Ahmed Steve
2009-Mar-13 14:05 UTC
[Secure-testing-team] ahmed steve call me immediately.+22678518954
You are invited to "ahmed steve call me immediately.+22678518954". By your host Ahmed Steve: Date: Friday March 13, 2009 Time: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm (GMT +00:00) Street: I am Ahmed Steve, the Director in charge of Auditing section in the Guests: * schpinna at yahoo.com * scobiecoulmore at yahoo.co.uk * scope_fb at yahoo.co.uk * scotlnd1mail at yahoo.co.uk * scott.mince at yahoo.com * scott2001200220032000 at yahoo.co.uk * scott_bucko at yahoo.co.uk * scottnschool at yahoo.com * scrimyrules at yahoo.co.uk * sctrp at yahoo.co.uk * sdalligator at yahoo.com * sdarlington at yahoo.com * sdborchert at charter.net * sdcnetwork at btinternet.com * sdcwholelife at yahoo.co.uk * sdevriend at wi.rr.com * sdharry002 at yahoo.com * sdi_cm at yahoo.co.uk * sdurant1 at yahoo.co.uk * seanjflood at yahoo.co.uk * searand3 at yahoo.com * sebobrah at yahoo.co.uk * secocassama at yahoo.com.fr * secretariatciwplondresbenin at yahoo.co.uk * secure-testing-team at lists.alioth.debian.org * sed.ncs at ghanacbc.org * sedevacantisme at yahoo.comcette * seeyou_sl at yahoo.com * segocha at yahoo.com * segolene1623 at yahoo.co.uk * seilinisoakai at yahoo.com * sekpetg at yahoo.fr * sempijja2003 at yahoo.co.uk * sennjeanmic2004 at yahoo.co.uk * senseamp at yahoo.com * sergunia at yahoo.co.uk * seriusblack13 at yahoo.com * service at co2cleaners.com * sesdesign2004 at yahoo.com * sethu_nand75 at yahoo.co.uk * sexysueuk1_greedygirldonna at yahoo.co.uk * sfedevans at hotmail.com * sfjar at aol.com * sfkwake at yahoo.com * sftipton at juno.com * sglaprovidence at yahoo.co.uk * sgsegrest at yahoo.com * sgtjoemodu at yahoo.com * shadowzc_2010 at yahoo.com.cn * shady515904 at yahoo.co.uk invitation_add_to_your_yahoo_calendar: http://calendar.yahoo.com/?v=60&ST=20090313T120000%2B0000&TITLE=ahmed+steve+call+me+immediately.%2b22678518954&DUR=0100&VIEW=d&in_st=I+am+Ahmed+Steve,+the+Director+in+charge+of+Auditing+section+in+the&TYPE=10 Copyright ? 2009 All Rights Reserved www.yahoo.com Privacy Policy: http://privacy.yahoo.com/privacy/us Terms of Service: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/ -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/secure-testing-team/attachments/20090313/0f3a32df/attachment.htm