Displaying 20 results from an estimated 71 matches for "zeit".
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2010 Sep 05
Windows 7 64-bit clients with high latency
Windows 7 64-bit clients have a very high latency (constantly rising) using of tinc. 32-bit clients are working with normal speed.
Does anyone have a solution for this problem?
Viele Gr??e
Dirk Krause
2008 Mar 27
strptime and plot(),lines()
Im reading Data out of a Database.
rs <- dbGetQuery(con,"SELECT * ... )
There ist a colum I convert into "Time".
> zeit<-strptime(datum,format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
> class(zeit)
[1] "POSIXt" "POSIXlt"
A plot(zeit,money) plots the Data.
All i see on the x-achis are the Days.
I would like to see the hours also.
length(zeit) gives mit the length of one entry.
But zeit...
2011 Jun 14
problems with plots in loop (corrected Email)
...regression to more than 90 data
sets from a list (resultslist[[i]])
Generating the first derivative and multiply it by 100 to adjust for the
Here is the code.
par(mfcol = c(4,2))
for(i in 1: 92){
fit <- NULL
der <- NULL
Zeit <- NULL
Zeit <- seq(0,300)
try(guess <- predict(resultslist_1600[[i]]) )
if(class(guess) == "try-error") {next}
fit <- smooth.spline(Zeit, guess)
der <- 100*(predict(fit, Zeit, deriv = 1))$y
if((i/4)%%1 ==0){par(mar =c(4,4,0, 0) + 0.1)}
2007 Oct 16
library(car): Anova and repeated measures without between subjects factors
...98 104 112 1 3
23 98 105 99 1 3
24 87 132 120 1 3
25 94 110 116 1 3
26 95 126 143 2 3
27 100 126 140 2 3
28 103 124 140 2 3
29 94 135 130 2 3
30 99 111 150 2 3
> Anova(lm(mat~di*ex,data=data),idata=data.frame(zeit=ordered(1:3)),idesign=~zeit)
Type II Repeated Measures MANOVA Tests: Pillai test statistic
Df test stat approx F num Df den Df Pr(>F)
di 1 0.377 14.524 1 24 0.0008483 ***
ex 2 0.800 47.915 2 24 4.166e-09 ***
di:ex 2 0.2...
2011 Jun 14
problems with plots in loop
...regression to more than 90 data
sets from a list (resultslist[[i]])
Generating the first derivative and multiply it by 100 to adjust for the
Here is the code.
par(mfcol = c(4,2))
for(i in 1: 92){
fit <- NULL
der <- NULL
Zeit <- NULL
Zeit <- seq(0,300)
try(guess <- predict(resultslist_1600[[i]]) )
if(class(guess) == "try-error") {next}
fit <- smooth.spline(Zeit, guess)
der <- 100*(predict(fit, Zeit, deriv = 1))$y
if((i/4)%%1 ==0){par(mar =c(4,4,0, 0) + 0.1)}
2009 Feb 04
help with binary outcome
conducted a training with 2 training groups and one control-group (TG: Training Groups 1-3 in my data). After that training I checked every week within 4 weeks (Zeit= 1-4 in my data), if the participants used the training skills (FLEXPV). unfortunately I didnŽt use any real scale for this item, so it´s only binary coded 0/1 0=not put in practice 1=put in practice.
I´m interessted if there are any variances in the slopes of the persons within the training grou...
2007 Apr 19
plotting command trouble
Dear R-Experts,
I have the following command lines:
plot(0:60, 0:0.896, type="n", xlab="Zeit [min]", ylab="Absorptionsmessung
bei 600nm",main="Zellwandstabilit?t" )
Can anyone say me why the plot command does not work and how the correct one should look like?
Important is: x-axis goes from 0 to 60 and the y-axis from 0 to 0.896!
Thanks, Corinna
2007 Apr 25
form_remote_for, reloaded
<td><%= f.collection_select(:project_id, @projects, :id, :name)
<td><%= f.text_field :quantity, :size => 4 %></td>
<td><%= f.text_field :description, :size => 50 %></td>
<td><%= submit_tag "Zeit Erfassen", :class => "submit" %></td>
<% end %>
Works fine.
Iterating in small steps to AJAX, the next iteration was:
<%form_remote_for :time_record, :url => { :action => "add_time_record"
} do |f| %>
<% f.d...
2008 Mar 03
Plot using colors
Dear R users,
I have a problem since I try to plot my datas with different colors.
plot(tvar, var, xlab="zeit [s]",ylab="Variation [%]", col = ifelse(var <=
varstability, 'green','red'))
this works well!
But since I add a type="l" to my plot, it will color all the plot with
Is there any solution? I avoid to use teachingDemos.
View this mes...
2012 Feb 16
Puppet on Windows
...server: Error 400 on
: ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xe46973
: INSERT INTO "fact_values" ("value", "host_id", "created_at",
"fact_name_id", "
updated_at") VALUES (''Mitteleuropõische Zeit '', 88, ''2012-02-16
9'', 28, ''2012-02-16 15:13:29.293099'') RETURNING "id"
warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
err: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run
notice: /File[C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/All Users/Anwendungsd...
2012 Oct 25
[RFC] New attempt to a better "btrfs fi df"
Hash: SHA1
Hi all,
this is a new attempt to improve the output of the command "btrfs fi df".
The previous attempt received a good reception. However there was no a
general consensus about the wording.
Moreover I still didn''t understand how btrfs was using the disks.
A my first attempt was to develop a new command which shows how the
2006 Mar 28
How to generate a list of lists recursively (for bayesm)
+ regdata2[[c(i,2)]]<-X2
+ }
Fehler: objekt "regdata1" nicht gefunden
??? So, does anybody know what I did wrong or how I can generate my list of lists?
Moritz Marienfeld
Viel oder wenig? Schnell oder langsam? Unbegrenzt surfen + telefonieren
ohne Zeit- und Volumenbegrenzung? DAS TOP ANGEBOT JETZT bei Arcor: g?nstig
und schnell mit DSL - das All-Inclusive-Paket f?r clevere Doppel-Sparer,
nur 44,85 ? inkl. DSL- und ISDN-Grundgeb?hr!
2011 Mar 22
Accelerating the calculation of the moving average
...?? 5.08
20.07.1956????????? 10:00:00?????????????? 5.03
20.07.1956????????? 11:00:00?????????????? 4.98
20.07.1956????????? 12:00:00?????????????? 4.94
20.07.1956????????? 13:00:00?????????????? 4.93
I want to calculate
the moving average of the right column.
I tried:
qs<- 43800
for (y in min(dat$index):max(dat$index)){
m<- mean(dat[(dat$index>=y)&(dat$index<=y+qs+1),3])
It does works, but it takes ages. Is there a faster way to compute the moving average?
Thank you,
Tonja Krueger
2007 Nov 13
Plot segments with different colors
...t (x,y) into sub intervals.
And I want to plot this sub intervals using colors. But infortunally I don't
know how to do this with R.
Can any body help me please?
My code is looking like :
plot(x,F,xlab="Zeit [s]",ylab="Variation [%]",col = "red",type="l")
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Plot-segments-with-different-colors-tf4796466.html#a13721834
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2005 Feb 13
3.0.11/MirOS password change problem
...ode_pw_buffer: check that 'encrypt passwords = yes'
MirOS is an OpenBSD derivate with a 64 bit "time_t" data type,
so there are all kinds of weird problems lurking around...
Thanks in advance,
> [...] Echtzeit hat weniger mit "Speed"[...] zu tun, sondern damit, da? der
> richtige Proze? voraussagbar rechtzeitig sein Zeitscheibchen bekommt.
Wir haben uns[...] geeinigt, dass das verwendete Echtzeit-Betriebssystem[...]
weil selbst einfachste Operationen *echt* *Zeit* brauchen. (aus d.a.s.r)
2003 Feb 25
Figuring out name of Kerberos server?
...9;ve got a Windows machine which is part of the Active Directory, can
I somehow get it to tell me the name of the Kerberos server?
Or could I use a packet sniffer to get the name of the server? What
should I look for?
Thanks a lot,
Alexander Skwar
Mit wie vielen Sachen vergeuden wir unsere Zeit und fragen
uns im nachhinein, wo sie denn geblieben ist...
2006 May 15
Javascript Profiler
Has anyone implemented a Javascript Profiler based on prototype (or not based on it)?
2006 Mar 05
...ad in 'loadNamespace' f?r 'RWeka' fehlgeschlagen
Fehler: Laden von Paket/Namensraum f?r 'RWeka' fehlgeschlagen
Does anyone get what I did mess up? What can I do to use RWeka?
Best wishes,
Viel oder wenig? Schnell oder langsam? Unbegrenzt surfen + telefonieren
ohne Zeit- und Volumenbegrenzung? DAS TOP ANGEBOT JETZT bei Arcor: g?nstig
und schnell mit DSL - das All-Inclusive-Paket f?r clevere Doppel-Sparer,
nur 44,85 ? inkl. DSL- und ISDN-Grundgeb?hr!
2005 Jun 22
cs=c("dark green", "steelblue", "red", "yellow")
#png(filename = "GBM.png", width=1600, height=1200, pointsize = 12)
plot(x=x, y=exp(0.7*x), type="n", xlab="Zeit", ylab="", ylim=c(1,3.5))
y=c(exp(0.7*x)+0.4*sqrt(x),rev(exp(0.7*x)-0.4*sqrt(x))), col="grey",
border=cs[3], lty="dashed")
lines(x=x,y=exp(0.7*x), type="l", lwd=3, col=cs[1])
lines(gbm(bm(),S0=1,mu=0.7,sigma=0.4), lwd=3, col=cs[2])...
2010 Sep 14
smbclient sending no frames outside local VLAN
ICBM address: 48?21'31.57"N 4?34'16.76"W
...pour distinguer l'ext?rieur d'un aquarium,
mieux vaut n'?tre pas poisson
...the ball I threw while playing in the park
has not yet reached the ground
Es gab eine Zeit, wo ich nur ungern ?ber Schubert sprechen,
nur N?chtens den B?umen und Sternen von ihm vorerz?hlen m?gen.
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