On our present firewall, running on RH5.2, we put in two local interfaces so that big file transfers done in engineering didn''t load up accounting. Then we went to a dot.gone auction and picked up a 24 port switch for cheap, and just plugged it in. Now we''re preparing a new firewall using Shorewall, and I can''t find a reason to maintain two local interfaces on the firewall, since the switch isolates the accounting and engineering subnets internally. At the moment the two subnets are and By combining them on one interface I can save a NIC. What complications arise regarding broadcast addresses and what other problems am I going to encounter? By the way, we do have a webserver in a DMZ, and four NICs in the present firewall was a hassle with three PCI cards and one ISA card. -- Sincerely, David Smead http://www.amplepower.com.