Apologies. I originally sent this to the wrong address. (the
devel-request address)
I was trying to check 4.5.3 out and compile it.
Did a
git clone git://shorewall.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/shorewall/shorewall
then cd''d to the shorewall directory and did a
git clone git://shorewall.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/shorewall/tools.
git tag -l in the shorewall directory shows all tags, and
tools/build/setversion 4.5.3 returns no errors.
However, tools/build/build44 4.5.3 produces an "install.sh has wrong
version" and the install.sh in the shorewall-4.5.3 directory has
Am I doing it wrong? If so, I''ll go back to messing around with git.
just wanted to give a head''s up in case something was wrong.
Keith Mitchell
Productivity Associates, Inc.
5625 Ruffin Rd STE 220
San Diego, CA 92123
858-495-3528 (Direct)
858-495-3540 (Fax)
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