2b6nbj>GinbiRf`:gbnBbnfanbiRfg:gbNg`bFfnBYFdPBdVFDGBdb:fd6Fg2b`:gb2BdFFf2G cFGfjB@2b6BEdFF@6Fg6FfnfcFgb2bGFgi:7`G00\UYe]YU^_DZ510\QYM^Pd]_e]]\\h=]cU^Ue ]deUP4TG=]d5]PL\eE^b]\^U^PT^UM\Xe]_U]_m\iUUPlZUE\PD\QM^UU\PT\_M\e]]Ue]d=\d=] _e]P\QYAh:gbJfb:g`:FfFF@Bgg2Bfnfa6Ff2Bbn60@cnFi2bfnfiBG@:gb6gjVFiFffFFgL^P4T P\QR]^d5T95TQM\S]\`U^PT^X=\d5TZd]Y5_PL^iM^dIKW;8AKH]KI1IH19I;KIQ;Kc;8;kLYKH5 ;KCkLAKI9;8K8MUKH9KJYKJOCG2B@>eg2b`2BYFdPB40\]Ym\XU^PD\U5TX1H3K8EAKHMkJW;8=k KUCjRfb2BkFFiVG@2GinFcFfi>gdnFg6Ff2bknFi^FF2B@2B@dU^dUP4ZUU^UE^P\X^\Q`]\QM^d 5]_5^U5TQU^PL^X=\geUS=\=\Q]\UP\QD]\\]\`5]_e]U5Ta4TcdV`4Td\V`4Tb<VcDV^4TPD\SM \j4T`]\QM>00`YRfg2G@2g`Nfb>G@RFjBGhZcGnba6FijfgBGGVgdjbg:gcnB@6fa>VcM^YE\\]< 3kL19KO[K?;83kL19MAKInFfBF@BFiVFkFfi2biFGiJgdJgbjb62eb:ginFg6Ff4^Qm<0HK;KK5K IUkLMiLAKH_3O9L;KHW3lUPdU=0% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ vRanger cuts backup time in half-while increasing security. With the market-leading solution for virtual backup and recovery, you get blazing-fast, flexible, and affordable data protection. Download your free trial now. http://p.sf.net/sfu/quest-d2dcopy1
Odd that the first paragraph of my message was removed. In case it wasn''t removed deliberately, here it is again. A Debian Squeeze system with Shorewall and Shorewall-Init, both, is running here. No failures have been observed in the small network, described in http://carnot.yi.org/NetworksPage.html . The PPP connections through serial cross-over cable and through modems work with both values for IFUPDOWN in /etc/default/shorewall-init. I''ve made no tests beyond ordinary use. Anyone interested in a specific test or output is welcome to email. My only complaint is a trivial one. The notes in /usr/share/doc/shorewall/README.Debian are very helpful to a novice. The analogue /usr/share/doc/shorewall-init/README.Debian is non-existent. With current technology, Web based documentation is preferable to local documentation for most requirements but I accept that *nix systems have a deeply established tradition. So a README.Debian for Shorewall-Init might be helpful. Thanks for the very professional work, ... Peter E. peasthope at shaw.ca -- Telephone 1 360 450 2132. bcc: peasthope at shaw.ca Shop pages http://carnot.yi.org/ accessible as long as the old drives survive. Personal pages http://members.shaw.ca/peasthope/ . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ vRanger cuts backup time in half-while increasing security. With the market-leading solution for virtual backup and recovery, you get blazing-fast, flexible, and affordable data protection. Download your free trial now. http://p.sf.net/sfu/quest-d2dcopy1