Displaying 13 results from an estimated 13 matches for "zipdata".
2007 Nov 14
When to use LazyLoad, LazyData and ZipData?
Dear developeRs,
I've searched the documentation, FAQ, and mailing lists, but haven't
found the answer(*) to the following:
When should one specify LazyLoad, LazyData, and ZipData?
And what is the default if they are left unspecified?
(*)Except that
1) If the package you are writing uses the methods package, specify
LazyLoad: yes, and
2) The optional ZipData field controls whether the automatic Windows
build will zip up the data directory or no: set this to no if your
2005 Dec 20
Extracting data from .zip file in WINDOWS version of package
I am building a R-package for Genetics analysis. The accepted data is in pedigree (.ped) file format.
To load the data (say CAMP.ped) from "data" directory, I have a function "CAMP.R", which does the job.
The package builds successfully in Linux (.tar.gz) and the data loads successfully by "data(CAMP)".
However, when I build the package in WINDOWS, the data
2011 Feb 25
R 2.12.2 is released
...s, and are often large.
? The ?experimental? alternative specification of a name space via
.Export() etc is now deprecated.
? zip.file.extract() is now deprecated.
? Zip-ing data sets in packages (and hence R CMD INSTALL
--use-zip-data and the ZipData: yes field in a DESCRIPTION file)
is deprecated: using efficiently compressed .rda images and
lazy-loading of data has superseded it.
? identical() could in rare cases generate a warning about
non-pairlist attributes on CHARSXPs. As these are used for
2011 Feb 25
R 2.12.2 is released
...s, and are often large.
? The ?experimental? alternative specification of a name space via
.Export() etc is now deprecated.
? zip.file.extract() is now deprecated.
? Zip-ing data sets in packages (and hence R CMD INSTALL
--use-zip-data and the ZipData: yes field in a DESCRIPTION file)
is deprecated: using efficiently compressed .rda images and
lazy-loading of data has superseded it.
? identical() could in rare cases generate a warning about
non-pairlist attributes on CHARSXPs. As these are used for
2005 Sep 08
Install packages to non-default lib on Windows
...n -l is used to specify an alternate package
here's an example of what we're seeing:
C:\rlibdir\hpages>set R_LIBS=c:\rlibdir\hpages
C:\rlibdir\hpages>d:\biocbld\R-devel\bin\R CMD INSTALL -l=%R_LIBS% --build Biobase_1.6.7.tar.gz
Using auto-selected zip options 'Biobase-ZIPDATA=zip Biobase-HELP=ziponly'
---------- Making package Biobase ------------
adding build stamp to DESCRIPTION
installing NAMESPACE file and metadata
making DLL ...
... DLL made
installing DLL
installing R files
save image
Loading required package: tools
Creating a new generic functi...
2007 Aug 24
Package installation
I'm running R with windows. Could anybody help me how to install the package
biOps (http://cran.mirroring.de/src/contrib/Descriptions/biOps.html) ?
I cannot find it at any mirror provided by the GUI; I just found it as "tar.gz"
which cannot be installed with the installation method...
Maybe, I simply do something wrong?
Thanks for any hint!
2004 Nov 29
data() in data/*.R files
I'm having difficulty making a package pass R CMD check.
I need to read in a dataset from another package, modify it, and have the
modified object available in the first package. help(require) says:
The source code for a package that requires one or more other
packages should have a call to 'require', preferably near the
beginning of the source, and of course
2010 Aug 21
R CMD build --binary without option --use-zip-data
When I run
R CMD build --binary pkgname
I get
* checking for file 'pkgname/DESCRIPTION' ... OK
* preparing 'pkgname':
* checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK
* cleaning src
* removing junk files
* checking for LF line-endings in source and make files
* checking for empty or unneeded directories
* building binary distribution
* installing *source* package
2000 Jun 17
R 1.1.0 for Windows
The internal unzip and the installer now use unzip5.41, not unzip5.40, and
the DLL interface is incompatible.
There are changes in the tools needed to build R (see the file INSTALL)
and those recommended for building packages from source (see the file
New makefile target zipdata-% to zip up data directories in packages.
If there is a file `Makefile.win' in a package src directory this
will be used rather than MakePkgs (and the tcltk package provides
an example).
There is an example package `windlgs' in the package sources
distribution that shows how to use grapha...
2000 Jun 17
R 1.1.0 for Windows
The internal unzip and the installer now use unzip5.41, not unzip5.40, and
the DLL interface is incompatible.
There are changes in the tools needed to build R (see the file INSTALL)
and those recommended for building packages from source (see the file
New makefile target zipdata-% to zip up data directories in packages.
If there is a file `Makefile.win' in a package src directory this
will be used rather than MakePkgs (and the tcltk package provides
an example).
There is an example package `windlgs' in the package sources
distribution that shows how to use grapha...
2000 May 05
Windows version of R-devel
The internal unzip and the installer now use unzip5.41, not unzip5.40, and
the DLL interface is incompatible.
There are changes in the tools needed to build R (see the file INSTALL)
and those recommended for building packages from source (see the file
New makefile target zipdata-% to zip up data directories in packages.
The installer, rwinst.exe, now checks for ZIP files as well as zip files,
as some browsers manage to map filenames to uppercase.
There are batch files Rd2txt.bat Rdconv.bat Rdindex.bat Sd2Rd.bat
which are the equivalent of the Unix `R CMD...
2011 Apr 13
R 2.13.0 is released
...value is used for the EXPR argument in switch(),
only a single unnamed alternative value is now allowed.
? The wrapper utils::link.html.help() is no longer available.
? Zip-ing data sets in packages (and hence R CMD INSTALL options
--use-zip-data and --auto-zip, as well as the ZipData: yes field
in a DESCRIPTION file) is defunct.
Installed packages with zip-ed data sets can still be used, but a
warning that they should be re-installed will be given.
? The ?experimental? alternative specification of a name space via
.Export() etc is now defunct....
2011 Apr 13
R 2.13.0 is released
...value is used for the EXPR argument in switch(),
only a single unnamed alternative value is now allowed.
? The wrapper utils::link.html.help() is no longer available.
? Zip-ing data sets in packages (and hence R CMD INSTALL options
--use-zip-data and --auto-zip, as well as the ZipData: yes field
in a DESCRIPTION file) is defunct.
Installed packages with zip-ed data sets can still be used, but a
warning that they should be re-installed will be given.
? The ?experimental? alternative specification of a name space via
.Export() etc is now defunct....