Of course this blatant dns issue must be at hand, I should have
originally said "Verfiy dns resolution and look at your logs to see if
dns requests are being blocked".
Tom Eastep wrote:
>Jerry Vonau wrote:
>>I''ll bet that apache can''t resolve it''s own
virtual hostnames, with the firewall
>>inplace, outbound dns request maybe blocked, while without the firewall,
>>the lookups complete. I''ll guess the hosts file may not be
setup for the virtual
>>hosts, on the webserver. If you want to have apache resolve for the
>>ip, then you''ll have to allow the traffic from the webserver to
a dns server
>And that server must resolve the ip address of the Apache host to the
>correct external DNS name(s).
>Tom Eastep \ Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool
>Shoreline, \ http://shorewall.net
>Washington USA \ teastep@shorewall.net
>PGP Public Key \ https://lists.shorewall.net/teastep.pgp.k
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