I''ve just found out that the -users lists has been replying to posts with an auto-responder that says that the list is no longer used. This is incorrect: the message was an old one from when Tom first set up his own mailing lists. Shorewall-users@lists.sourceforge.net is still the correct address for the users mailing list. Sorry for any confusion caused. -- Paul <http://paulgear.webhop.net> -- This message is signed with a GNU Privacy Guard cryptographic signature. If you are reading this message in a text attachment, it is because your email program does not support OpenPGP. Please consider upgrading to one of the secure alternatives at <http://mozilla.org/>.
I had registered to receive digests but am now receiving individual posts. Badiane __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com ------------------------------------------------------- This SF.Net email is sponsored by the ''Do More With Dual!'' webinar happening July 14 at 8am PDT/11am EDT. We invite you to explore the latest in dual core and dual graphics technology at this free one hour event hosted by HP, AMD, and NVIDIA. To register visit http://www.hp.com/go/dualwebinar