Displaying 13 results from an estimated 13 matches for "zeromq".
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2012 Jun 18
Understanding rsync --delete behavior
When running an rsync command of the form:
$ rsync -avn --delete remotehost:/mnt/volsw_dev/AS5/ /mnt/volsw_dev/AS5
rsync wants to delete a slew of files and directories. Partial output
includes, for example:
deleting AS5/zeromq/2.2.0/share/man/man7/zmq_tcp.7
deleting AS5/zeromq/2.2.0/share/man/man7/zmq_pgm.7
deleting AS5/zeromq/2.2.0/share/man/man7/zmq_ipc.7
deleting AS5/zeromq/2.2.0/share/man/man7/zmq_inproc.7
deleting AS5/zeromq/2.2.0/share/man/man7/zmq_epgm.7
deleting AS5/zeromq/2.2.0/share/man/man7/zmq_cpp.7
2013 Mar 18
Up and running with ZeroMQ
As suggested earlier, I'm getting adept with the usage of ZeroMQ and
understand its usage in the present context.
What I have done till now is :-
(1) Study ZeroMQ API and get in ease with its usage. Still implementing
sample programs and learning basic functions.
(2) Installed, compiled and setup my development environment with Xapian
and ZeroMQ. Lots of work...
2017 Jan 03
[R] Problems when trying to install and load package "rzmq"
...:53 PM, Whit Armstrong <armstrong.whit at gmail.com> wrote:
> I maintian the rzmq project.
> love to get it running on windows, but zmq doesn't play nicely with R's
> mingw.
It's fairly easy to link against the libraries from rwinlib:
https://github.com/rwinlib/zeromq. I'll send you a pull request later
this week to fix the binary packages for win+mac.
2013 Mar 05
Getting Started with Xapian Socket codebase
...ergrad at Panjab
University, India. I am well versed in C++ and have a pretty decent
understanding of sockets. I successfully completed GSoC last year for IDI,
project titled - Google App Module for ATutor.
Quite recently, I have been working on the project idea - Replacing Xapian
socket code with ZeroMQ. This is to inquire about what do I do next?
Is there some documentation for the Socket codebase that I can use as a
reference or any open tickets/patches, that I can work on?
Any help/suggestions is highly appreciated.
*Ankit Bhatnagar.*
*IRC Nick : ankit*
*GTalk : ankitbhatnagar2...
2017 Jan 03
[R] Problems when trying to install and load package "rzmq"
Possibly so.
However, the ZeroMQ libraries do exist for Windows, so it might be possible to get the package working there. However, CRAN probably won't have the libraries, so cannot produce a binary package, and it is also quite possible that the package author is not a Windows person.
At the very least, you'll need some...
2012 Mar 18
GSoC 2012: Learning To Rank
...mplement one of the ideas
during the GSoC 2012.
I want to take care of the "Learning To Rank" project, but I would
also be glad to pick the "QueryParser reimplementation", "Dynamic
Snippets", "Gmane Search improvements" or even "Replace socket code
with ZeroMQ" project (I have an experience of developing distributed
systems using HornetQ messaging system).
Additionally, currently I'm doing some research on Levenshtein
automata and it shows competitive results, so I can implement it as
one of spelling correction algorithms as a bonus.
As you kn...
2011 Sep 09
Mongrel 2 as a front end for Puppet?
Has anyone looked at using Mongrel 2 (http://mongrel2.org/) as a front
end for Puppet? I currently have my Puppet master running under
Passenger but I''m always curious about the new kid on the block.
What intrigues me about Mongrel 2 is that it uses ZeroMQ to separate
the front end from the back ends. I''ve looked at the problem briefly
but I''m a rails/rack/passenger newbie so I''m not sure what all I need
to do.
Jeff Ollie
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users...
2012 Mar 22
Serializing many small objects efficiently
sorry if this question is trivial or unclear, this is my first venture into
mixed C/R programming (I am reasonably experienced in each separately).
I am trying to write a serialization function for a format called
typedbytes, which is used as an interchange format in Hadoop circles. Since
I would need to serialize according to the internal R format many small R
objects I looked at the c
2020 Nov 13
Updates to NUT project leadership
...I was a NUT user since Russell Kroll was in charge,
although it seems the mailing list history does not span that far back, and
I was not too active in the mail channels for some time now. You could have
seen my activities in other communities, such as
illumos/OpenIndiana/OmniOS, Jenkins, znapzend, ZeroMQ, OBS (Open Build
System), and even bits of VirtualBox and Git itself. IT is a surprisingly
small world, so those who were around long enough, could see me frequent
the Sun forums and mailing lists for many of their products and ecosystems,
and Linux mailing lists even longer ago. For several years...
2020 Nov 13
Updates to NUT project leadership
...I was a NUT user since Russell Kroll was in charge,
although it seems the mailing list history does not span that far back, and
I was not too active in the mail channels for some time now. You could have
seen my activities in other communities, such as
illumos/OpenIndiana/OmniOS, Jenkins, znapzend, ZeroMQ, OBS (Open Build
System), and even bits of VirtualBox and Git itself. IT is a surprisingly
small world, so those who were around long enough, could see me frequent
the Sun forums and mailing lists for many of their products and ecosystems,
and Linux mailing lists even longer ago. For several years...
2017 Jan 03
[R] Problems when trying to install and load package "rzmq"
I suggest you give it a try. or if you want to attempt to compile libzmq
sources for windows w/ R's mingw, that would be welcome.
On Tue, Jan 3, 2017 at 9:36 AM, peter dalgaard <pdalgd at gmail.com> wrote:
> Possibly so.
> However, the ZeroMQ libraries do exist for Windows, so it might be
> possible to get the package working there. However, CRAN probably won't
> have the libraries, so cannot produce a binary package, and it is also
> quite possible that the package author is not a Windows person.
> At the very leas...
2015 Jun 12
RES: Banco de dados interno no Asterisk e variáveis em SIP HEADERS
...e tentar incomporar JSON a SIP Message,
imagino que n?o consiga ter uma ambiente de f?cil manuten??o.
Uma ideia seria utilizar Kamailio ou OpenSIPs o que te da mais
ferramentas para gerenciar o SIP Message.
Ou voc? pode utilizar seu pr?prio esquema utilizando um sistema de
mensagens TCP como o ZeroMQ ou o GearmanD.
Atenciosamente / Best regards / Saludos,
P Antes de imprimir pense em sua responsabilidade e compromisso com o
Meio Ambiente!
------ Mensagem original ------
De: "Rafael dos Santos Saraiva" <rafaelsnsa em gmail.com>
Para: "asteriskbrasil em listas.asterisk...
2013 Sep 24
[PATCH] curve25519-sha256@libssh.org key exchange proposal
Dear OpenSSH developers,
I've worked this week on an alternative key exchange mechanism, in
reaction to the whole NSA leaks and claims over cryptographic backdoors
and/or cracking advances. The key exchange is in my opinion the most
critical defense against passive eavesdropping attacks.
I believe Curve25519 from DJB can give users a secure alternative to
classical Diffie-Hellman (with fixed