The Shorewall team is pleased to announce the availability of Shorewall
Problems corrected in Shorewall 4.2.9
1) The Shorweall-perl 4.2.8 compiler did not rename the output script
file with the result that:
a) Shorewall would not start for the first time after
b) Configuration changes were apparently ignored.
2) Placing a broadcast address in the BROADCAST column of
/etc/shorewall/interfaces caused Shorewall-perl to generate an
ERROR: Invalid BROADCAST address : /etc/shorewall/interfaces\
(line 225)
3) When Shorewall could not determine the MAC address of of a gateway
router where multiple providers are configured through the same
interface, invalid iptables-restore input was generated. This
resulted in an error message similar to the following:
iptables-restore v1.3.5: Bad mac address `-j''
4) Shorewall-perl was not processing the tcrules file when
5) When ''all'' appeared in the SOURCE column of a DNAT rule,
no rule to
redirect output from the firewall itself was generated.
6) The ''shorewall iprange'' command failed to produce a
minimal list of
Known Problems Remaining:
1) When exclusion is used in an entry in /etc/shorewall/hosts, then
Shorewall-shell produces an invalid iptables rule if any of the
following OPTIONS are also specified in the entry:
2) Shorewall-shell generates inversion rules which produce
warnings with iptables 1.4.3.
iptables -A lan2fw -p 6 --dport 999 -s ! -j ACCEPT
with iptables the following information message is produced:
Using intrapositioned negation (`--option ! this`) is deprecated in
favor of extrapositioned (`! --option this`).
We don''t intend to fix this. It''s time to migrate to
New Features in Shorewall 4.2.9
1) Shorewall6 has now been validated on Ubuntu Hardy running kernel
2.6.24. Shorewall6 is now supported on that kernel version.
Tom Eastep \ When I die, I want to go like my Grandfather who
Shoreline, \ died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like
Washington, USA \ all of the passengers in his car \________________________________________________
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