Displaying 20 results from an estimated 141 matches for "yrs".
Did you mean:
2009 Feb 18
ggplot2 Y axis labels
Hi all:
Using the example below, is there a way to add Y axis titles to each graphic instead of sharing the same title?
RT = matrix(c(814, 500, 424, 394, 967, 574, 472, 446),4,2)
colnames(RT) = c('repetition','alternation')
rownames(RT) = c('7-yrs','11-yrs','15-yrs','21-yrs')
rt <- melt(RT)
names(rt) <- c("age", "trt", "value")
rt$variable <- "rt"
#this next block was missing in Hadley's previous example
error = matrix(c(10,6,6,4,13,7,6,3),4,2)
2009 Feb 19
type III effect from glm()
Hi all,
This could be naivety/stupidity on my part rather than a problem with model output, but here goes....
I have fitted a fairly simple model
I want to know if yrs (a continuous variable) has a significant unique effect in the model, so I fit a simplified model with the main effect ommitted...
2011 Feb 07
Combining the results from two simple linear regression models
...with a single equation for the total weight regressed on year. In reality,
there is missing data, so I can't just sum the data across datasets and come
up with a regression on the summed data. Below is a program to reproduce
what I am trying to figure out.
a= rnorm(11,100,sda)+aslp*yrs
b= rnorm (11,1000,sdb)+bslp*yrs
##combine the two regressions for a single equation with confidence
2010 Mar 24
Sybase IQ Developer needed with 5-7 yrs exp
Hi Friends,
Plz send profiles matching the requirement to murali-oY4F33sQL5bQT0dZR+AlfA@public.gmane.org
Role : *Sybase IQ Developer*
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Duration : *6m
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*Sybase IQ Developer needed with 5-7 yrs exp*
Thanks and Regards,
571 483 2829
Javaji Systems Solutions Inc.,
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2005 Apr 09
OT: ManxPower 2005 European Tour
...above cities.
I would be interested in meeting Asteriskers for drinks or coffee in
any of these cities.
I am also looking for employment in Europe. I would prefer the
Benelux area, but all serious offers will be considered. I have
experience in a number of areas including Asterisk/SIP/IAX (2 yrs),
Linux (10 yrs), WAN/Frame/T-1/DSL (10 yrs), and more. I can do
limited programming in C, Perl and PHP.
I am a citizen of the USA and want to relocate to Europe.
Eric Wieling
Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.
Mark Twain
2009 Nov 03
creating mulptiple new variables from one data.frame according to columns and rows in that frame
Dear R-helpers,
I have a data.frame (bcpe.lat.m) containing 13 countries, ages 0-50yrs per month, and the corresponding mu&sigma (see below).
* I would like to limit the age range to include all 12 months for the 1st 5 years and only whole years for all ages thereafter for each of the countries present in the data frame.
* I would like to create separate data.fram...
2012 Nov 09
Creating yyyymm regexp strings on the fly for aggregation.
...gt; splitIt(1:12, 4)
[1] 1 2 3
[1] 4 5 6
[1] 7 8 9
[1] 10 11 12
I am splitting 12 months into 6-month or quarterly chunks. I can also use the function to create monthly or segments or one big annual segment.
Here is a function that I developed:
groupingStrings<-function(yrs, numSplits) {
unlist(lapply(yrs, function(x){ paste(x,formatC(numSplits, width = 2, flag = 0), collapse = "|", sep = "")}))
Here is an example of running the function:
groupingStrings(2004:2006, 1:3)
[1] "200401|200402|200403" "200501|200502|200503" "...
2012 Jul 27
How to run regressions over increasing time series
...uble generating a new variable to index time (instead of
the decimal values). I was figuring that indexing time would allow me to
use a loop to generate the required subsets of data.
I can figure out how many time periods I have and assign a sequential
number to them:
Years <- unique(set.data$Yrs)
Yrs_count <- seq(from = 1, to = length(Years), by = 1)
And then I can combine these into a dataframe:
Yrs_combo <- cbind(Years,Yrs_count)
However, how do I combine this data frame with my larger dataset, which has
different numbers of rows?
But this is just an intermediary step in the...
2012 Jun 15
Divide all rows of a data frame by the first row.
...0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0333,
0, 0, 0.0333, 0, 0, 0.0357142857142857, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0333, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0), .Dim = c(10L, 19L))
prevAm<-c(0, 0, 0, 0.0666, 0, 0.0666, 0.0666, 0, 0, 0)
calcAmorts<-function(prevAmort, currAmorts, dates) {
amortsByYears<-aggregate(x = currAmorts, by = list(yrs), FUN = "sum")[,-c(1,2)]
amortsByYears<-rbind(prevAmort, amortsByYears)
amortsByYears<-(1-apply(amortsByYears, 2, cumsum))[-1,]
2010 Jan 05
R matching lat/lon pairs from two datasets?
...ermine to a matching pair of lat/lon values?
Example Datasets:
> data2
V1 V2 V3
1 -123.76 47.82 8
2 -123.75 47.82 11
> data[1:2]
V1 V2
1 47.82 -123.76
2 47.82 -123.75
3 47.82 -123.74
4 47.82 -123.73
#Subset of current R code :
lat <- data$V1
lon <- data$V2
yrs <- c(1,2,5,10,25,50,100,200,500,1000)
lon2 <- data2$V1
lat2 <- data2$V2
ppt2 <- data2$V3
for(i in 1:length(lat2)) {
loc <- match(lat2[i],lat)
loc2 <- match(lon2[i], lon)
print(loc); print(loc2)
#Need to test to make sure loc equals loc2
2009 Jan 29
Question On CrossTable function in gmodels package
...T) can not be stored within another object.
For example:
>data(infert, package = "datasets")
> CrossTable(infert$education, infert$induced)->aa # the function prints everything ok on the screen
> aa # works just fine
x 0 1 2
0-5yrs 4 2 6
6-11yrs 78 27 15
12+ yrs 61 39 16
But when I call
>CrossTable(infert$education, infert$induced, asresid=TRUE, format="SPSS")->aaa # the function prints everything ok on the screen
> aaa # now I have a problem
Why is aaa object NULL? Should it be NULL...
2003 Aug 05
code speed help? -- example and results provided
...ngth. I have found 2 ways to do it, and the faster of the two is posted below along with sample results. Do you have any suggestions on how to decrease the calculation time by modifying the code?
> ####Function###########
> replacement2.idx<-function(life=w.life,N=years,n=samples){
+ yrs<-rep(N,n)
+ ind<-yrs-life
+ x1<-mapply(rep,times=life,x=0)
+ x2<-mapply(rep,times=ind,x=1)
+ x3<-data.frame(c(x1[[1]],x2[[1]]))
+ for(i in 2:n) x3<-data.frame(x3, append(x1[[i]],x2[[i]]))
+ x3<-t(x3)
+ }
> ###Sample Output###
> samples<-5
> ye...
2006 Mar 03
Peculiar timing result
...ithreaded BLAS than on a single-core processor.
Here is the timing on a single-core Athlon 64 3000+ running under
today's R-devel with version 0.995-5 of the Matrix package.
> library(Matrix)
> data(star, package = 'mlmRev')
> system.time(fm1 <- lmer(math~gr+sx+eth+cltype+(yrs|id)+(1|tch)+(yrs|sch), star, control = list(nit=0,grad=0,msV=1)))
0 241720.: 1.16440 0.335239 0.00000 1.78732 0.867209 0.382318 0.00000
1 239722.: 1.94952 5.00000e-10 0.00933767 1.65999 0.858003
0.341520 0.00908757
2 239580.: 1.95924 0.0884059 0.00933767 1.65308 0.85748...
2010 May 28
Matrix interesting question!
I have been trying to do this in R (have implemented it in Excel) but I have
been using a very inefficent way (loops etc.). I have matrix A (columns are
years and ages are rows) and matrix B (columns are birth yrs and rows are
I would like to first turn matrix A into matrix B
And then I would like to convert matrix B back again to the original matrix
A. (I have left out details of steps) but this is the gist of what I want to
do. Can anyone please give any insights?
2016 Jul 14
yum returns error 'repolist 0'
a new iso burn w/ centos 6.8 failed to boot on a 686 32 bit mid tower box,
but will boot a 32 bit laptop, so i dropped back to 6.7 which did boot.
after install with centos 6.7, attempt to upgrade fails with 'repolist 0'.
all desire repo files have enable = 1.
searched thru past 4 yrs of personal archives, nothing found related to
'repolist 0'.
ran web search for 'repolist 0' and 'repolist = 0' with all hits related
to repo files having 'enable = 0'.
any suggestions/ideas/clues as to solution of problem greatly appreciated.
peace out.
2006 Jan 27
fxo/fxs cards with 8 ports
we have got asterisk 1.0 (over 1 yrs old) version and very old zaptel
version. That code is working only with 8 or less ports (accumulative) on
digium fxs/fxo cards (2 cards with 4 ports each).
the questoin is, what if we want 12 ports?..well, really, i don't understand
the limitations? is it simply zaptel driver code fix? or...
2011 Aug 24
OT: Hardware upgrade help
...I need to
do the Xeon as that would be overkill for a home user.
This would be replacing my 'server' so I need PCI slots for an additional
NIC and a 32 bit video capture card used for zoneminder. Not sure what PCI
express is or if my cards would work in those slots. Yep, I'm running 8 yrs
old machines, IBM NetVistas. :-(
Any help or referal to a sponsor would be greatly appreciated.
2002 Aug 20
Reset par(xaxp) in plot
This seems simple to set graphic parameter, but I tried plot a graph
with 10 intervals in x axis with par(xaxp = c(0, 150, 10) but to no avail:
par(xaxp =c (0, 150, 10))
plot(age, y18, type="n", ylab="Height (m)", xlab=" age (Yrs)", font
= 2)
lines(age, y6, lty = 4, lwd = 2)
lnes(age, y10, lty = 1, lwd =2)
lines(age, y14, lty = 2, lwd =2)
lines(age, y18, lty = 3, lwd = 2)
The plot shown only 3 intervals with tick at 0, 50, 100, and 150. and
> par()$xaxp
[1] 0 150 3
I use current version La...
2011 Feb 24
OT: Ecommerce hosting
Would appreciate some suggestions for ecommerce hosting. Been using, cough,
cough, godaddy, for about 5 or 6 yrs but in the last year or so, they really
suck. Did the hosting myself for a while prior to going with godaddy but I
don't have time to babysit. Seems godaddy would rather spend millions
advertising during the Super Bowl than put that money to good use.
2000 Jun 07
forward stepwise selection
...with too many explanatory
variables. Hence I wanted to start with just a constant and do forward
selection, to get a new starting model for full stepwise selection again.
But R (version 0.99.0) doesn't like this.
> step(lm(ANB.DIFF~.,tink4),trace=0)
lm(formula = ANB.DIFF ~ SEX + AGE.YRS + OJS + S.AR1 + CD.GO1 + CD.GN1 +
AR.GN1 + UAFH1 + UPFH1 + LPFH1 + AFP1 + PFP1 + OJ1 + SNA1 + SNB1 +
SN.POG1, data = tink4)
(Intercept) SEXmale AGE.YRS OJS S.AR1
-0.05001 0.47100 0.11148 -0.10458 0.11228
CD.GO1 CD...