Hi, on a system RedHat 8.0, only on this, not on other various RedHat8.0, I have see the follow strange error in /var/log/{messages,boot.log} ..... After the boot all it seems to work, the modules is loads.... I have already tried to install other versions of kernel but the problem is always the same one :-(( Someone has some idea of what is happening? Thanks... Dario Lesca --------------------------------[boot.log]-------------------------- gen 2 14:12:07 firewall syslog: Avvio syslogd succeeded gen 2 14:12:07 firewall syslog: Avvio klogd succeeded gen 2 14:12:07 firewall portmap: Avvio portmap succeeded gen 2 14:12:07 firewall nfslock: Avvio rpc.statd succeeded gen 2 14:12:08 firewall keytable: Caricamento configurazione tastiera gen 2 14:12:08 firewall keytable: gen 2 14:12:08 firewall keytable: Caricamento font di sistema: gen 2 14:12:08 firewall keytable: gen 2 14:12:08 firewall rc: Starting keytable: succeeded gen 2 14:12:08 firewall random: Inizializzazione del generatore di numeri casua li: succeeded gen 2 14:12:08 firewall netfs: Montaggio altri filesystem: succeeded gen 2 14:12:09 firewall shorewall: Processing /etc/shorewall/shorewall.conf ... gen 2 14:12:09 firewall shorewall: Processing /etc/shorewall/params ... gen 2 14:12:09 firewall shorewall: Starting Shorewall... gen 2 14:12:09 firewall shorewall: Loading Modules... gen 2 14:12:09 firewall shorewall: /lib/modules/2.4.18-19.8.0/kernel/net/ipv4/n etfilter/iptable_nat.o: unresolved symbol ip_conntrack_destroyed_Ref5b77f8 gen 2 14:12:09 firewall shorewall: /lib/modules/2.4.18-19.8.0/kernel/net/ipv4/n etfilter/iptable_nat.o: unresolved symbol ip_conntrack_htable_size_R8ef8af4c gen 2 14:12:09 firewall shorewall: /lib/modules/2.4.18-19.8.0/kernel/net/ipv4/n etfilter/iptable_nat.o: unresolved symbol invert_tuplepr_R5e68d8a9 gen 2 14:12:09 firewall shorewall: /lib/modules/2.4.18-19.8.0/kernel/net/ipv4/n etfilter/iptable_nat.o: unresolved symbol ip_conntrack_get_R0dd6d14a gen 2 14:12:09 firewall shorewall: /lib/modules/2.4.18-19.8.0/kernel/net/ipv4/n etfilter/iptable_nat.o: unresolved symbol ip_conntrack_module_Rb0361033 gen 2 14:12:09 firewall shorewall: /lib/modules/2.4.18-19.8.0/kernel/net/ipv4/n etfilter/iptable_nat.o: unresolved symbol ip_ct_selective_cleanup_R74c9972a gen 2 14:12:09 firewall shorewall: /lib/modules/2.4.18-19.8.0/kernel/net/ipv4/n etfilter/iptable_nat.o: unresolved symbol ip_ct_gather_frags_R55c7e162 gen 2 14:12:09 firewall shorewall: /lib/modules/2.4.18-19.8.0/kernel/net/ipv4/n etfilter/iptable_nat.o: unresolved symbol ip_conntrack_alter_reply_R85dc02e5 Jan 2 14:11:37 firewall rc.sysinit: Mounting proc filesystem: succeeded gen 2 14:12:09 firewall shorewall: /lib/modules/2.4.18-19.8.0/kernel/net/ipv4/n etfilter/iptable_nat.o: unresolved symbol ip_conntrack_tuple_taken_Rbe57882b Jan 2 14:11:37 firewall rc.sysinit: Unmounting initrd: succeeded gen 2 14:12:10 firewall shorewall: Initializing... Jan 2 14:11:37 firewall sysctl: net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0 gen 2 14:12:10 firewall shorewall: Determining Zones... Jan 2 14:11:37 firewall sysctl: net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter = 1 gen 2 14:12:10 firewall shorewall: Zones: net iv to dmz Jan 2 14:11:37 firewall sysctl: kernel.sysrq = 0 gen 2 14:12:10 firewall shorewall: Validating interfaces file... Jan 2 14:11:37 firewall sysctl: kernel.core_uses_pid = 1 gen 2 14:12:10 firewall shorewall: Validating hosts file... Jan 2 14:11:37 firewall rc.sysinit: Configuring kernel parameters: succeeded gen 2 14:12:10 firewall shorewall: Validating Policy file... Jan 2 14:11:37 firewall date: gio gen 2 14:11:36 CET 2003 gen 2 14:12:10 firewall shorewall: Determining Hosts in Zones... Jan 2 14:11:37 firewall rc.sysinit: Setting clock (localtime): gio gen 2 14:1 1:36 CET 2003 succeeded gen 2 14:12:10 firewall shorewall: Net Zone: eth0: Jan 2 14:11:37 firewall rc.sysinit: Loading default keymap succeeded gen 2 14:12:11 firewall shorewall: LocIv Zone: eth1: Jan 2 14:11:37 firewall rc.sysinit: Setting default font (latarcyrheb-sun16): succeeded gen 2 14:12:11 firewall shorewall: LocTo Zone: eth1: Jan 2 14:11:37 firewall rc.sysinit: Setting hostname firewall.ivrea.osra.com: succeeded gen 2 14:12:11 firewall shorewall: DMZ Zone: eth2: Jan 2 14:11:37 firewall rc.sysinit: Initializing USB controller (usb-uhci): su cceeded gen 2 14:12:11 firewall shorewall: Deleting user chains... Jan 2 14:11:37 firewall rc.sysinit: Mounting USB filesystem: succeeded gen 2 14:12:11 firewall shorewall: /lib/modules/2.4.18-19.8.0/kernel/net/ipv4/n etfilter/ip_nat_irc.o: unresolved symbol ip_nat_helper_unregister_Rb6d45e34 Jan 2 14:11:37 firewall rc.sysinit: Initializing USB HID interface: succeeded gen 2 14:12:11 firewall shorewall: /lib/modules/2.4.18-19.8.0/kernel/net/ipv4/n etfilter/ip_nat_irc.o: unresolved symbol ip_nat_delete_sack_R998453b7 Jan 2 14:11:37 firewall rc.sysinit: Initializing USB keyboard: succeeded gen 2 14:12:11 firewall shorewall: /lib/modules/2.4.18-19.8.0/kernel/net/ipv4/n etfilter/ip_nat_irc.o: unresolved symbol ip_nat_expect_register_R4a8bf0a4 Jan 2 14:11:37 firewall rc.sysinit: Initializing USB mouse: succeeded gen 2 14:12:11 firewall shorewall: /lib/modules/2.4.18-19.8.0/kernel/net/ipv4/n etfilter/ip_nat_irc.o: unresolved symbol ip_nat_setup_info_Rc65f0a02 Jan 2 14:11:37 firewall fsck: /: clean, 97721/384000 files, 445911/767103 block s gen 2 14:12:11 firewall shorewall: /lib/modules/2.4.18-19.8.0/kernel/net/ipv4/n etfilter/ip_nat_irc.o: unresolved symbol ip_nat_helper_register_R7dca7b3b Jan 2 14:11:37 firewall rc.sysinit: Checking root filesystem succeeded gen 2 14:12:11 firewall shorewall: /lib/modules/2.4.18-19.8.0/kernel/net/ipv4/n etfilter/ip_nat_irc.o: unresolved symbol ip_nat_mangle_tcp_packet_R649081b4 Jan 2 14:11:37 firewall rc.sysinit: Remounting root filesystem in read-write mo de: succeeded gen 2 14:12:11 firewall shorewall: /lib/modules/2.4.18-19.8.0/kernel/net/ipv4/n etfilter/ip_nat_irc.o: unresolved symbol ip_nat_seq_adjust_R0d06bfdf Jan 2 14:11:37 firewall rc.sysinit: Activating swap partitions: succeeded gen 2 14:12:12 firewall shorewall: /lib/modules/2.4.18-19.8.0/kernel/net/ipv4/n etfilter/ip_nat_irc.o: unresolved symbol ip_nat_expect_unregister_Rf0c7c059 gen 2 14:12:12 firewall shorewall: /lib/modules/2.4.18-19.8.0/kernel/net/ipv4/n etfilter/ip_nat_ftp.o: unresolved symbol ip_nat_helper_unregister_Rb6d45e34 gen 2 14:12:12 firewall shorewall: /lib/modules/2.4.18-19.8.0/kernel/net/ipv4/n etfilter/ip_nat_ftp.o: unresolved symbol ip_nat_delete_sack_R998453b7 gen 2 14:11:43 firewall rc.sysinit: Finding module dependencies: succeeded gen 2 14:12:12 firewall shorewall: /lib/modules/2.4.18-19.8.0/kernel/net/ipv4/n etfilter/ip_nat_ftp.o: unresolved symbol ip_nat_expect_register_R4a8bf0a4 Jan 2 14:11:45 firewall fsck: /boot: clean, 47/12048 files, 16041/48163 blocks gen 2 14:12:12 firewall shorewall: /lib/modules/2.4.18-19.8.0/kernel/net/ipv4/n etfilter/ip_nat_ftp.o: unresolved symbol ip_nat_setup_info_Rc65f0a02 Jan 2 14:11:45 firewall fsck: /u: clean, 7050/684096 files, 169914/1365517 bloc ks gen 2 14:12:12 firewall shorewall: /lib/modules/2.4.18-19.8.0/kernel/net/ipv4/n etfilter/ip_nat_ftp.o: unresolved symbol ip_nat_helper_register_R7dca7b3b gen 2 14:11:45 firewall rc.sysinit: Checking filesystems succeeded gen 2 14:12:12 firewall shorewall: /lib/modules/2.4.18-19.8.0/kernel/net/ipv4/n etfilter/ip_nat_ftp.o: unresolved symbol ip_nat_mangle_tcp_packet_R649081b4 gen 2 14:11:45 firewall rc.sysinit: Mounting local filesystems: succeeded gen 2 14:12:12 firewall shorewall: /lib/modules/2.4.18-19.8.0/kernel/net/ipv4/n etfilter/ip_nat_ftp.o: unresolved symbol ip_nat_seq_adjust_R0d06bfdf gen 2 14:11:45 firewall rc.sysinit: Enabling local filesystem quotas: succeede d gen 2 14:12:12 firewall shorewall: /lib/modules/2.4.18-19.8.0/kernel/net/ipv4/n etfilter/ip_nat_ftp.o: unresolved symbol ip_nat_expect_unregister_Rf0c7c059 gen 2 14:11:45 firewall rc.sysinit: Enabling swap space: succeeded gen 2 14:12:12 firewall shorewall: Creating input Chains... gen 2 14:12:13 firewall shorewall: Configuring Proxy ARP gen 2 14:11:49 firewall kudzu: Updating /etc/fstab succeeded gen 2 14:12:13 firewall shorewall: Setting up NAT... gen 2 14:11:57 firewall kudzu: succeeded gen 2 14:12:13 firewall shorewall: Adding Common Rules gen 2 14:11:57 firewall sysctl: net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0 gen 2 14:12:13 firewall shorewall: Mangled/Invalid Packet Logging enabled on: gen 2 14:11:57 firewall sysctl: net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter = 1 gen 2 14:12:13 firewall shorewall: eth0 gen 2 14:11:57 firewall sysctl: kernel.sysrq = 0 gen 2 14:12:13 firewall shorewall: Adding rules for DHCP gen 2 14:11:57 firewall sysctl: kernel.core_uses_pid = 1 gen 2 14:12:13 firewall shorewall: Enabling RFC1918 Filtering gen 2 14:11:57 firewall network: Impostazione parametri di rete: succeeded gen 2 14:12:13 firewall shorewall: Setting up Kernel Route Filtering... gen 2 14:11:57 firewall network: Attivazione interfaccia di loopback: succeeded gen 2 14:12:13 firewall shorewall: IP Forwarding Enabled gen 2 14:12:00 firewall network: Attivazione interfaccia eth0: succeeded gen 2 14:12:13 firewall shorewall: Processing /etc/shorewall/tunnels... gen 2 14:12:02 firewall network: Attivazione interfaccia eth0-range1: succeede d gen 2 14:12:13 firewall shorewall: Processing /etc/shorewall/rules... gen 2 14:12:05 firewall network: Attivazione interfaccia eth1: succeeded ... [cut] .... ... (setup rules whitout problem) ... [cut] .... gen 2 14:12:15 firewall shorewall: Setting up ICMP Echo handling... gen 2 14:12:15 firewall shorewall: Processing /etc/shorewall/policy... ... [cut] .... ... (setup policy whitout problem) ... [cut] .... gen 2 14:12:16 firewall shorewall: Masqueraded Subnets and Hosts: gen 2 14:12:16 firewall shorewall: To from through eth0 using ... [cut] .... ... (setup masq whitout problem) ... [cut] .... gen 2 14:12:17 firewall shorewall: Processing /etc/shorewall/tos... gen 2 14:12:17 firewall shorewall: Rule "all all tcp - ssh 16" added. gen 2 14:12:17 firewall shorewall: Rule "all all tcp ssh - 16" added. gen 2 14:12:17 firewall shorewall: Rule "all all tcp - ftp 16" added. gen 2 14:12:17 firewall shorewall: Rule "all all tcp ftp - 16" added. gen 2 14:12:17 firewall shorewall: Rule "all all tcp ftp-data - 8" added. gen 2 14:12:17 firewall shorewall: Rule "all all tcp - ftp-data 8" added. gen 2 14:12:17 firewall shorewall: Activating Rules... gen 2 14:12:18 firewall shorewall: Shorewall Started gen 2 14:12:18 firewall rc: Starting shorewall: succeeded gen 2 14:12:18 firewall apmd: Avvio apmd succeeded gen 2 14:12:18 firewall autofs: automount startup succeeded gen 2 14:12:19 firewall snmpd: Avvio snmpd succeeded gen 2 14:12:20 firewall named: Avvio named succeeded gen 2 14:12:20 firewall sshd: Avvio di sshd: gen 2 14:12:21 firewall sshd: succeeded gen 2 14:12:21 firewall sshd: gen 2 14:12:21 firewall rc: Starting sshd: succeeded Jan 2 14:12:24 firewall xinetd: Avvio xinetd succeeded gen 2 14:12:25 firewall ntpd: succeeded gen 2 14:12:25 firewall ntpd: Avvio ntpd succeeded gen 2 14:12:25 firewall gpm: Avvio gpm succeeded gen 2 14:12:29 firewall httpd: Avvio httpd succeeded gen 2 14:12:29 firewall pptpd: Avvio pptpd succeeded gen 2 14:12:30 firewall crond: Avvio crond succeeded gen 2 14:12:30 firewall fwlogwatch: Avvio di fwlogwatch: gen 2 14:12:30 firewall fwlogwatch: succeeded gen 2 14:12:30 firewall fwlogwatch: ^[[60G gen 2 14:12:30 firewall fwlogwatch: gen 2 14:12:30 firewall rc: Starting fwlogwatch: succeeded gen 2 14:12:30 firewall squid: Avvio di squid: gen 2 14:12:32 firewall squid: . gen 2 14:12:32 firewall squid: gen 2 14:12:32 firewall rc: Starting squid: succeeded gen 2 14:12:32 firewall xfs: Avvio xfs succeeded gen 2 14:12:33 firewall smb: Avvio smbd succeeded gen 2 14:12:33 firewall smb: Avvio nmbd succeeded gen 2 14:12:33 firewall anacron: Avvio anacron succeeded gen 2 14:12:34 firewall atd: Avvio atd succeeded afther the boot .... [root@firewall log]# lsmod Module Size Used by Not tainted autofs 13348 0 (autoclean) (unused) ipt_TOS 1688 12 (autoclean) ipt_MASQUERADE 2232 1 (autoclean) ipt_REDIRECT 1400 1 (autoclean) ipt_unclean 7736 2 (autoclean) ipt_LOG 4184 8 (autoclean) ipt_REJECT 3736 4 (autoclean) ipt_TCPMSS 3064 1 (autoclean) ipt_state 1080 55 (autoclean) iptable_mangle 2808 1 (autoclean) iptable_nat 19992 1 (autoclean) [ipt_MASQUERADE ipt_REDIRECT] ip_conntrack_ftp 5120 0 (unused) ip_conntrack_irc 3552 0 (unused) ip_conntrack 21276 5 [ipt_MASQUERADE ipt_REDIRECT ipt_state iptable _nat ip_conntrack_ftp ip_conntrack_irc] 3c59x 30832 3 iptable_filter 2444 1 (autoclean) ip_tables 14968 13 [ipt_TOS ipt_MASQUERADE ipt_REDIRECT ipt_uncle an ipt_LOG ipt_REJECT ipt_TCPMSS ipt_state iptable_mangle iptable_nat iptable_fi lter] mousedev 5556 0 (unused) keybdev 2976 0 (unused) hid 22276 0 (unused) input 5920 0 [mousedev keybdev hid] usb-uhci 26188 0 (unused) usbcore 77120 1 [hid usb-uhci] ext3 70336 3 jbd 52212 3 [ext3] aic7xxx 137140 4 sd_mod 13552 8 scsi_mod 107176 2 [aic7xxx sd_mod] [root@firewall log]# ------- Dario Lesca (d.lesca@ivrea.osra.it)
> Someone has some idea of what is happening?Most likely the versions of your modules does not match the version of the kernel you are running.
--On Saturday, January 11, 2003 03:49:41 PM +0100 j2 <spamfilter2@mupp.net> wrote:>> Someone has some idea of what is happening? > > Most likely the versions of your modules does not match the version of the > kernel you are running. >Or a "depmod -a" command is needed. -Tom -- Tom Eastep \ Shorewall - iptables made easy Shoreline, \ http://shorewall.sf.net Washington USA \ teastep@shorewall.net
----- Original Message ----- From: "j2" <spamfilter2@mupp.net>> > Someone has some idea of what is happening? > > Most likely the versions of your modules does not match the version of the > kernel you are running. >The version of modules match whit the kernel, is a standard installation of RedHat 8.0 I have also test a newer kernel and the problem is the same one. ------- Dario Lesca (d.lesca@ivrea.osra.it)
----- Original Message ----- From: "Tom Eastep" <teastep@shorewall.net>> > Or a "depmod -a" command is needed. >[root@firewall log]# depmod -a [root@firewall log]# no error show ..... ------- Dario Lesca (d.lesca@ivrea.osra.it)
----- Original Message ----- From: "Dario Lesca" <d.lesca@ivrea.osra.it>> Hi, on a system RedHat 8.0, only on this, not on other various RedHat8.0,I> have see the follow strange error in /var/log/{messages,boot.log} ..... > > After the boot all it seems to work, the modules is loads.... > > I have already tried to install other versions of kernel > but the problem is always the same one :-(( >I still having this problem, add a clarification .... Is the order of loaded modules, contained in modules file important? I have this order: loadmodule ip_tables loadmodule iptable_filter loadmodule iptable_nat loadmodule ip_conntrack loadmodule ip_nat_irc loadmodule ip_conntrack_irc loadmodule ip_nat_ftp ports=21,4559 loadmodule ip_conntrack_ftp ports=21,4559 Can is this the cause of my problems? Thanks ------- Dario Lesca (d.lesca@ivrea.osra.it)
--On Monday, January 27, 2003 12:33 PM +0100 Dario Lesca <d.lesca@ivrea.osra.it> wrote:> ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Dario Lesca" <d.lesca@ivrea.osra.it> > > >> Hi, on a system RedHat 8.0, only on this, not on other various RedHat8.0, > I >> have see the follow strange error in /var/log/{messages,boot.log} ..... >> >> After the boot all it seems to work, the modules is loads.... >> >> I have already tried to install other versions of kernel >> but the problem is always the same one :-(( >> > > I still having this problem, add a clarification .... > > Is the order of loaded modules, contained in modules file important? > > I have this order: > > loadmodule ip_tables > loadmodule iptable_filter > loadmodule iptable_nat > loadmodule ip_conntrack > loadmodule ip_nat_irc > loadmodule ip_conntrack_irc > loadmodule ip_nat_ftp ports=21,4559 > loadmodule ip_conntrack_ftp ports=21,4559 > > Can is this the cause of my problems? >Yes. The order of the records in the /etc/shorewall/modules file that I release isn''t an accident!!! They are in that order for a reason (so that it will work!!!!)... -Tom -- Tom Eastep \ Shorewall - iptables made easy Shoreline, \ http://www.shorewall.net Washington USA \ teastep@shorewall.net
----- Original Message ----- From: "Tom Eastep" <teastep@shorewall.net>> > Yes. The order of the records in the /etc/shorewall/modules file that I > release isn''t an accident!!! They are in that order for a reason (so that > it will work!!!!)...Ok, now all work fine! The order of modules is very important! Thank Tom! ------- Dario Lesca (d.lesca@ivrea.osra.it)