search for: zven

Displaying 19 results from an estimated 19 matches for "zven".

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2006 Apr 18
Postgresql and ActiveRecords problems
Hi all. I have a problem with postgresql PK columns and ActiveRecord. The error is: PGError: ERROR: null value in column "item_id" violates not-null. Ok, it''s wrong to insert NULL into PK columns, but rails doing it. How to fix? So sad..
2006 Apr 20
ActiveRecord: Many-to-Many problem
I am trying to make many-to-may relationship on classes Section and Content. Both Content and Section has: has_and_belongs_to_many :contents and has_and_belongs_to_many :sections and I have an exception when trying to access model properties: "undefined method `add_contents'' for #<Section:0xb745c514>" def add_content_entry @section = Section.find(params[:section_id])
2006 Apr 21
Conceptual q about rails
Classes like activerecord, etc contains strange elements like ''belongs_to :something'', ''has_many :smth'' etc.. what is it? I can''t find them in ruby lang documentation.. it''s similar to ''attr_accessor'' and other costructions, how I can create my own constructions and how I must understand them? Could anyone give me some links
2006 Apr 22
Gems installation into custom directory
I it possible to install gems into custom directory (user dir)? There no any specific parameters in setup.rm I don''t wanna see unpackaged binaries into my Debian system ;) Or maybe someone can send me a link with .deb''s? Thanks in advance.
2006 May 18
WebServices and DateTime - 3 elements of civil date are necessary
I simply trying to receive an array of objects, retrieved by ActiveRecord from table with datetime column and I have: test_list(SoapControllerApiTest): ArgumentError: 3 elements of civil date are necessary /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/date.rb:1214:in `new_with_hash'' /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/date.rb:1258:in `parse'' .... It''s a bug or I am wrong somewhere?
2006 Apr 23
ActiveRecord: Exclude some columns while fetching
I have models with large TEXT, BLOB columns and I don''t wanna fetch them everytime. Is it possible to omit columns when fetching records from DB? Sorry, if it''s trivial, but I can''t find helpful information in docs.
2006 Jun 16
ActiveRecord, using sql functions for some attributes
Hi. I need to use functions INET_ATON, INET_NTOA for IP address retrieving. Is it possible to make this transparently (without custom SQL for saving, updating and retrieving)?
2006 May 05
link_to - passing parameters
Hi. Is it possible to compose GET request using ''link_to'' and get passed params like: params[:foo][:bar]?
2006 Aug 06
better_nested_set plugin
Hi, I''m pleased to announce that the better_nested_set plugin is released. It ehances acts_as_nested_set, adding methods to move parts of the tree, like: * move_to_child_of * move_to_right_of * move_to_left_of Pass them an id or an object. Other methods added by this mixin are: * root - root item of the tree (the one that has a nil parent; should have left_column =
2006 Jun 02
Ajax: update multiple DIV''s
Hello. Is it possible to update multiple DIVs during? For example I have DIV for @flash[:notice], and one for content and I need to render both DIVs after executing action.
2006 Jun 07
Ajax: periodicaly_call_remote problem
Hello I am using ''periodically_call_remote'' to get some stats from database and display it every N seconds, it''s works fine, but when I rewriting (by page.replace ...) content of the DIV which contains ''periodically_call_remote'' definition request are still executing... How to fix this confuse? Thanks in advance.
2006 Jun 30
Retrieve table names
Hi. Is it possible to retrieve list of tables from database? I know about "show tables" (mysql) but I wanna keep application code independent from database server. I can''t find anything in rails activerecord docs... maybe someone know how? Maybe some plugins exists? Thx.
2006 May 13
ActiveRecord and cascade removing
Hi. Please help me how to make cascade delete for this 3 classes: class Section < ActiveRecord:Base has_many :ad_bindings has_many: banners, :through => :ad_bindings end class AdBinding < ActiveRecord:Base belongs_to :banner end class Banner < ActiveRecord:Base end When I remove Banner, I need to remove AdBinding also, but it still stored in database. Where I wrong?
2006 May 28
ActiveRecord: FK constraints problem
Hi all. I have has_and_belongs_to_many association between models: Section and Content. class Section < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_tree has_and_belongs_to_many :contents belongs_to :default_content, :class_name => ''Content'', :foreign_key => ''default_content_id'', :dependent => :nullify end class Content < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to
2006 Aug 02
Problem with date_select
Hi all. I have a big problem with date_select helper, because i guess it can''t resolve local variables to set correctly selected date. Small example: <% @client.charge_regs.each do |creg| %> <%= form_remote_tag with_progress(:url => { :action => ''foo'' }) %> <%= date_select ''creg'', ''valid_before'' %>
2006 Aug 04
ActiveRecord, Mysql, NULL columns and uniqueness
Hi all. Mysql allows to set multiple NULLs on columns with unique constraint, it''s normal SQL. Well, but when I try to submit some form, all unspecified values will be consodered as '''' (empty string) and (Mysql::Error: Duplicate entry occurs (((. How I can teach ActiveRecord to consider empty fields as NULL?
2006 Jun 10
Problem with ''periodically_call_remote''
My ajax-application have folowing behaviour: Just 1 page loaded with 1st request and all other content always loaded into special DIV using ajax when user clicked menuitems. On some "pages" I using ''periodically_call_remote'', but I can''t STOP it! Simple example: View: <div id="view"> <%= link_to_remote ''Stop tracking'',
2006 May 19
Migrations: The same class name form migration and model cause problems
I need to bootstrap my database when creating schema. My model class and migration class are the same. When I trying: ClassName.create :foo => ''bar'' in migration I got: undefined method `create'' for #<ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQLAdapter:0xb75a357c> How to avoid this? I think the same class names causes problem, but I can''t change
2006 May 17
WebServices: execution expired
1 hour spent and I can''t got explanation why I have "execution expired" when I trying to test this web service: Pointed to: http://localhost:3000/news/list class NewsService < ActionWebService::Base web_service_api NewsApi def list [,] end end class NewsController < ApplicationController wsdl_service_name ''news''