Displaying 15 results from an estimated 15 matches for "ytrain".
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2007 Oct 23
Compute R2 and Q2 in PLS with pls.pcr package
...en for
each variable of Y). I have tried to compute it myself from the ouput of
mvr but I am not sure if the values of Ypred within the validat slot are
the predictions of each observation of Y when leave-one-out cross
validation is applied.
My code is as follows:
> mypls <- mvr(Xtrain, Ytrain, method="SIMPLS", validation="CV",
ncomp=1, niter=nrow(Ytrain))
> Xhat <- mypls$training$Xscores %*% t(mypls$training$Xload)
> R2 <- 1-(sum((Xhat-Xtrain)^2)/sum(Xtrain^2))
> Q2 <- 1-(sum((Ytrain-mypls$validat$Ypred[,,1])^2)/sum(Ytrain^2)
Is this right?
2010 Aug 16
Help for using nnet in R for NN training and testing
...a total of 2000 observations. The first column in the file is a
column just for giving the serial numbers of the observations.
I have already read in the file and also extracted the different values into
the matrices to use. Please refer to the code below. I want to use 'xtrain'
and 'ytrain' to train the data (the 60% of the observations) and I want to
simulate the NN with 'xtest' and then compare the predicted Y values from
the NN with the 'ytest' to get a value of MSE.
2005 Jun 23
I am using errorest function from ipred package.
I am hoping to perform "bootstrap 0.632+" and "bootstrap leave one out".
According to the manual page for errorest, i use the following command:
ce632[i]<-errorest(ytrain ~., data=mydata, model=lda,
estimator=c("boot","632plus"), predict=mypredict.lda)$error
It didn't work. I then tried the following two commands:
ce632[i]<-errorest(ytrain ~., data=mydata, model=lda,
estimator=c("632plus"), est.para=control.errorest(nboot=B)...
2011 May 24
seeking help on using LARS package
...ction, Jean-Philippe Vert et. al, Bioinformatics" for a Bioinformatics
project that we are working on. I know that the authors of the paper are
using Lasso regression and so far looking at their paper this is what I have
gotten to.
xtrain <- trainData
> dim(trainData)
[1] 18520 88
ytrain <- trainScore
[1] 18520
nfolds <- 100
epsilon <- exp(-10)
# code from JP Vert
object1 <- cv.lars(xtrain,ytrain, K=nfolds, fraction = seq(from = 0, to = 1
, length= 1000), type='lasso', eps=epsilon, plot.it=TRUE)
bestfraction <- object1$fraction[min(which...
2005 Nov 25
obtaining a ROC curve
I have a classification tree. I want to obtain a ROC curve for this test. What is the easiest way to obtain one?
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2004 Nov 15
how to obtain predicted labels for test data using "kernelpls"
...mail to ask
you something about the "kernelpls" function in R (pls.pcr package).
I would like to obtain the predicted Y values for test data, using the
Kernel PLS method. Let's take the example in the R help:
> data(NIR)
> attach(NIR)
> NIR.kernelpls <- mvr(Xtrain, Ytrain, 1:6, validation = "CV",
How can we get the predicted Y values ("Ypred") for Xtest in this case?
As far as I checked, there is no parameter to specify the test data in
"mvr" or "pls". I, therefore, thought about the "ker...
2009 Oct 14
Confusion matrix from cross validation in R:
...How do I get the confusion matrix after performing 10-fold cross validation
from SVM in R?
When I try to print it, I get the confusion matrix without cross validation.
I need to compute PPV. Should I report PPV without CV and total accuracy
with CV?
I am confused.
> svmtrain <- svm(xtrain,ytrain,kernel="sigmoid",cross=10)
> pred <- predict(svmtrain, xtrain)
> table(pred, ytrain)
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Confusion-matrix-from-cross-validation-in-R%3A-tp25883309p25883309.html
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2011 Aug 26
kernlab: ksvm() bug?
Hello all,
I'm trying to run a gird parameter search for a svm.
Therefore I'M using the ksvm function from the kernlab package.
svp <- ksvm(Ktrain,ytrain,type="nu-svc",nu=C)
The problem is that the optimization algorithm does not return
for certain parameters.
I tried to use setTimeLimit() but that doesn't seem to help.
I suspect that ksvm() calls c code that does not respond to the time limit.
I don't know what else to try...
2004 Nov 15
how to obtain predicted labels for test data using "kerne lpls"
...ut the "kernelpls" function in R (pls.pcr package).
> I would like to obtain the predicted Y values for test data, using the
> Kernel PLS method. Let's take the example in the R help:
> > data(NIR)
> > attach(NIR)
> > NIR.kernelpls <- mvr(Xtrain, Ytrain, 1:6, validation = "CV",
> method="kernelPLS")
> How can we get the predicted Y values ("Ypred") for Xtest in
> this case?
> As far as I checked, there is no parameter to specify the test data in
> "mvr" or "pls"....
2007 Jan 22
Recursive-SVM (R-SVM)
...!(SampInd %in% TrainInd ))]
} else
## Nfold
TrainInd <- sample(SampInd, nSample*(CVtype-1)/CVtype )
TestInd <- SampInd[ which(!(SampInd %in% TrainInd ))]
nTests <- nTests + length(TestInd)
## in each level, train a SVM model and record test error
xTrain <- x[TrainInd, ]
yTrain <- y[TrainInd]
xTest <- x[TestInd,]
yTest <- y[TestInd]
## index of the genes used in the
SelInd <- seq(1, nGene)
for( gLevel in 1:length(ladder) )
## record the genes selected in this ladder
SelFreq[SelInd, gLevel] <- SelFreq[SelInd, gLevel] +1
## train SVM model and tes...
2008 Feb 05
Uninformative error msgs w/ svm.default - Error in svm.default ... y must be a vector or a factor -
...: -1 1
> mode(m.cl.f)
[1] "numeric"
the rSVM function is called as such (it is a wrapper for svm in e1071, which then calls low-level svm.default ) -
> rsvm_output <- RSVM(x=svm_num_mat, y=m.cl.f, ladder=laddy, CVtype="LOO" )
Error in svm.default(xTrain[, SelInd], yTrain, scale = F, type = "C-classification", :
y must be a vector or a factor.
....the 'laddy' variable just specifies a recursive parameter for the overlying rSVM procedure - here, it calls the 1st round w/ all 12340 elements, then with the highest scoring 9255 elements, etc.....
2012 Aug 27
kernlab`s custom kernel of ksvm freeze
...inverse of standard deviation
vector about each variables.
(ex: v=(0.1666667,........0.1666667)`, length(v)= 57)
training set defined 60% of spam data.
(preserving the proportions of the different classes.)
if data's type is spam, than data`s type = 1 for train svm (else -1)
But, this step is not working. always Waiting for a response.
So, I ask you this problem, why?
number of examples are too big?
Is there any other R package that can train SVMs for user defined kernel?
I want to your answer.
Thanks in advance!
2012 Sep 13
I need help for svm package kernlab in R
I use the svm package kernlab .I have two question.
In R
m=ksvm(xtrain,ytrain,type="C-svc",kernel=custom function, C=10)
I can get alpha value and alpha index about package.
Assumption that number of sample are 20.
number of support vectors are 15.
then rest 5`s alphas are 0?
2. I want use kernelMatrix
2018 Feb 19
questions regarding the svmpath package (functions svmpath and predict)
I have two questions.
The svmpath package provides a svmpath function:
fit <- svmpath(xtrain, ytrain, kernel.function = radial.kernel, param.kernel = 0.8)
1) How to get the optimal lambda value out of this result?
The svmpath package also provides a predict function:
ytest <- predict(fit, xtest)
How to get a score (or a probability of belonging to one of the two classes)
instead o...
2012 Feb 01
randomForest: proximity for new objects using an existing rf
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