search for: yview

Displaying 5 results from an estimated 5 matches for "yview".

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2001 Feb 22
Problem with tcltk listbox
...1 while (i <= length(resultset[,1])) { tkinsert(prot.listbox,'end',paste(resultset[i,1],resultset[i,2],sep=".")) i<- i+1 } tkconfigure(prot.listbox,yscrollcommand=paste(.Tk.ID(prot.yscroll),"set")) tkconfigure(prot.yscroll,command=paste(.Tk.ID(prot.listbox),"yview")) tkpack(prot.yscroll,prot.listbox,side="left",fill="y") tkbind(prot.listbox,"<Button-1>",function() { protas.listbox<-tklistbox(anzeigeframe,exportselection="0") protas.yscroll<-tkscrollbar(anzeigeframe) tkconfigure(protas.listbox...
2011 Nov 28
window manager interface commands for linux
How can i replicate this in Linux: source(file.choose()) I've tried source(tkgetOpenFile()) but with no luck
2000 Sep 29
Two tcltk questions and Re: tcltk package functionality
...;done") } -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are another two tcltk question: 1. I want to add a scrollbar along the right side of a text widget. This can be achieved by .Tk.ID(). Is there a way to avoid to call .Tk.ID --- perhaps by using tkyview? tk.test1 <- function(nmax=3){ library("tcltk") tl <- tktoplevel() tl.text <- tktext(tl) tl.yscroll <- tkscrollbar(tl) tkconfigure(tl.text, yscrollcommand=paste(.Tk.ID(tl.yscroll),"set" )) tkconfigure(tl.yscroll,...
2003 Nov 27
tcltk - tkcreate question, written by Tom Wilkason, into R Code. proc scrolled_Canvas {base} { frame $ -borderwidth 2 -relief sunken canvas $ -yscrollcommand "$ set" scrollbar $ -orient vertical \ -command "$ yview" pack $ -side left -fill both -expand true pack $ -side right -fill y pack $ -side top -fill both -expand true set hull [frame $ -borderwidth 2 -relief ridge] set wid [winfo width $] $ create window 0...
2002 Mar 14
gif, jpeg and png image files reader AND tcltk image
Hi all, Roger Peng and Jason Turner's suggestion with ImageMagick seem to be the simplest "dirty" way to get the problem solved. But I ran into yet another interesting but quite round-about way to solve the problem (partially). Through tcltk package, one can read in the gif image with > x <- tkcmd("image", "create", "photo", file=mypic.gif)