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I would just like to say.... "Tom you rock". And to all who
in helping make this mailing list and Shorewall what it is. Thankyou
very, very much.
Dependable, allready Secure in its default (suggested state), and Easy
to Configure. Not to leave out the things that really compliment those
base attributes. Superb Website and Wiki. Both of which are always upto
date with eratta and bug alerts (which are very seldom, ....pretty much
null with stable releases), and constant additions of newly created
info on Shorewall growth and progress is added all the time.. Chaulked
full of awesome FAQ''s, documentation and mini how-to''s. And to
top it
off, we all have you Tom. I thought I was a work-a-holic. The
dedication to your programming and spot on attentiveness to this list,
among many other things, is beyond my comphrehension. (Are you bald
yet) ;)
Tom, you''re truley an amazing person..... I mean it.. I don''t
thanks if thanks ain''t due.. and its due for you... :) Shorewall is
utterly superb. Your skills and dedication speak volumes of your
character and I thank you for the hard job and firewalling enjoyment
that you provide us all.
I''ve only used linux for about a yr now starting with the need of Free
Firewall.. It all started with Shorewall. As I start to mature, and
learn more and more, I can''t believe how much work the linux community
provides and actually how much real honest to goodness dedication it
takes. Hopefully sometime soon I can be an active participant in giving
back what I''ve taken so far. I''m getting there.
For now, I actively promote Shorewall and take the time through IM and
email to help newbies like myself, set Shorewall up. The handful of
people that I''ve helped are very pleased. Although they direct most of
thier Shorewall support needs my way, which can be a little frustrating
times. That just excellerates the learning pace and then I see Tom
cranking out email replies like he''s got to meet a 1hr SLA and I
feel so bad then.......
K.... enough of the musshie stuff.... Thanks Tom.
Joshua Banks
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