A short while ago I bought into the Vonage VOIP telephone via cable. Shortly
thereafter I put out my rules file based on what the Vonage Tech told me.
That rules file was a quick ''n dirty way of getting up and running.
phone system works fine using SuSE 8.2 and Shorewall 1.4.2 using the two
interface setup as my router/firewall.
I have spent a little time refining the Rules file with the goal being to be
as restrictive as possible. I had been root kitted recently so I am a bit
paranoic. I changed the Rules file and all seems to be working well so far.
The purpose of this message is to ask you to review my changes and make any
suggestons you feel are necessary. Also if it continues to function well you
might want to include a little blurb in your documentation so you wont have
to answer these questions in the future. I would be happy to write up a
paragraph on what I have done if you think it might be helpful.
In reviewing what was necessary to make the voip work I decided to direct the
net access to the Cisco ATA via DNAT. In the original Rules file I had
ACCEPTed connections back and forth between the net and loc. After reviewing
the Policy file I figured out that it had already allowed all comm from loc
to net so about 1/2 of my rules file was superfluous. So here are the two
Rules files, before and after:
ACCEPT loc fw udp 53
ACCEPT fw loc udp 53
ACCEPT loc net udp 5060
ACCEPT net loc udp 5060
ACCEPT loc fw udp 123
ACCEPT fw loc udp 123
# changed net to loc and loc to net on udp port 123 to test the voip
ACCEPT loc net udp 5061
ACCEPT net loc udp 5061
ACCEPT loc fw udp 69
ACCEPT fw loc udp 69
ACCEPT net loc udp 10100:10500
ACCEPT loc net udp 10100:10500
ACCEPT loc fw udp 53
ACCEPT fw loc udp 53
ACCEPT loc fw udp 69
ACCEPT fw loc udp 69
ACCEPT loc fw udp 123
ACCEPT fw loc udp 123
# changed net to loc and loc to net on udp port 123 to test the voip
DNAT net loc: udp 5060
DNAT net loc: udp 5061
DNAT net loc: udp 10100:10500
The phone works fine with the new settings so I didnt do to badly, I guess.
The burning question is did I improve anything securitywise or am I fooling
Also, since I am using DHCP to give the ATA its IP, how do I insure that the
loc:<IP address> will automatically be the lease address should it change?
suspect a script of some sort being run when Shorewall first fires up would
be in order to make any change necessary. Or is there someway to tie the
ports to the MAC address? But that is something I can worry about once the
basic things work.
I know you are very busy and I appreciate your looking at this.
Thanks again for making my life a lot easier. I am still amazed that people
spend a lot of time trying to get their SuSEFirewall working when Shorewall
will let idiots like me playlike we have some sense!