The Shorewall Team is pleased to announce the availability of Shorewall 4.4.8. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- P R O B L E M S C O R R E C T E D I N 4 . 4 . 8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) A CONTINUE rule specifying a log level would cause the compiler to generate an incorrect rule sequence. The packet would be logged but the CONTINUE action would not occur. 2) If multiple entries were present in /etc/shorewall/tcdevices and globally unique class numbers were not explicitly specified in /etc/shorewall/tcclasses, then ''shorewall start'' would fail with a diagnostic such as: Setting up Traffic Control... RTNETLINK answers: File exists ERROR: Command "tc qdisc add dev eth1 parent 2:2 handle 2: sfq quantum 1500 limit 127 perturb 10" Failed Processing /etc/shorewall/stop ... 3) Previously, when a low per-IP rate limit (such as 1/hour) was specified, the effective enforced rate was much higher (approximately 6/min). The Shorewall compiler now configures the hashlimit table idle timeout based on the rate units (min, hour, ...) so that the rate is more accurately enforced. As part of this change, a unique hash table name is assigned to each per-IP rate limiting rule that does not specify a table name in the rule. The assigned names are of the form ''shorewallN'' where N is an integer. Previously, all such rules shared a single ''shorewall'' table which lead to unexpected results. 4) All versions of Shorewall-perl mishandle per-IP rate limiting in REDIRECT, DNAT and ACCEPT+ rules. The effective rate and burst are 1/2 of the values given in the rule. 5) Detection of the ''Old hashlimit match'' capability was broken in /sbin/shorewall, /sbin/shorewall-lite and in the IPv4 version of shorecap. 6) On older distributions such as RHEL5 and derivatives, Shorewall would fail to start if a TYPE was specified in /etc/shorewall/tcinterfaces and LOAD_HELPERS_ONLY had been specified in /etc/shorewall/shorewall.conf. 7) The Debian init scripts are modified to include $remote_fs in the Required-start and Required-stop specifications. 8) Previously, when a supported command failed, the Debian Shorewall init script would still return a success (zero) exit status. It now returns a failure status (1) when the command fails. 9) Previously, if a queue number was specified in an NFQUEUE policy (e.g., NFQUEUE(0)), invalid iptables-restore input would be generated. 10) Previously, with optimization 4, users of ipsec on older releases such as RHEL5 and CentOS, could encounter an error similar to this one: Running /sbin/iptables-restore... iptables-restore v1.3.5: Unknown arg `out'' Error occurred at line: 93 Try `iptables-restore -h'' or ''iptables-restore --help'' for more information. ERROR: iptables-restore Failed. Input is in /var/lib/shorewall/.iptables-restore-input 11) Previously, with optimization 4, the ''blacklst'' chain could be optimized away. If the blacklist file was then changed and a ''shorewall refresh'' executed, those new changes would not be included in the active ruleset. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- N E W F E A T U R E S I N 4 . 4 . 8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) To avoid variable name collisions, a number of shell variable names that Shorewall uses and that are in all capital letters have been changed. The following variables are now safe to use in your /etc/shorewall/params file and in your extension scripts: DEBUG ECHO_E ECHO_N EXPORT FAST HOSTNAME IPT_OPTIONS NOROUTES PREVIEW PRODUCT PROFILE PURGE RECOVERING RESTOREPATH RING_BELL STOPPING TEST TIMESTAMP USE_VERBOSITY VERBOSE VERBOSE_OFFSET VERSION See Migration Issue 14 in the release notes for additional information. 2) The Shorewall and Shorewall6 installers now accept a ''-s'' (sparse) option. That option causes only shorewall.conf to be installed in /etc/shorewall/. 3) An OpenPGP HTTP Keyserver Protocol (HKP) macro (macro.HKP) has been contributed. 4) In an attempt to help those who don''t read the documentation, the compiler now flags apparent use of ''-'' as a port range separator with an error message. Example: /etc/shorewall/rules #ACTION SOURCE DEST PROTO DEST # PORT(S) ACCEPT net fw tcp 21-22 Resulting error message ERROR: The separator for a port range is '':'', not ''-'' (21-22) : /etc/shorewall/rules (line 3) 5) Support has been added for UDPLITE (proto 136) in that DEST PORT(S) and SOURCE PORT(S) may now be specified for that protocol. 6) If a runtime error occurs during a ''start'' or ''restart'' operation but a saved configuration is successfully restored, a subsequent ''status'' command now gives the detailed status as ''Restored from <filename>'' rather than ''Started''; <filename> is the saved script used to restore the configuration. -The Shorewall Team -- Tom Eastep \ When I die, I want to go like my Grandfather who Shoreline, \ died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like Washington, USA \ all of the passengers in his car \________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Download Intel® Parallel Studio Eval Try the new software tools for yourself. Speed compiling, find bugs proactively, and fine-tune applications for parallel performance. See why Intel Parallel Studio got high marks during beta.